The Elements of Disharmony is the 10th Episode of Season 3B of the SpongeBob and Friends Adventures Chronicles series. Dr. Nefarious managed to reverse engineer the Elements of Harmony bystealing energy from the Tree and creating clones that were subugated to a corrupting machinebecome emotionless and opposite (as well as having no cutie marks since they were just born),naming them the 'Elements of Disharmony'. These clones arenamed Darklight Spark(Magic),Gray Dash(Defiance), Cruelshy(Rudeness), Greedily(Greed), Applejerk(Dishonesty), andMeanie Pie(Torment). Using these new clones to cause disharmony, Nefarious plans to become the new ruler of Equestia and turn the defenseless and defeated ponies there into robot-ponies with his new Hippobliterator, turning Equestria into a robotic world. The Lodgers and the Mane 6 are called into action once again, but Twilight senses something about Nefarious' clones, who are showing signs of positive feelings, indicating that they are under the same scenario that she and her friends were in when Discord was last freed, but in a different fashion, as Discord claims that they know chaos magic because they had to have been in self-pain, the emotional fuel for chaos magic. Thus Twilight realizes that the clones are not truly evil, and all they need is the power of friendship and some occlumency and Equinox training. But is this true, or is it just because they're just more interested into be minor trouble makers than real threats to the point where they become the true threat? Can our heroes be able to discover what's what and defeat them and Nefarious once more and teaching him a lesson about causing trouble in the wings of resolving another issue?
- 1 Transcript
- 1.1 Chapter 1: Nefarious's New Plan of Attack/Clones Going Evil
- 1.2 Chapter 2: The Elements of Disharmony Are Born/A Scheme Underway
- 1.3 Chapter 3: The New Secret Weapon..... Another Biobliterator?
- 1.4 Chapter 4: Targeting Equestria/The Elements Betray Nefarious
- 1.5 Chapter 5: Redeeming the Evil Clones/Destroying the Tree of Disharmony
- 1.6 Epilogue
Chapter 1: Nefarious's New Plan of Attack/Clones Going Evil[]
Nefarious Space Station
- Dr. Nefarious was seen messing around with files apawn files of potaintional plans to use.
- Bellwether was helping organising them while Lawerence helped prevent the files from falling over.
- Dr. Nefarious: "Come on, come on, there's gotta be SOMETHING to use! It's the new year, and Team Nefarious barely got to do serious evil in 2017! 2018's my chance to make up for it! (Looks into the files harder until he finds something) Oh, OHHHHHH! This one, is, PERFECT?!"
Nefarious Lounge Room
- King Dedede: (He and Escargoon were seen playing checkers, Smarty-Smarts was playing chess with Octocat, and Doofenschmirtz was playing Monopoly with Warp, XL, and Zurg until Nefarious burst out spreading the pieces everywhere) WHAT THE HECK?!?
- Octocat: Meowrow!
- Smarty-Smarts: Yeah, much of your ideas are crazy, but I'm an optimist, so shoot.
- Zurg: You want, to make... CLONES... Of the Mane Six?
- Nefarious: I know! It's a good plan! CHEER FOR ME!! (All the Nefarious Troopers clapped forcefully)
- Escargoon: Surely you can't be serious, Dr. Nuts And Bolts!
- Doofenschmirtz: I think he is, and don't call him- (Escargoon hits him with Dedede's mallet)... Worth it.
- King Dedede: Was it really, Doofy?
- Zurg: Nefarious, with as much due respect as an old friend can give, that plan you picked out.....It's actually among the most overdone villain plansin the book. Pretty much every single villain inthe spectrum of the villain food chain has done it in various possable ways at some point! Heck, evenI did it once with Team Lightyear. Didn't go over very well. First I create evil kid versions of them that beat me up for not including an XR, and then I create elderly clones. I had those elder clones sent to a retirement home since that clone mess.God knows what those kids are doing now!
- The four are seen held up in a juvinal hall for young galactic space criminals.
- Zzub: "...... Craters."
- Feara: Told you it wouldn't work!!
Back to Nefarious
- Zurg: "Turnsout the cloning device I had was made with faulty parts, so it's KINDA why it only made kid clones and elderly ones!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Oh, Zurg. That's litterally a level one problem of cloning. Bad parts or not, every good cloning machine needs to have a part that gets the clone to the exact age of the DNA host. Even the League's dorky Galaxhar memberknew that when he created not just his own clones, but when he cloned ponies as well."
- Zurg: "NOW I'm being told this?"
- Grub: Well, sir, you haven't used it since those elder clones. You never really brought it up.
- Zurg:..... Fair point. Also, the Sin Ponies were more borrowed from random hosts but are otherwise their own creation. You basicly want to make clones that're EXACTLY like the Main 6! And let's not forget that ponies are among the purest, if not almost angelic purest, creatures in the universes! They wouldn't have an evil bone in their body!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "It has been shown that it is possable to make ponies BAD, Zurg. And I have my ways."
- Dr. Nefarious: "What?! NO!? Of course not, you stupid slime! In Doofinsmirtz' own words, THAT'S BAD EVIL?! Granted, evil is supposed to be bad irreguardless, but that torment stuff is obviously pushing it! I'm more thinking among the lines of doing like how that mishapen yuts Discord did it!"
- King Dedede: "You mean, basicly turn'em into their oppisite personalities and have'em be MORE obvious in being the clones?"
- Bellwether: "That's kinda a missed oppertunity to maybe either frame those 6 as either jerks or manaces, or maybe like, have the clones hurt each of the real ones' feelings and make them louthe eachother."
- Dr. Nefarious: "Having you seen the leaked footage of the season 8 episodes which is why this episode is being released earlier into Season 3? Breaking their bonds will only result in someone like Starlight gluing it back togather. And the framing thing's too obvious of a first thing to do with clones anyway. It'll be too easily resolved. And the Lodgers have dealt with that kind of crud so many times before, they'll reckindised it even before we framed Pinkie Pie of being a jerk!"
- Bellwether: "Fair enough. So what would you have the clones do then if the initional things are made too obvious?"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Simple. Remember my statement of giving them the same state as Discord's method to demoralising the Main 6? I'm being a step beyond just making them alternate personalities. I'm gonna see if I can turn them, into...... (Dramatic pose).... THE ELEMENTS, OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,DISHARMONY?!"
- Lawerence: "..... You'rebasicly saying that you want to make YOUR own elements?"
- Bellwether: "Ya do realise that would require obtaining something from that magical chrsitaleen tree in that cavern in the ruins of the two sisters? And I'm pretty sure that once apon a time, even with a team up under pre-reformation Darkness Qui, you failed to get ahold of that thing!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "And thank you for the arbatory continuity check, Bellwether. But we don't nessersarly need the entire damn tree this time. This time, I intend to only taking enough to allow the clones their own elemental powers. And I already have a perfect method.... I borrowed a robotic woodpecker from that ironic nature loving mad sciencetist that is trying to causean artifical nature uprising through robots, Dr. Animontronic C. Ritters."
- Grounder: "Hehehehehe! Dumb name!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Alot of intermediate or majorvillains with indignet names tend to have them. Kinda a trend in recent years. Point is, I managed to contain one such bot after a recent battle between him and the Misfits, rebuild it in my Nefarious image, and already had it sent to collect the amount of engery I need to give these my own Mane 6 the power they need!"
- Scratch: "But how can it harvest a magical crhistail tree? Won't it be too tough for it to break?"
- Dr. Nefarious: "It doesn't need to do actual damage to it, moron! I modifived it to have some magic syphin abilities so it will collect just about enough for me to make use of so when after I am ableto create my clones!"
- Bellwether: "But what about DNA?"
- Nefarious: "I hired a specialist to accure that. Some of you may be familier with Professor Sizemo?"
- Lawerence: "You mean the dwarfed Blarg genius that can make himself a giant or the size of an hozsun ant?"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Yes! THAT Sizemo! Interestingly, he was an indirect cousin of Drek! I promised to make him a super weapon so he can take revenge onto Rachet and Clank in return of getting me the Main 6's DNA.... Admitingly, he kinda laughed at me about how I wanted to collect samples of ponies, but I explained my plans and, more or less he took me at least abit more seriously."
- Zurg: "You're sure an outsider indie villain can be trusted, Nefarious? You'resure the guy won't betray you for his own priorites the sooner he gets this super weapon from you?"
- Dr. Nefarious: "I had insisted that the super-weapon's creation can only be garrentied if he plays ball with me."
- Bellwether: "Ahhh, so you haven't even made it yet."
- Dr. Nefarious: "And I only plan to AFTER I congured Equestria! By then, I would be too powerful to betray!"
- Bellwether: So what exactly is this superweapon?
- Nefarious: I prefer to keep that a surprise. The payoff is TOOOO huge!
- Warp Darkmatter: "Well it better, given how risky a gambit you're playing by messing with the Equestrians' Messiah Tree again since the Qui-Team-Up."
- Nefarious: Trust me. Sizemo will not disappoint.
- An extremely tiny Blarg was seen trying to pull off a piece of Pinkie's hair from a brush! This was presumably Professor Sizemo.
- Sizemo: "Man this stuff is hooked in tight! How strong are these ponies' hairbrushes!? Yeesh!"
- Sizemo: SIR!!!
- (Pinkie): Wha? (Pinkie came in and looked around as he hid)... Huh? I thought I heard something. Oh well. (She brushed her hair straight and it cartoonishly got poofy again spreading hair around) Perfect! (She skipped away joyfully as Sizemo collected some fallen hair)
- Sizemo:... Whew! Sir, how do you expect me to do my job if you yell at me and risk blowing my cover like that? Shrunk-size missions take a lot of effort.
