1. Collectibles
1.1. All of Artyom’s Hidden Diary Pages
1.2. All Drinking Occasions
1.3. All Dead City Ranger Stashes
2. Story-Related
2.1. Quick Draw (Hunter)
2.2. Generous (Exhibition & Riga)
2.3. Invisible Man (Front Line)
2.4. Raider (Depot)
2.5. DJ Artyom (Outpost)
2.6. Merciful (Black Station)
Completed all 51 of Artyom’s hidden Diary pages.
There are a total of 51 Artyom Diary Pages in Metro 2033 Redux. Finding all of these collectibles will earn you the Blogger Trophy / Achievement.
None of the Diary Pages are missable. You can search for missing pages via chapter select at any time during the story or after beating the story. As soon as you pick up a collectible it will be saved instantaneously. You don’t have to reach the next checkpoint.
To see how many diaries you have collected, click on “Diary” in the pause menu. This overview will show you exactly which notes have been found and which ones are still missing. It breaks them down chapter by chapter, so it’s very easy to keep track.
WARNING: Do not start a new game in Metro Last Light Redux while collecting the diaries in Metro 2033 Redux! Doing so will delete all your collectible progress (tested with version 1.00 of the game)!
Drank at every occasion.
There are 3 drinking occasions. One in the “Market” chapter which is very early in the game and two in the “Polis” chapter towards the end of the game. Just walk up to the bartenders, pay them, wait for them to fill your cup and drink it. In the Market you only need to drink once, but in Polis you must order two drinks from the same bartender.
Found all Ranger stashes in Dead City.
You need to find 47 very specific ranger stashes to unlock this trophy or achievement. The stashes are essentially ammo, weapons and other items. Sometimes the corpse of a soldier counts as a stash, other times it’s ammo in a wooden box, a safe filled with military grade rounds, or even just a gas mask filter on the ground. Pick up absolutely everything you come across.
The trophy / achievement should pop up when you enter the building with the last safe in this mission. There’s no need to finish the mission.
If you missed a stash you must replay this mission via chapter select.
Quick Draw
On the level HUNTER killed the nosalises before they break through the ventilation grilles.
Chapter: Hunter
At the end of this mission you will receive a revolver and be attacked by some monsters. There are 4 vents in the room you are defending. Whenever you see a monster in one of the vents, shoot it quickly! Just keep going from vent to vent and ignore the monsters that are in the middle of the room (your teammates will take care of them). If the nosalises break through a vent you must restart the checkpoint.
Help the poor, a coin for the kid, medicine for the sick. You helped everyone you saw.
Chapters: Exhibition & Riga
You have to help a total of three people to earn this trophy / achievement.
#1 – “Exhibition” – Very shortly after this mission starts you will go up some wooden stairs. When you leave the stairs you will come to a market place with lots of people and can see a man sitting on a bench in front of you. Talk to him and give him some military grade ammo.
#2 – ” Riga” – In the very beginning of this mission you will have to drink with your friends. Once you finish the drink, go downstairs and you will see a homeless person sitting on the ground (to the left of the stairs). Give him some money.
#3 – “Riga” – Turn around from the homeless person and you will see a little boy. He offers to guide you to someone in exchange for a bullet. Accept his offer.
Invisible man
Completed FRONTLINE level without killing anyone.
Chapter: Front Line
It is important that you stay undetected throughout the entire chapter! Enemies sometimes kill one another by accident if you are being spotted. They also kill you very quickly because you may not fire back. So stay in the shadows, move quietly (crouch) and do not use your flashlight. It’s okay if the enemies just hear you, but do not let it get to the point where they start shooting at you.
The only possible path to get this done is via the platforms on the lower level. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the radioactive ground level where there are no enemies. Disable the explosive traps! Now in the next area, be sure to knock out the enemy that is guarding the prisoners.
IMPORTANT: You must free the imprisoned group of reds or else they will be executed, thus voiding the trophy!
Now make your way to the end of the mission undetected. You must restart the entire chapter if you mess up. Do not reload the checkpoint! Instead, go back to the main menu and restart via chapter select.
On the level DEPOT silently killed the first guard and broke into the Fascist station unnoticed.
Chapter: Depot
Half a minute after the chapter starts you will encounter an enemy on a rail track. You do not have to kill him silently as the original trophy and achievement descriptions say (no silenced weapon needed). Just make sure he doesn’t reach the station where the other soldiers are waiting. Use a weapon with good range, preferably the AK-47 with military grade ammo or a pneumatic weapon. With an automatic rifle equipped you can switch the ammo type to military grade when holding down triangle (PS4) / Y (Xbox One). Military grade ammo kills enemies much faster.
Start shooting at the enemy as soon as you see his flashlight on the rail tracks and restart the checkpoint if you miss.
DJ Artyom
On the level OUTPOST reached the radio tower and broadcast the commander’s message.
Chapters: Defense & Outpost
In the “Defense” chapter you need to pick up the cassette tape from the dying captain after defending your position from the nosalises. Now you need to keep playing until you reach the “Outpost” chapter. Once there, work your way up the stairs until you get outside. Your compass will point towards a building with a ladder on its side. Below the ladder is an excavator that you need to climb. From there you can go up the ladder to reach the rooftop. The radio tower is on the rooftop, it looks like a wooden shed with a satellite on top. Interact with the radio tower to unlock the trophy / achievement.
Completed the level BLACK STATION without killing or knocking out any enemies.
Chapter: Black Station
In this chapter you can sprint past almost all enemies. It doesn’t matter if they notice you or not. Just leave all of them unharmed.
There is only one important part: about halfway through the chapter you will go through a dark basement with lots of spider webs. When you leave the basement you should not go up the escalator in the middle of the area. Instead, go to the end of the rail tracks on the side, into the door and through the hole in the wall. This way you can sneak past a large group of enemies that would kill you on higher difficulty settings. On normal difficulty it doesn’t matter which way you take. Use a med kit if the screen starts flashing red.
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