- (Nefarious): Well, why didn't you go Ant-Man on them or something?! You've gotta be more subtle than that. You could've been easily spotted or killed that way! You're a scientist. Do better!!
- Sizemo: You're lucky I obtained Pinkie's DNA, sir.
- Sizemo: "And how are you gonna lower the payment of a super weapon?"
- Sizemo: "Okay, Spazzatron 9000! How would you do this if you were in my shoes, huh?"
- (Nefarious): You've done this kind of thing successfully and with great intelligence and technology for years, so you tell me. If I had your equipment, you'd sure know how I'd do it. Hop to it. Nefarious OUT! (He hung up)
- Sizemo:... That guy's a d***. And to think, the alternate verson of my cousin in the movie verse worked with his Doppleganger.
- Sizemo: (He was in a small flying bug-like air bike with multi-purpose chelicera)... I don't get paid enough for this s*** anyway.
French Narrator: Meanwhile...
- Nefarious' mechcanical woodpecker was already at work sucking some of the Tree of Harmony's powers.
- (Nefarious): Now THIS is subtlety.
- (Bellwether): "Well, as subtile as a metallic woodpecker is."
- (Nefarious): Look, point is, at least my revived marvel of science hasn't been captured or seen yet, nor did anything to provoke such!You don't attract attention to yourself.
- A teleportive flash was heard!
- (Starswirl): "I felt a disturbence here?!"
- (Nefarious): "Rats!!! That anichent hero must be force-sensitive to this tree?! Hide my beauty, hide?!"
- The Robotic Woodpecker cloaked away with a cloaking device as the Pillers of Equestria arrived....
- Starswirl: ".... I don't know why, but something feels wrong."
- Rockhoof: "Yousure you're not just getting paranoid, Starswirl?"
- Stygian: ROCKHOOF!
- Rockhoof: "What? It's common with ponies his age."
- Starswirl: "Humorous. Just to be safe, we're staying here to keep the tree safe. Whatever it was, it was a force that was attempting to siphon the enegry of the Tree of Harmony."
- Flash Magnus: "Okay, whatever you say, Swirl."
- Stygian: Well, I'll tell the others if that's what you want, sir.
- Starswirl: Well, given they might be too busy with a friendship school, it might be rude. But let's do it regardless just to be safe.
- Stygian went to do exactly that.
- (Bellwether): "(Quietly) Oh nice job not figuring the pillers would be an issue!"
- (Nefarious): "(Quietly) It was a plan made back when MLP Season 4 was still a thing, where it was kept in the file cabinate because I felt wasn't ready yet after how dishastorious the Qui-Team-Up was."
- (Bellwether): "(Quietly) It was unutilized for that long?!"
- (Nefarious): "(Quietly) Well I didn't think anichent heroes would be revived and that they'dhave a connection with a giant christail tree, now did I?! The future's an unpredictable bitch, and I made this with the mindset that it WASN'T gonna happen!?"
- (Bellwether): "..... (Quietly but sternly) Well, would I have your permission to give your old plan some DUE UPGRADES?!"
- (Nefarious): ".... (Quietly) You'reobviously upset with me, so, to avoid an embarrising butt-whooping from a scorned sheep, yes, yes you may."
- (Bellwether): (Quietly) GOOD!! (They left)
- (Nefarious): I just hope that Sizemo is doing well.
- Rainbow Dash: OWCH!!! (Sizemo obtained her DNA) Stupid skyfly!
- Applejack: OWCH!!! (Sizemo obtained her DNA) Idjitcorn-fly!
- Rarity: OWCH!!! (Sizemo obtained her DNA) Dumbfoundedhouse fly!
- Twilight: OWCH!!! (Sizemo obtained her DNA) Pesky intellectually inferorhorsefly!
- Fluttershy: OWCH!!! (Sizemo obtained her DNA)... You know, if you wanted my blood, you could just ask! That's an easy way to get me sick. (Sizemo ignored her and flew away)
- Sizemo: "I'm surprised not alot of them swatted at me. I mean, the animal lover I get, but the others did nothing to me! What, did they went through a crazy exspearience that got them to have a better respect for bugs or something?
- (Nefarious): "Let's just say yes. I won't bore you with details because they're not impourent. Did you get the samples?"
- Sizemo: "Pretty much. And I don't need to get some from the pink one since I already have the hair."
- (Nefarious): "Well, the hair thing's still stupid, but I wouldn't be a great villain if I look at gift horses in the mouth, so it'll do! Now hurry off that planet!"
- Sizemo: "Well unless I have vacation plans here, that's exactly what I aim to do over here!"
- (Nefarious): Duly noted. (He left)
- Sizemo: "(Sighs), The super weapon he promised will be SO worth this."
Nefarious' Labs
- The Grubs and the Brainswere seen working on the cloning machine.
- Head Brain: "Dr. Nefarious, I think you'll findthat your cloning device is well underway."
- Dr. Nefarious: "Exsellent. And you had ensure it doesn't become the second coming of Zurg's attempt at clones?"
- Head Brain: "Entirely new parts were used, sir. And we gotten the part that ensure age accreate clones."
- Dr. Nefarious: "Good! Cause you have any idea how embarrising it would be if we had kid clones helping us?"
- Warp: "The fact that they would also be ponies, adds into the embarrassment factor. Just saying."
- Dr. Nefarious: "Oh trust me, after I had exposed to ponies to chaos magic, it wont be AS embarrising!"
- Brain Pod: Speaking of which, how do you plan on doing that?
- Nefarious: Simple. A virtual reality device. It'll introduce them to something that'll make them not only opposite, but much more.
- Brain Pod: And the chaos magic?
- Nefarious: The funny thing is, I found out where chaos magic comes from. It's the unconscious mind escaping a broken mind. Like dreams becoming real. The virtual journey should be enough to give them what I want.
- Brain Pod: We can make them evil. Emperor Zurg has always said if you want something turned evil, turn it evil yourself.
- Nefarious: EXACTLY, YOU STUPID BRAIN-IN-A-JAR!!! IT'S MY PLAN, SO I DO IT MY WAY!!! And trust me, when these clones enter the virtual reality, they'll never look at life the sameagain.... Relitivelt speaking alchourse. We don't need to steal chaos magic. We can just make it.
- Bellwether: I thought you said you wouldn't torture them.
- Nefarious: This isn't the kind of torture you were insinuating. It's just tamed to acceptable levels. I thought the point was too clear. Chaos magic means you have to hurt them with that kind of stuff. I know that makes me a liar, BUT HELLOOO, EVIL!!!
- Brain Pod: Then you should know that these clones will be born curious and clueless. They'll be the same in personality, but have no memories of their DNA donors' lives.
- Nefarious: Exactly my point.
- Zurg: "So when is Sizemo gonna show up?"
- Dr. Nefarious: "He cautioned that he may take a while. He had to hide his ship in that forest people don't like to go in to have a hiding spot and be able to not be noticed leaving just as much as entering."
- Grub: You CAN teleport, right?
- Lawrence: He dumped manual teleportation since being stranded on that asteroid. Complained about the out-of-range problem and the specify-destination thing too much.
- Lawrence: (Sighs) I'll just teleport him in with the new maxed version. (He did so)
- Sizemo: NO, I'M NOT A BUG, DON'T EAT ME!!...... Oh... What took you so long?
- Lawrence: The usual. Nefarious getting off the subject.
- Nefarious: Lawrence, please! Did you obtain the DNA samples?!
- Sizemo: Would I be waiting for you if I didn't? (Gets large again and gives them the samples)
- Nefarious: (Cackles) SPLENDID!!! Now it's time to bring my creations to life.
- Sizemo: "I should warn ya that those Equestrian creatures are said to be extremely pure. They're likely gonna come out too nice to work with, and will question just about everything you guys do."
- Nefarious: Uh, what kind of genius would I be not to consider that? They'll be born as dumb as babies. No morality and no niceness, but those things grow quick with that purity, so I just need to get them in my control before they start doing that. Get a bigger education, pal.
- Sizemo: Sheesh, you don't have to be a d*** about it.
- Nefarious: You're lucky I'm paying you not just a superweapon in exchange for the extra parts of the job, because if you didn't finish it by now, your pay would be lowered. Just shut up and take the bolts. Go see some grubs about getting your ship back here from Equestria as well.(He gives him bolts as he handed over the DNA and left)... Ass. Speaking of asses, let's make some related to them.
- Bellwether: "Your seriously going for that?"
- Nefarious: It's not my fault that's a slur on your world. You're going to have to get used to it.
- Bellwether: Well even if it wasn't, it's not even a good joke.
- Nefarious: Whatever, let's just create these clones. (He inserted the DNA into the pods as they slowly created age-accurate clones identical to the Mane Six but with no cutie marks)...
- Twilight Clone:... Where am I?... Who am I?
- Pinkie Clone: I have no idea!All I feel is the need to have a party. I'd say a baby shower, but none of us are babies.
- Applejack Clone: I'd say so. This accent is so strange.
- Rarity Clone: And I just feel gross crawling into life.
- Rainbow Dash Clone:I feel an unexplainable urge to beat up anyone close to me for the information... Except you five, of course.
- Fluttershy Clone:......... (Whimpers)...
- Scratch: Oh, God, that is adorable.
- Nefarious: Shut up, will you? Let's just get them to the virtual machine before their purity acts up. (Opens the chamber and enters) Weeeeeellll, if it's answers you want, then you should perhaps ask your creator. (Fluttershy Clone hid her face in her mane)
- Pinkie Clone: A robot created us?... How do we even know so many words?
- Applejack Clone: Why not ask this freaky guy?
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Okay, cromedome, start spilling, who the heck are we and why are we here?"
- Nefarious: The answers, are in this very virtual tour! (A six-seated virtual supercomputer was seen with a hallelujah choir)
- Pinkie Clone: (Was doing the hallelujah choir on a tape recorder as Applejack Clone nudged her).....Where'd this come from? Whatever, IT SURE LOOKS IMPORTANT!!! LET'S GO!!! (Twilight Clone grabbed her tail as she was running for the machine)
- Twilight Clone: Hold it!... You're our creator, aren't you?... Can we be sure we can trust you?
- Rainbow Dash Clone: Yeah, you look like somepony who isn't up to any good.... Wait... Somepony? THE HECK KINDA WORD IS THAT?!?
- Applejack Clone: "Well yeah, what kinda Smurf Talk languise is that?.... And whydid I just say that and what even is a Smurf?"
- Rarity Clone: Well we have to get answers somehow.
- Twilight Clone: Just ask him yourself!
- Nefarious: Believe me, this thing tells everything to you quicker than I can. If I explained it myself, we'd be here all day.
- Twilight Clone:... I can't argue with that. Come on, girls. (They entered the device)
- Rarity Clone: "I don't know why, but I have this nagging need to give the inside of this contraption a due makeover."
- Applejack Clone: "And I'm having an irresistible urge to shrug and roll mah eyes at you."
- Pinkie Pie Clone: "Ohhhhhh! Is this a movie?.... What's a movie? Oh, whatever, I bet it's gonna be fun!"
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "I don't know why, but I have this itch to call you random for some reason."
- Fluttershy Clone:......
- Escargoon: You do know you can talk right?
- Fluttershy Clone:... I can? Oh gosh, I can!
- King Dedede: I swear if she sings that Talk Song from the Charlotte's Web cartoon, I'm gonna throw up.
- Undertow: It's not like she knows what that is.
- Fluttershy Clone:... Well, then can I say this thing feels, dark?
- Nefarious: Free speech, my child. But you were just born, so you'll get used to it.
- Fluttershy:... I can't exactly argue with that. (All six enter as they went through a virtual reality and Nefarious chuckled rubbing his hands)
Twilight's Virtual Reality
- Twilight Clone: "..... Where, am I?"
- ???: Well hello! (An Alicorn God Twilight came)... Welcome to the first step to your new life.
- Twilight Clone: Who are you? Uh, who am I?
- AG Twilight: I'm your guide. And you, are the clone of a pony by the name of Twilight Sparkle.
- Twilight Clone: Twilight Sparkle? That sounds like the name of a cartoon horse. (AG Twilight shows her to a mirror as she looks at herself)...... Wow... I AM a cartoon horse!....I look nice.
- AG Twilight: We Equestrians always do. We are the purest beings in our dimension. Your DNA comes from a great hero.
- Twilight Clone: Really?! Then... Why was I created?
- AG Twilight: You'll learn soon enough. First you must learn the history of Princess Twilight Sparkle.
- Twilight Clone: "I'm a princess clone?! (Looks at wings) That explains these weird feathery growths..... I felt like these things weren't always there."
- AG Twilight: They weren't. Observe, your DNA donor's past. (Her childhood from Season 1 was seen)
- Twilight Clone:... Ohhhhh, that's... Really cute. (She witnessed what happens afterward from Magic University to Shadow Play)....... Wow, she's very interesting.
- AG Twilight: She is. However there's a danger to her way of life. Magic in Equestria is tied to emotions. The stronger you feel, the more powerful you get. But with that comes serious consequences. Equestria is too peaceful and needs to prepare for danger far worse than what you witnessed. If this remains unchanged... Twilight will destroy herself.
- Twilight Clone: Uh, I don't quite see what's wrong with how she views the world. I agree with what she does.
- AG Twilight: You should. You are a clone. But you need to see what happens should Equestria should step up and not hide from the harshness of life. For should it stay that way... (They enter a future setting)...
- Twilight: I know this sounds bad, girls, but with all that the friendship school has taught me, I think we need to acknowledge real life and be prepared for anything.
- Pinkie: So... That means no more parties?
- Twilight: Not as much as it is now. Magic needs to be used more proactively. If we're going to evolve as a race, we need to make sacrifices.
- Rainbow Dash: Is this because of Chancellor Neighsay? You do know he's racist because of his friendship with Shineflare, right? He's kinda an asshole.
- Twilight: Yes, and confound that twat by all means, but otherwise, he made me realize that not all races are going to care about us. So to keep up with the rest of the world, we need to give up our candy-colored ways. Lowering parties, increasing donations for defense effort, AND resloving our incompident guard problem, increasing education, and, well, anything it takes.
- Fluttershy: Twilight, aren't you sure that's a little too much to give up? Equestria is just fine as it is.
- Twilight:... (Sighs) It pains me to bring this up, but remember what I said after I tried to steal the Pearl of Transformation? This isn't Equestria. At least, not how I said it was supposed to be. Now that we have students to help spread friendship, we can no longer have this cheerful façade. We need to change to the etiquette of other lands if they're going to accept us. We need to show that friendship isn't as immature as it sounds. That starts with showing more visually how adult we are. I don't want us to make another international incident like said attempted theft again. We need to be ready for any challenges ahead. And we can't be if we continue to look too cartoonish than we are now. It won't matter what the people want. All that matters is what they need.
- Applejack: "Well, the commen folk are one thing, but it's Celestia who I'm sure is the biggest roadblock to that plan. She might end up thinking that your kind of thinking ain't friendship focused. Equestria is so rooted into that religen, the idear of tuning it down sounds, obscene."
- Rarity: "Not to mention that Celestia may end up thinking that you made yourself unworthy of your title thinking like that."
- Twilight: "Well short of exile or anything else more extreme like having me De-Alicorned, I can confidently say Celestia doesn't have the ability to really stand in the way."
- Pinkie Pie: "Yikes, Twilight, that's very ballsy of you to basicly say that Celestia ain't got nothing on you!"
- Applejack: "With due respect to you as a princess and my friend, that's dangerious talk right there, Twilight. Celestia may have feelings for you, but she ain't afraid to really put her hoof down if she thinks you done missed the point about friendship!"
- Twilight: "Don't get me wrong girls. I know Celestia will always have the final say in everything..... That's why, I want to coherse half of Equestria to enter a Declaration of Independence to form an Equestria that will take things more seriously."
- Rarity: "...... You do realise that Celestia WILL aim to talk you out of such a radical proposeal, right Twilight?A devided nation would be a sign of an unhealthy one, and, that won't really improve other races'opinion of us if we are disunified as a race."
- Rainbow Dash: "If anything, at best, other races will take us even less seriously for inconsistentcy, while the races we didgot to care for us will be left confused, or at worse, SOME races will think that ponies that aren't so easily bound to friendship to be a threat waiting to happen! I mean, we have power over the weather, magic, and even things other normal beings can't control! Our beliefs in friendship is what held many generations back from desiding to use that power to screw people over! You have any idea of what half of Equestria that even only tones down friendship for abit would be like?!"
- Fluttershy: "Alot of ponies without friendship being as universeal as it is would end up being cold, mean, and uncaring in the best case senario, or dangerious in the worse one."
- Applejack: "You also have to take in account that some ponies will revolt in trying to bring a more universeal friendship back into the would-behalf of Equestria that just, suddenly demands it be tone down in the name of progress."
- Starlight: "Can I speak?..... Twilight, remember that story you told me on Hearth's Warming? How a pony that wanted Equestria to focus more on being profitent, ended up only dooming it? What if friendship is more then just a religen? I mean, you have to remember that before it's founded, the tribes used to basicly hate each other! Friendship was basicly the reason why Earth Ponies, Unicorn and Pegisi aren't otherwise still at each other's throats! Friendship gives us a reason to love..... We even so much as tone it down..... Ponies might end up starting to be aggressive with eachother, and..... That would bring the Windigos back. I think it's better we just drop that declaration of independence stuff, okay?"
- Twilight: Girls, I'm not saying that we drop friendship entirely. That's ludicrous. I said I wanted everyone in the world to see how important it is. To help all races understand the magic of friendship. What's to say other races out there were victimized by the Windigoes the same way? They need to see that friendship is the biggest superpower this world's got. If we're going to continue with what we do best, then we need more publicity. We need to let everyone outside Equestria to see that we need help to obtain peace. Especially since the loan incident with Goldstone. Our name as a race is being sugarcoated. We have to think about what's best for Equestria. I want to do this with all of you because we're all we got.
- Starlight: But Twilight, it's one thing to try and make Equestria more proactive and more respected because we know you're scared of making the same mistake you made with Queen Novo because of what happened immediately afterward, and you don't want it to occur on a much larger scale. But it's not the friendship way to force this issue on others and expect them to accept it right away. This will theoretically encourage other lands to help, but it'll be a controversial move to the ponies of Equestria.
- Twilight: Sometimes friendship can't fix everything, Starlight. We just need to help the world as the successors of the Alicorn Gods. It's all on Equestria to repair the world we abandoned during the Windigo Ice Age. It's our duty to bring friendship and peace amongst other lands.
- Starlight: "Well it's not just the ponies that won't like the move I'm worried about. I'm also worried about the ones that do, but think any disunified half isn't going far enough and try to manipulate you to go even farther with it to the point that friendship becomes as mundane in your Equestria as it is viewed in other nations! There would be ponies that just like a more proficient Equestria but would want to lean it away from being about helping the world and just help ourselves and manipulate you on that as well, espeically ponies like Neighsay."
- Twilight: "And can I ask why you guys aren't backing me on this?"
- Rainbow Dash: "Well for me, a disunified Equestria will mean more complicated international flyzone restrictions for the Wonderbolts. An Equestria that becomes a disjointed separated nations would be a nightmare to fly in!"
- Applejack: "Well, my family's pretty widespread in Equestria. What if Appaloosa stays to Celestia's Equestria, and other places where my familly resides does the same? This could divide my family, Twilight."
- Pinkie: "You have any idea how much of a headache border patrols are when I am trying to throw a party for someone who DOESN'T LIVE IN EQUESTRIA?! ESPECIALLY IF IT'S A BIRTHDAY?! A disjointed Equestria would be a traveling NIGHTMARE!!"
- Fluttershy: "Well, what if the half of Equestria you created to be more serious ends up not being able to have a part of Equestria where the Breezies live? It would be hard to get Equestria to prepare for their migration. Also, a more proficent part of Equestria would mean a more industrialized Equestria, where I'm not just worried about Breezies getting hurt by it, but I'm worried about the homes of animals being demolished in the name of progress, just like with Well-To-Do."
- Rarity: "Well for me, a disunified Equestria, espeically after I am having shops appear in each part of the nation, well, that would be difficult for business! Espeically since it's unlikely Canterlot would be included in your Equestria, Twilight! And what if Manehatten can't be with your Equestria, Twilight? I would have to surrender them to Coco and Sassy Saddles for the businesses' survival! Not to mention the utter NIGHTMARE it would be if I have to make something for a customer that lives on one side or the other! I WOULD GO SIMPLY DAFF!!"
- Starlight: "And me?..... A more serious Equestria would mean, less love, less kindness.... Less forgiving....."
- Twilight: "Less forgiving?"
- Starlight: "Twilight, don't forget that I wasn't always this nice!! I once converted a town into Cutie Mark Communisum and commited Chronoterrorisum!! Equestria as it is forgave me and gave me a chance when it reasonably shouldn't.... A Equestria your trying to create...... They would have no reason to forgive me, espeically if ponies like Neighsay have their way!"
- Twilight: "Girls please, I promise I will never let undesirables control me like that!"
- Applejack: "Maybe not willingly, but magic could make promises like that moot if somepony corrupts you into doing what they say! And Neighsay is CLEARLY a unicorn! I bet he might have a spell powerful enough to manipulate even an artificial Alicorn to do his bidding!"
- Rainbow Dash: "And he might figure out howto disable that Occo-Whatumacallit thing too!"
- Twilight: Girls... I'm sorry. If it means we have to spread friendship however possible, then sacrifices have to be made. I promise you as a friend that I'll make necessary changes and compromises, but it's not going to be easy. I care about you and your lives, and I want to do the best I can to protect them. We need to be more prepared. Believe me, you'll thank me soon enough. (Time fast forwarded into an Equestria at civil war, shocking Twilight Clone)
- Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, for crimes against the ponies of Equestria, you are stripped of your title as princess, your name as my protégé, and banished from Canterlot.
- Twilight: You don't understand! I was trying to protect Equestria and make the world understand us.
- Twilight: Girls, I never meant for this to happen. I wanted peace like the Alicorns wanted from us.
- Luna: Yes, but your stress, indecisiveness, and self-entitlement caused you to ignore the consequences of your decisions. War is rampant and the entire land is being frozen because you wanted to become too absolute for your own good.
- Rainbow Dash: You destroyed our lives, Twilight! We trusted you and you do all this? Well don't expect us to stick by your side after this because our friendship is over.
- Twilight: I-I-I-I can fix this, I promise!
- Celestia: It's too late. Equestria is too damaged to be repaired. (She was turned back into a unicorn and teleported out of Equestrian borders leaving her to start crying hysterically, as Twilight Clone watched distraught with AG Twilight)
- Twilight Clone:... No! I don't want this to happen!!! I know her too much to understand why she did this!! (Her magic went insane as she started releasing chaos magic) PLEASE, IS THERE A WAY TO STOP THIS?! (She was being hypnotized in the same way with Discord by AG Twilight)
- AG Twilight: The only way to do it is to balance out peace, with chaos. (Twilight slowly turns monochrome) Magic and friendship cannot solve everything. It's easier to use it for the betterment of one's own self. Raw power is the only thing of worth to something as powerful as magic or friendship. With the clones accompanying you, you have the power to make that come true. Just follow Doctor Nefarious, and you will begin this journey.
- Twilight Clone:... Yes! (She turns completely monochrome) Magic is worth nothing if not used correctly. It's power. The power to give chaos, and chaos to give balance. I swear to this day that I only exist to bring chaos in a completely peaceful land, for my name isn't... DARKLIGHT SPARK!! (Cackles)
Applejack's Virtual Reality
- Applejack Clone:... Hello? Someone out there?
- AG Applejack: (She appears before her) Greetins', my friend. I will be yer' guide across the plains of your purpose in life. You are a clone of a pony named Applejack.
- Applejack Clone: Applejack? Seems strange to be named after an alcoholic beverage..... And ceral..... Even stranger that I even knew what that stuffis. Who is she?
- AG Applejack: Baiscly you, me, andher. (A mirror was shown and she took a look at herself)
- Applejack Clone:... Whooooooowee! I actually look rather nice. This Applejack sounds like a pony who knows how to stretch her legs and enjoy life.
- AG Applejack: She does. But to understand your purpose in life, you must look straight into Applejack's past. (She shows her Applejack's cutie mark story as she sobbed with joy)
- Applejack Clone: That's so adorable. I pity her. (She saw the rest of her story)... YEE-HAW! THAT GIRL KNOWS HOW TO HAVE MORE FUN THAN A FISH IN A BARREL!!
- AG Applejack: Eeeeyup. As the Element of Honesty, Applejack must show and learn about honesty itself. However, there's still danger 'round the corners of her path, and the biggest one she cannot learn so easily.
- Applejack Clone: "Beg yer pardon?"
- AG Applejack: See, everypony has secrets. Especially friends. When a person gets desperate... Well, not desperate, but maybe hopeless, despondent, or scared... They do and know things they must keep secret for everyone's sake. Lying can be needed to protect people. To keep secrets a secret. Sometimes, lying can be the nicest thing you can do.
- Applejack Clone: You sure 'bout that?
- AG Applejack: Don't take mah word fer it. Observe. (They see a future scenario)
- Rainbow Dash: APPLEJACK, PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU. You have to keep this a secret!
- Applejack: You have a... Wing fetish? Rainbow Dash, you do know that stuff about wings being sexually active is a brony myth, right? I.E., the infamous wing boner?"
- Rainbow Dash: "Oh, I know that! But, it's kinda different from that! It's just, there's something romantic about being able to fly with these babies! It's an, irresistable sight, ya know? I'm even interested in girl wings even though JUST TO BE CLEAR, I'm not gay! It's just..... Wings are just, a beautiful sight, ya know! Heck, others into the same s*** compare the wing feathers to toes for a foot fetishist. (Wiggles her wing feathers) See? Some ponies can be into that and so am I."
- Applejack: "Well, I kinda get what you mean, but, now I'm kinda starting to see why y'all always give Celestia and Luna's wings them bedroom eyes. Ya evengave some to Ember. And heavens forbid if you even look at Flurry Heart in a funny way!"
- Rainbow Dash: "Don't worry I deemed Flurry off-limits!"
- Applejack: "Good! Now, this being said, you have my word that nothing's gonna escape these lips."
- Rainbow Dash: "Thanks Applejack. Now please, don't tell anyone, espeically not Rarity. Ya know how that pony likes to gossip!"
- Applejack: "Aw don't you worry none, Dash. I ain't one to blab things out like that. Ma's the word."
- Applejack Clone: So... How is a fetish a secret worth keeping? People do it all the time. Heck, it's kinda natural, that's why people don't mind too much.
- AG Applejack: Well sometimes a fetish can be completely embarrassing when shown publicly. There's many sensitive things in the world that are best left unspoken. By being openly honest, one can hurt one's feelings when it wasn't the intent and ruin them too much at the cost of their friendship. Watch.
- Applejack: Look, Rainbow Dash, I had to tell them, because ponies were gonna ask questions as to why you always got tingly when looking at one's wings. If they were to understand, they had to know so they could help you. When you fetishize something for so long, you can't easily control yer' nonexistent boner.
- Rainbow Dash: (Sobbing) IT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT PEOPLE WON'T FEEL COMFERTABLE AROUND ME ANYMORE?! Even the Wonderbolts feel uncomfertable ever showing their wings in front of me. They now gave me a new name: WING BONER?! IT'S ACTSELLY WORSE THEN RAINBOW CRASH?!
- Twilight: I couldn't agree more. Applejack... I'm sorry to say that you're no longer the Element of Honesty.
- Applejack: WHAT?!?
- Twilight: You're way too honest. Being too honest can be dangerous. Now Rarity knows and you KNOW how much of a gossip she is. Rainbow is publicly humiliated! She won't easily let this down. We can't trust somepony who's too honest for her own good.
- Applejack: (Sobbing) I-I'm sorry!! I didn't intend for this to happen.
- Pinkie: This should've been your chance to learn that this kind of thing can break somepony's trust... FOOREEEEEEEEVEEEEEERRRRR!!!!
- Fluttershy: What if it was me who had that secret? I'd be more humiliated than her. You know how sensitive I am. Why should we trust somepony who can't keep a secret because of the element she represents?
- Applejack: I... I'M SO SORRY!! (She cries hysterically and runs away)
- Rainbow Dash: GOOD RIDDANCE!!!
- Applejack Clone:... No!... But... But how could telling the truth be so hurtful?
- AG Applejack: (While slowly hypnotizing her as she turns slightly monochrome) They say you should never lie, but that itself is a lie. Sometimes people need to lie. If you told someone they were fat or ugly, it would be hurtful regardless if it was true or not. Truths can be as destructive as lies. But you can keep Applejack from making that mistake... By being her opposite.
- Applejack Clone:... You're right. (She turns completely monochrome) Lies are often for the greater good.
- AG Applejack: So? What do you say? You still think you should always tell the truth?
- Applejack Clone:... Yes!
- AG Applejack: What do you me- Oh, OHHHHHHH, NICE ONE!!!
- Applejack Clone: I swear to all that's holy I won't let this be mah downfall. I hereby call myself... Applejerk!
- AG Applejack:... That's kinda lame.
- Applejerk: NO IT AIN'T!!
- AG Applejack: YES IT... OH, YOU SNEAKY LITTLE SHREW!! (Applejerk looked around nervously)
Pinkie's Virtual Reality
- Pinkie Clone: (She was humming Giggle at the Ghostly as she hopped around) Uh, why do I know whatever that song was? Wow, memories are so weird.
- (???): I'll say. (AG Pinkie came in) And it's just so good you have to laugh at it.
- Pinkie Clone: OooOOOOOOOooooh! You look pretty!
- AG Pinkie: (Giggles) Oh, you charmer. But seriously, I will be your guide. You are a clone of a pony named Pinkie Pie.
- Pinkie Clone:... (Giggles) Funny name. Who's this Pinkie pony like? (She's given a mirror and sees herself)... Wow, she certainly looks funny. Look at her hair. It's so... Poofy, I could eat it like cotton candy.
- AG Pinkie: (Giggles) You have no idea. But we do need to look funny. Pinkie Pie is a hero of cheer and the Element of Laughter. She lives for spreading happiness and joy to all of pony kind and beyond. It all began from something unexpected. (She is shown her childhood and cutie mark story)
- Pinkie Clone: Ohhhh, that's so sweet. (She sees her following life while this song played)
- Pinkie Clone: That sounds like a really compelling way to live. Making others laugh and have a good time.
- AG Pinkie: "Yeeeaaaaaah, but...... Good times aren't forever."
- Pinkie Clone: "What do ya mean?"
- AG Pinkie: "Kiddo, there are somethings that can NEVER be a laughing matter."
- Pinkie Clone: Really?
- AG Pinkie: Heck yeah. Jokes are nice and so is laughter. But Pinkie has a hard time learning that not all jokes are necessary or needed. She sees somepony new, and all she wants is to have fun with them. Some jokes aren't meant to be funny or be made. Otherwise it makes them more miserable. She learned that laughter can hurt, and that not everypony can take jokes. In fact, not everyone will have a good first impression for her. She won't stop for anything just to brighten somepony's day. But she fails to realize that some people just don't like jokes and are too serious for it. Trying to inspire happiness and laughter can cause a horrible impression. Case in point. (A mean-looking griffin appeared in Ponyville)
- Griffin: I am disappointed at what Goldstone did. So unprofessional and dishonorable. That's why I have come to provide for the PR restoration effort.
- Rarity: That's appreciated, Count Gryffindor.
- Count Gryffindor: I was told there were six of you. Where I ask is the sixth?
- Twilight: (Nervous sweaty face) Well, Pinkie isn't exactly... Somepony you'd want to meet. When King Cedric told us about how infamously serious and intolerant to nonsense you were... We told her to take a visit to Griffinstone. She'd be a nuisance to you.
- Count Gryffindor: Wisest decision in your life, your highness. Being nonsensical and having unnecessary fun and games is just not something I do... Or TOLERATE!
- Applejack: Well glad we can accommodate-
- Main 5: "CRUD BASKITS?!"
- Count Gryffindor started to twicth madly as eyes turned red, seeing that he was covered in party stuff and cake.
- Pinkie: "I actselly heard how much of a cranky pants you are, so I'm here to cheer you up! Pinkie Pie sytile! (Starts playing the accordian and dances around the count, who continued to rage out, he ended up raging out so badly, he ended up getting a rage seizure and rampently produced a bloody foam at the mouth, of which Pinkie stopped and notice, as the count fell to the floor and speraticly frail limbs about until finally dying out).................. Oopies.........."
- Pinkie Clone: "..... I, don't think dying from a rage-indused seisure's physically possable."
- AG Pinkie: "The count was an extreme special case. He was raised by extremely stupid parents to the point that he defelupted a tumor that can't handle stupidity, nor anything fun since his parents were also FUN dumb idiots."
- Pinkie: (Takes out random heart zappers) CLEAR!! (It cut as Gryffindor was carried away by the hospital)... Well glad to know he'll make it.
- Pinkie: Excuse me?
- Rainbow Dash: You're always going to do this to people regardless of their intolerance to things like this! If Gryffindor was killed you'd be technically responsible for murder, and YOU COULD'VE RUINED THE PEACE SUMMIT EVEN MORE!!!!
- Twilight: She's right, Pinkie! You need to show restraint.
- Rainbow Dash: This is Pinkie! She's never got restraint.
- Twilight:... Yeah, it's Pinkie. What am I saying? Sorry Pinkie, but we have to let you go.
- Pinkie: Let go as in take a break? I can learn-
- Twilight: No, we mean you're no longer the Element of Laughter.
- Pinkie:...... What?
- Twilight: This lack of self-restraint is very dangerous for your own good. We all know you don't easily show it. That's why you can't be around anymore. If this had gotten to the worse, you would've committed a murder and we wouldn't so easily help you. You can no longer help us.
- Pinkie: (Her mane deflated)... But I thought we were best friends!
- Twilight: We'll just BE friends. You'll still give us joy, but you can't help spread friendship anymore. I'm sorry.
- Pinkie: (She softly sobbed and ran away)
- Pony #3: MAN, WERE WE WRONG!!
- Mayor Mare: Pinkie Pie, you're banished for your near-crime.
- Pinkie: (Sobbing) It was an accident!
- Mayor Mare: There are no accidents. You chose to take the risk. We can't have a menace like that around. I expect you out of Ponyville by tomorrow. (Pinkie was shocked as everyone in town laughed at her)
- Pinkie: (Crying) STOP LAUGHING AT ME, I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!! (Cries hysterically as Pinkie Clone watched in horror)
- Pinkie Clone:... That poor soul. (Her mane deflated) She accidentally hurt people doing what she did best..... Although, I do have to question the realisum in this, cause, that Gryffindor guy was obviously a jerk, and I kinda question how ponies would turn on herover something that was a clear accsident and over someone clearly not a nice dude!Also, it didn't seemed smart of Pinkie's friends to not realise that she would end up learning about the Count in litterally a place a SOUNDS like it has griffins in it, and-"
- AG Pinkie: "It's a simulation, kid, don't over analise it, it's purely a hyperpathic scenario. However, a potentially accurate one. What if Pinkie ended up telling a joke that kills.... In a litteral sense of the word!"
- Pinkie Clone: "Well, thankfully you said that rage tumors are rare, so-"
- AG Pinkie: "There's a bajillion ways a joke can end up killing or maiming someone, it's not just a ridiculously rare condition!"
- Pinkie Clone: "There are?"
- AG Pinkie: Jokes can be dark, insensitive, mean, insulting, racist, and can be utterly unacceptable. Laughter can hurt easily, mentally, socially, and physically. Pinkie fails to learn that to this day. She needs help. (As she hypnotized Pinkie Clone and she slowly went monochrome) If she doesn't learn to stop and think, and she never will because it's Pinkie, then something like this could come true. So... Go ahead and have a good laugh. It could really make ponies like you happy.
- Pinkie Clone:... Happy? (She turns completely monochrome) Like hell it does! Laughter itself is nothing but a cruel joke. So if it means Pinkie learns best... I Pinkie Swear to this day that I exist only to do jokes my own way and laugh at others in their misery and expense, just to see how they like it. I hereby dub myself... Meanie Pie.
- AG Pinkie:..... A kinda obvious name choice, but it works. Then go out there and give those jerks a taste of their own medicine. (Meanie cackles insanely)
Rarity's Virtual Reality
- The Rarity clone walked down the area.
- Rarity Clone: "Uggh, these place could really use some more flair."
- AG Rarity: (She appeared) Ugh, like you wouldn't believe. I am your guide.
- Rarity Clone: Hmm. Well, if so, then who am I?
- AG Rarity: (Showing her a mirror as she was stunned by her own beauty) You are a clone. A clone of a pony named Rarity.
- Rarity Clone: Rarity? Fitting name because I LOOK SO DIVINELY GORGEOUS!!! I must be a happy mother with a happy husband because I could really catch an eye. Just look at me.
- AG Rarity: Oh, you are attractive. REEEEEEEEALLY ATTRACTIVE! Just ask many ponies in Ponyville. It's actselly an oddity that she/you are not married yet!You, or at least your DNA donor, are a fashionista who runs a boutique, and you are the Element of Generosity. Your generosity has given life and beauty to all corners of Equestria. From the first moment you dazzled the audience with your talents. Behold! (Rarity Clone witnesses Rarity's cutie mark story)
- Rarity Clone: So nice of her to dazzle a little costumes with gemstones. But... Unless you're a dragon audience, I don't see how adding gemstones to food costumes looks right. (She saw the rest of Rarity's life)... She sounds like a pony who likes to spread a little too much beauty.
- AG Rarity: "And as the Element of Generosity, your donor's also quite generous... However, generosity can be a, compromising position. There will come times were being generous can make it difficult to maintain a proper business. In fact, it can eat you out of house, home, and fame. I'm sure you know of Suri Polomare, but if somepony worse comes along, there's things even she can't do about it. Observe."
- Rarity: So... You're Suri's mom?
- Suri's Mom: Indeed. I am Vogue Polomare. Fashion designer, fashion model, former shameful porn actress, and very good physical instructor. I cannot even begin to confess how sorry I am for my daughter's theft, fraud, and attempted incrimination.
- Rarity: "Well, no harm done, I did find out she had her reasons ever since a lawsuit I now, semi-regret."
- Vogue: Yes, but, it doesn't exactly change on how much of my fault it was she behaived like that. She grew upa very dishonest child you see. She lied to so many ponies to get what she wanted. She even lied to get her career. She even loved Filthy Rich for his money at first. You weren't exactly her only victim.
- Rarity: So she was a fraud?
- Vogue: Not completely. She is a legitimate fashion designer. She's my daughter after all. But she lacksresponsibility. In fact, she takes it after me. I'm going to be openly honest, I used to do things I'm not proud of.
- Rarity: Aside from porn?
- Vogue: Oh believe me, I did some things are even worse then that.
- Rarity: "Well, I bet they really had to be, since staring in dirty litterature is usually a hard thing to glance over."
- Vogue: Oy, don't remind me. Everypony knows what my vulva and breasts looks like, and how 'divine' they are. Something I prefer to forget. But yes, porngraphy was barely even the WORSE things I was involved with.
- Rarity: We all did things we're not proud of, darling. However... I feel there's something else you came for.
- Vogue: You certainly have an eye for detail. To help everypony forget about my daughter's crimes, I wish to help you open a boutique in the Crystal Empire. (As Rarity's eyes glittered in excitement) Hopefully it'll expand your experience in fashion. I'll introduce you personally to their local fashion designer Page Prism and her fashion model friend Glitzy. We'll wash off all our shame and you get to be a much better fashionista.
- Rarity: "A splended idea!"
- Vogue: "There's, a catch though. Having a building in the christail empire doesn't come cheaply! Yeah, how unsurprising that an empire made of love-powered christails doesn't have cheap real estate. You'regoing to have to sell away your stores in Manehatten and Canterlot, even Ponyville should it come to it, to your compatriates in said stores."
- Rarity: "..... Just, give everything I do have up, just like that? You, You sure I can't just ask Candence and Shining Armor to provide me a place?"
- Vogue: "That's the thing. Real Estate isn't their juristiction. It belongs to that strict Cinch pony. And trust me. She's VERY picky about who gets to live and/or do business in the empire! That pony isn't easy to haggle with either! It's either her exact price, or no business at all."
- Rarity: "...... Well, I'm, sure Coco and Sassy can take over the stores from there, but..... Who do I give the original boutique too? It's not just a business, it's, it's also my home. To have a store in the Christail Empire would mean..... I have to move."
- Vogue: "That's how the business model works. Sometimes in order to move up in the world, you need to move higher up in the ladder. That often means you have to leave the little ponies behind. Because, if you fail to move up in the world, somepony who isn't so afraid to do so will end up having a quick rise to fame and over-shadow ponies like you and Suri. If such a pony succeeded...... You would be.... Obscured!"
- Rarity gasped!
- Rarity: "Okay, okay you convince me! I'll do it! I don't want to be obscured and only remembered in fastion documentaries not too many ponies even care to watch!"
- Vogue: "Then let's get to work, Miss Rarity. Start making calls."
- Rarity Clone:... Makes sense. As one who can agree with social class, sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
- AG Rarity: But at what cost? It's unwise to not think before you act. Because next thing you know, something like this happens.
- Vogue: Oh, I took your business? Who do you think had more taken from them when you became so vindictive to my daughter? Remember the time you sued and ruined her life? She told me you were uncaring and selfish! I lost my career in shame thanks to you. I had to become a con artist to get everything back. We were the best seductresses in Equestria. I told Suri that you had to be smarter than the low-class regals to survive. Moments like this are why my father killed himself when his career and dreams were stolen and destroyed. We do the same to give them a taste of their own medicine. The world is a greedy place, Miss Rarity. But never let it be said I'm not a pony of my word. You have a better business and you paid the price for it.
- Vogue: Well now you know how my daughter felt. Good day, and nine doing business with you, Miss Rarity. (Rarity got angry and her eyes and horn glowed in black magic)
- Twilight: Rarity? What're you doing?
- Rarity: I WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WERE DEAD!!!! (The horn produced a green shockwave that killed the entire family)...... What... What just happened?
- Twilight: (Checking her pulse)... My Celestia... She's dead! Rarity... I think you just used the infamous Black Wish Spell.
- Rarity: The what?
- Twilight: One of the worst black magic spells made by those with vengeful rage. It grants dark wishes of revenge.... You just wished for her entire family to die... That is likely gonna include Suri, and possabily tecnecally include Filthy Rich or maybe even Diamond Tiara since Suri WAS involved with him at some point!
- Rarity:... No... It can't be! I killed an entire family?!
- Rainbow Dash: HOW COULD YOU?!
- Twilight:... There are no accidents. You chose to take the risk. You committed a mass murder.
- Applejack: Cover up murder? And risk being charged with harboring somepony wanted? We can't just make ourselves look like criminals.
- Twilight: You know that justice comes after friendship. I'm sorry, but we have to turn you in and let you go as the Element of Generosity.
- Rarity:... You can't be serious! After all I did for you?
- Twilight: We can't do something to incriminate us, Rarity. It's your responsibility. You made these choices and you paid the consequences.
- Rarity:... I... I WISH- (Twilight disabled her magic)
- Twilight: We're sorry, Rarity. (They turned her in as she was sent to the Black Stailian Asylum.)
- Rarity Clone:... No! That just can't be possible!
- AG Rarity: Generosity can destroy if it's not done responsibly. People including con artists like Vogue use that to their advantage. Look around. (Cons were seen across Manehatten)... Generosity is easily manipulated. Pity makes you generous. Generosity is something that can be used for greed. It can be used to help others get what they want for free. Generosity is greed's bitch. All it does is empower thewrong people often times too many. (She hypnotizes Rarity Clone as she turned slightly monochrome) That's how con artists survive. They take advantage of people like you. Generosity is only theft without consequence. Are you just going to wait for Rarity to destroy herself like this? She needs a polar opposite.
- Rarity:... You couldn't be more correct. (She turns completely monochrome) I'll give her a con she won't soon forget. She'll learn the best and worst way imaginable, for my name isn't... GREEDILY!!!
- AG Rarity: Fitting name. So, are you ready?
- Greedily: I, was literally BORN ready! (Chuckles dramatically)
Fluttershy's Virtual Reality
- Fluttershy clone was wimpering as she walked about.
- Fluttershy Clone: (She was completely silent as she wandered about a spooky forest until she finally encountered an angelic AG Fluttershy)...... (Whimpers)...
- AG Fluttershy: Hello. Don't be afraid. I know how you feel about this. But there's a reason you exist. Allow me to make you comfortable. (Animals appeared and she slowly sunk in)... You are a clone of a pony who goes by the name of Fluttershy.
- Fluttershy Clone:......
- AG Fluttershy: I understand why you're being taciturn right now. You share Fluttershy's ways of thinking. You're shy, you bond better with animals and nature itself, and you have beauty and weak physical and social skill. (She gives her a mirror)
- Fluttershy Clone:...... Awwwwww, I look like a Disney Princess!... How do I know what that is?
- AG Fluttershy: Well Fluttershy may be shy and a beautiful introvert, but she's braver than she believes. She's the Element of Kindness. Since she had poor social skills, she was the victim of bullies.... Then when a friend stood up for her, she discovered something better than learning how to adequately fly. (She was shown her entire cutie mark story)... And like a seedling, you grew from there. (The rest of her life story was shown)
- Fluttershy Clone:... I feel for her. I would defend life with my own life.... I love animals.
- AG Fluttershy: Many people do. As the Element of Kindness, she must grow into a strong tree of life as it's guardian and a compassionate pony full of life. However there's a hard lesson even Fluttershy has a hard time learning. And that's pretty much her inability to be socially outgoing.
- Fluttershy Clone: And what does that mean?
- AG Fluttershy: It means that Kindness, just like the other Elements, have disastrous consequences if not thought out logically.
- Fluttershy Clone:......
- AG Fluttershy: Allow me to demonstrate. (They enter a future scenario)...
- Fluttershy: (Humming in an open field with animals until she notices an injured dog)... Oh my goodness! You poor little thing! (She approaches the dog and patches it up) What happened to you? (She notices the collar on him)... Ohhh, you're lost? I'm so sorry. I'll help you find your home for you. Come on home. (She left with him as this was watched by a wicked-grinned pony)
- Pony: (Chuckles) All according to plan.
- Fluttershy Clone: "Uh, who was that, I, I don't get it."
- AG Fluttershy: Let's just say, somepony you'd rather forget. He's the son of Jargon, Well-To-Do's pony assistant. He wasn't exactly happy when you and your friends put his father out of business and made the family look shameful. So... Well... (They enter her cottage)
- Fluttershy: Glad to help give you your dog back. We had so much fun together.
- Jargon's Son: I'll bet you have. Thank you. (They left)... Did you get the information?
- Dog: Ugh, did I ever! (He transformed into a pony) This shapeshifting spell is a real killer.
- Jargon's Son: Well it has finally paid off. That pretty pony took my family's successful business, now we're taking everything she loves in return. (Chuckles and time fast forwarded as the Everfree Forest was destroyed)... I never actually thought it would be so easy. The Everfree Forest is now gone for what it did to mom. That pony will actually care for anything. She just fell for the oldest trick in the con artist book.
- Jargon's Son: And why not? The Everfree Forest has done nothing but terrorize anything around it in the name of nature. Well, if this hippie forest is going to terrorize us, then it shouldn't exist. But I couldn't have done it without you. You gave me exactly what information I needed to destroy it for what it did to my mother.
- Fluttershy: IT'S NOT THE FOREST'S FAULT!! Your mother was just treating it so cruel when she wanted to cut down a tree to use it for selfish reasons.
- Jargon's Son: BUT WHAT IT DID WAS NO BETTER!!! IT MURDERED PONIES IN THE NAME OF PROTECTING LIFE!!! PROTECTING IT BY TAKING IT AWAY!!! NOW I TOOK ALL OF IT IN RETURN FOR IT'S HYPOCRITICAL BARBARISM!!! If you think you'll make me pay for this, imagine how they'll feel idf they learned you helped me do it. You'll be blamed just as much, and you'll be ostracized. You'll never be trusted again. Face it, Fluttershy, you're too kind for your own good. Have fun running away from what you just destroyed. (Cackles as Fluttershy looked in horror as the animals hated her and left as she started crying)
- Fluttershy Clone: (Sobbing)... No! How could this happen?
- AG Fluttershy: "The fickle nature of kindness, cause you see-"
- AG Fluttershy: "..... Wow. I didn't even get to finish and she's already on her way. Heh. Too easy, really."
Rainbow Dash's Virtual Reality
- Rainbow Dash Clone was walking down.
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Ugh, I wish this place had a skylight or something, because I have this weird desire to be up in the sky and be free."
- ???: "Well, that's all part of the course of being awesome."
- AG Rainbow Dash: (She appeared out of nowhere) I did. There's no need for violence. I am going to guide you. First, you want to feel free? Here you go. (They are given a massive sky setting as she flies with the Wonderbolts as she briefly stops silent to Soarin's wings causing her to crash comically)
- Rainbow Dash Clone:... DAMN! That was AWESOME!!! But, don't know what got into me those last few moments.
- AG Rainbow Dash: Well it should be awesome. You are a clone of a pony named Rainbow Dash. You have the dashing looks to look awesome. (Shows her to a mirror)
- Rainbow Dash Clone: Wow!... Do ponies ever confuse me for a guy?
- AG Rainbow Dash: "Worse. Some of them think you'regay."
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Yeesh?! I can clearly see why given my hair color. I could only imagine the fanfics Rainbow Dash gets because of that."
- AG Rainbow Dash: "Oh that's a rabbit hole ya don't wanna fly down to. Trust me. It's too expansive to even bring up."
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Based on how you said that, I'll take your word for it. So, tell me about, erm.... Us?"
- AG Rainbow Dash: Well you have been awesome for most of your life. (They show her cutie mark story and her life afterward)
- Ag Rainbow Dash: "The accreate term for us ponies is mare."
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Eh, potato po-ta-to."
- AG Rainbow Dash: Expected that.And you're lucky you're the Element of Loyalty. Without it, you'd be an unstoppable powerhouse, though in a bad way. Thing is..... Loyalty doesn't mean you are an automatic improvement.
- Rainbow Dash Clone: Huh?What can be so bad about being loyal?
- AG Rainbow Dash: Well being loyal means you can't exactly say no when you disagree with the questionable decisions of those with whom you are loyal to. Being loyal means you need to know when to do what's best with whom you're loyal to, not follow them completely. Being loyal means you look out for those you care about.
- Rainbow Dash Clone:... I guess that makes sense. But can you show me which order could cross the line?
- AG Rainbow Dash: That's the idea. (They are sent to a future scenario)
- Spitfire: Ugh! The Twittermite infestation is getting worse! That dirty Joule Jolt isn't making it easy with his crazy revenge scheme.
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Joule Whonow?"
- AG Rainbow Dash: "That's irrelivent on what your trying to learn today."
- Soarin: Well what do we do?
- Spitfire:... Bring in Crash. I fear we must initiate Operation: Double Rainboom.
- Spitfire: I'm afraid we're out of ideas. Bring her to me. I'll get the potion.
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Double Rainboom?"
- AG Rainbow Dash: Yeah, that's something Rainbow herself swore never to do. It's like the Sonic Rainboom doubled in payload and capable of destroying an entire land. It's also got some other side effects, too, but let's not talk about it.
- Rainbow Dash: YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?!?
- Spitfire: Double Rainboom. Joule and his Twittermite infestation are consuming Equestria by the minute and no matter how hard we fight, we're always overwhelmed. Joule did NOT like getting shunned for the idea of a Twittermite power battery and army just to make the royal guard look less incompetent. He's willing to commit to terrorism just to prove we were wrong. So, we have to increase your power with this top-secret talent enhancer potion. A Double Rainboom is the only way to destroy the infestation.
- Rainbow Dash:... Ya do realize that's just a notoriously crazy and unpopular ideafrom an animation that's literally just the creator flexing his animation muscles, right? I mean, it's uninamamously denouced as something I would actually do by pretty much all of the Brony Fandom-
- Spitfire: OF COURSE I DO!!
- Rainbow Dash: THEN WHY ARE YOU RISKING WRECKINGMANY HOMES AND JOBS JUST TO ELIMINATE AN ELECTRIC BUG PROBLEM?! Just have me and my friends deal with Joule ourselves. We'll have that bug nerd give up in 10 seconds flat! Twilight is GREAT at talking ponies out of being stupid! And maybe use the Elements against a super bug or something.
- Soarin: Sorry to say that Joule thought ahead and swarmed the Tree of Harmony with Twittermites. The Elements of Harmony will be useless.
- Rainbow Dash: And the Rainbow Power?
- Spitfire: That is connected to the Tree of Harmony, you know. They won't work either.
- Rainbow Dash: WHAT?! SERIOUSLY?! How good is this Joule guy?
- Fleetfoot: Joule Jolt, Pegasus, Age 26, Top Former Military Scientist. He got fired for the idea of using Twittermites as power. His superiors deemed that idea unethical and an abuse against creatures of nature to use them like that, regardless of how pesky they are.He's also a former royal guard. He's too smart for the average solution.
- Rainbow Dash: "Well I'm just saying that Twilight can talk the guy down and stop this problem without needless property damage. Espeically over some shocky fireflies!"
- Spitfire: But what if he's not interested in negotiating unless if it's to get him what he wants? Celestia is counting on us, Crash, and this is the only chance we have left! Do this for Celestia. Do this for your friends. Do this for all the loyalties you have.
- Rainbow Dash: "..... Fine. BUT IF I GET HOUNDED FOR THIS, I'M TAKING YOU THREE DOWN WITH ME?! You three at least owe me for at least sharing the blame and that you admit that it was YOUR stupid idea?!"
- Spitfire: "You'll have my word that we'll stick our necks out for you when it does happen."
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Aw don't tell me those three are gonna double cross her in the end."
- AG Rainbow Dash: "Oh don't worry, Spitfire's an honorable Wonderbolt. The problem, however, belies with her vice-commander uncle, Fiery Shitzstorm. (Rainbow Dash Clone laughed)..... (Laughs as well) I know, I know, hilarious, his mom was very vindictive! But what he did isn't hilarious! In order to protect Spitfire from willingly sacrivicing her career, which trust me, it's more about protecting the family name and/or his position, he ordered his goons to keep Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot from doing that, cover up the existence of Spitfire's connections to the operation, and frame Rainbow Dash as a self-rightious speed happy rogue!"
- Rainbow Dash Clone: "Oh no! Please tell me he doesn't get away with it!"
- AG Rainbow Dash: "..... Sorry kid. There ain't no superhero-saved-the-day ending here. Don't get me wrong, both he and Joule never won, but neither did the heroes." (The Double Rainboom was seen as ponies were sheltered and just enough was preserved as the Twittermites were destroyed and Joule stood with automaton soldiers similar to SilverQuill's Twittermite Robot Army)
- Joule: AND THEY SAID USING THESE PESTS WAS UNETHICAL!!! SUCK IT YOU- (He was blown away by the Double Rainboom)
- Shitzstorm: It was horrible! Rainbow Dash is attempting to use a Double Rainboom to stop the infestation. She's going to destroy the- (The Double Rainboom pushed him away as his wings were pulverized and the evidence of his conspiracy fell out of his pockets)
- Rainbow Dash:... Yes! I hope that didn't cause too much damage.
- Celestia: Rainbow Dash? Is it true you didn't decide to do this on your own?
- Rainbow Dash: No, your highness.
- Celestia: Well good. Glad it wasn't a jinx. But... (Takes the vial of talent enhancer potion)... Is it true that the Wonderbolts had this idea?
- Rainbow Dash: Yes, but it was for the greater good.
- Celestia:... Clearly Shitzstorm was trying to frame you. But... Even if he failed, I can't look over the fact that the Wonderbolts and even you were willing to risk so much with this plan. This would've put ponies in serious danger.... I guess I have no other choice. I'm dissolving the Wonderbolts, and having you fired as the Element of Loyalty.
- Rainbow Dash:... WHAT?!?
- Celestia: I can't have a taskforce that resorts to a destructive tactic stay alive, or keep a pony willing to follow through with it be a hero.
- Rainbow Dash:... I... I... I... I can't believe this! Your highness, this is clearly what Shitzstorm wants. It's either me or them!
- Celestia: Well, both Joule and Shitzstorm are dead. I can't sense their life energy anymore. So we can't specify if that's true or not.
- Rainbow Dash:... I can't stand for this. Take me, Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot instead.
- Celestia:... Are you sure?
- Rainbow Dash: At least I'm not questioning your authority. This is their fault as much as it is mine. We're the ones who should be punished, not the Wonderbolts as a whole. We'll take any sentence or sacrifice if it means whatever backup plan Shitzstorm had doesn't work. Think about it. If he lost, then somepony else or more would go down with him. Are you going to let him get that chance?
- Celestia:...... (Sighs) Very well. You, Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot will be tried for this and the Wonderbolts will stay alive. But the punishment on you being fired as the Element of Loyalty is likely to remain unchanged. The Unicorn Council is not going to be merciful on you.
- Rainbow Dash: I don't care. If it means that the best flying protectors in Equestria are still protecting the skies, then it'll be worth it.
- Rainbow Dash Clone:... So... Is that the worst part?
- AG Rainbow Dash: Oh, no, it gets worse.
- Twilight: TRIAL?!?
- Rainbow Dash: Look, I had to do something to keep the Wonderbolts from paying and letting Shitzstorm win.
- Applejack: Are you nuts?! You couldn't think of a better solution?! The Unicorn Council is infamously vindictive!!
- Rainbow Dash: There WAS no better solution!
- Rarity: Oh, wasn't there? You couldn't just oppose both the Wonderbolts or Celestia for a better solution than still just letting Shitzstorm get what he wants? You're sacrificing your idols' leading figures and yourself just to keep them alive?
- Twilight: Well, if you're about to be fired as the Element of Loyalty, then I can save them the energy. You're fired.
- Rainbow Dash: WHAT?!
- Twilight: Rainbow, you're too loyal for your own good. You support superiors too much. Being loyal isn't just following orders. It's finding better solutions for the superiors' own good. You can't just say no to them.
- Twilight: No, we're saying you need to know when to draw the line. Sometimes even they aren't perfect. If you're expecting us to stick up for you during the case, then you're wasting your time. Perhaps this sacrifice will be worth it in the end. Don't say we didn't warn you if you end up sentenced to life imprisonment for this. You're dismissed.
- Rainbow Dash:... So that's it? You're just going to turn your back on me? I thought we were friends!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!! (She storms out angrily and destroys the castle accidentally doing so)
- Pinkie:... Ouch.
- Rainbow Dash Clone:... No! This can't happen!! I try to help and this is the thanks I get? This can't be true!!
- AG Rainbow Dash: Loyalty can be something that garners too much acceptance and agreement even if the act is too risky and unethical. Rainbow is much too agreeable to her loyalties and thus will either accept it or haggle with it. She can't stand up for everything she cares about regardless of the risk. Often times blindly following orders has caused suffering and death. It's important to know when to draw the line, and Rainbow can't easily do that. (She hypnotizes her as she turns slightly monochrome) Being loyal means you'll do anything one says regardless of the risk. The only way you can help fix this is to show that insubordination can be the kindest thing you can do for someone. Not all orders are worth following because they can be costly and wrong. So, what'll it be?
- Rainbow Dash:... No! (She turns completely monochrome) I'm not going to let her cause destruction blindly following orders. I'm only going to be loyal to the only company I have and nobody else. I am now, Gray Dash!
- AG Rainbow Dash: Good answer. Now get busy tiger!
Chapter 2: The Elements of Disharmony Are Born/A Scheme Underway[]
- Undertow:...... I'm hearing jacks*** in there.
- Dr. Nefarious: "Oh don't worry, I'm sure they're fin- (The door was blasted open) GAAAAAAAA!?"
- The Now Fake Six walk out of the chamber.
- Darklight: "..... Where's Doctor Spazzatron?!"
- Zigzag: "..... I think your contraption was too much on them."
- Dr. Nefarious: "Chillax, guys, I got this. (Approuches the Fake Six) Are you enlighten now, my dear- (Cruelshy grabbed him) GAAAK?!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "(Gags and laughs), I admire the cutting to the chase?! Okay! I know just the thing to need. (The Robotic Woodpecker arrived) And with perfect timing, I have that power, right here. And now, to the fabication center?!"
The Fabication Center.
- A large catacomb like room-machine was seen, as Dr. Nefarious arrived to the controls with the Fake 6.
- Meanie: "What is even with the Sci-Fi crap anyway?"
- Dr. Nefarious: "This, is my fabication center. I can recreate anything, with the right ingredients..... For exsample..... (Brings out a battery-like container) This baby is filled with the harmonious engery of the Tree of Harmony itself. While this, (Brings out a vial of DNA) Is Draconequus DNA. A sample obtained from such during the Dragon Lord fiasco some time ago. I had been itching to use this!"
- Gray Dash: "Then quit fooling around and scratch that itch already!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Oh with ever long awaited pleasure! (Puts the samples into the incert chambers that went inside the machine."
- Computer Voice: "Fabrication Commencing. Chosen Subject: A Chrsitailian Tree born from a seed made from a currently unknown shorce. Combined with: Draconequus DNA. Fabrication Beginning."
- Amazing and epic lazers began to spin around and rise up and down as an almost familier shape takes form, as Nefarious and Darklight and Applejerkwait in anpisipation, while Gray Dash looked like she doesn't give a fuck, Meanie and Cruelshy were shoving eachother, and Greedly was more interested in the shiny spectical then the end result.
- The Lazer Light Show was done, as a giant, razored, chaoticly pattern, dark clone of the Tree of Harmony was seen.
- Dr. Nefarious: "...... Behold, young dears....... THE TREE, OF DISHARMONY?!"
- Gray Dash: "....... And how the hell, is a tree suppose to help us?"
- Dr. Nefarious: "You know how the Main 6 have their powers from the Tree of Harmony? I figured one of disharmony would give you six the Elements of Disharmony."
- Greedly: "And it does that, HOW?"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Take the elevader to ground level, and find out."
Ground level.
- The Fake Six exit the elevader and are at ground level of the Fabication machine, as they approuched the bottom of the tree.
- Greedily: "Ohhhhh-hohohohohohoho! Screw the superpowers! I want to sell this baby to the black market!"
- Applejerk: "The black market won't be interested in a giant magical tree! (Looks around nerviously)...... It probuly ain't worth a fortune?"
- Greedily: "Oh, with a face like that, I bet the oppisite is true, you big liar?!"
- Darklight: "FOCUS YOU IMBACILES?! We need to get the tree to acknowledge us."
- Meanie: "It ain't sentient, brainiac!"
- Gray Dash: "That's a good point she has there, DORKLight, it probuly isn't even aware of it's own freaking existence! How are we suppose to-"
- Darklight: DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!
- (Nefarious): (On intercom) Girls, girls, you're all pretty, now just remember how the Tree of Disharmony works. It works the same way, but by being reversed by the chaos magic within the Draconequus DNA, which I used other than pure chaos magic since that stuff is too unstable to be tangible, that should potentially mean that in creating this tree, I would also create by extension, the Elements of Disharmony.
- Meanie: Psssh, you expect us to wear trinkets to make us laughing stalks?
- (Nefarious): "Well, yeah, that's kinda how it works. I mean, I would've gone the Steven Universe route and implant the things inside you, but, Scroopfan's not a big fan of the show outside of his guilty pleasure for that song he used for when Gazelle was kicking Kai's ass. Long story."
- Darklight: "So tell us how we get them cronedome?! (A root grew from the grown with a chest with the front in the fact of Nefarious. It opened as the trinkits were exposed.)....... Well...... So much for that. (She levitated the objects to her and barely the others in not trusting them to be stupid with them)."
- (Nefarious): Now, to explain them. Darklight, you are the Disharmonic Element of Magic. Applejerk, you are the Element of Dishonesty. Meanie, you are the Element of Torment. Greedily, you're the Element of... Well, Greed. Cruelshy, you're the Element of Rudeness. And Gray Dash, you are the Element of Defiance. Together you six are, wait for it-
- (Nefarious): "Okay okay okay, you now have the ability to spread disharmony with those things! Yeesh!"
- Cruelshy: Then say that, goddamn it.
- (Nefarious):... You girls are quite the ray of UV sunshine, aren't you?
- Darklight: Well we got what we needed, so tell us, 'dad', where do we start?
- (Nefarious): "Well..... Just go to Equestria and, cause choas......"
- Darklight: "....... That's, litterally, it?"
- (Nefarious): "Hey, this was an old plan I had in the backburner for a while now and Bellwether's already working on giving it some twicks."
- Darklight: Well I guess it makes sense. Well, girls, you ready to cause some disharmony?
- Other Negative 6: HELL YEAH!!
- (Nefarious): "Exsellent?! Lawerence, READY the teleporter!"
- (Lawerence): "You didn't had to shout sir, I was right next to you!"
- (Nefarious): I yell, it's what I do.
- (Lawrence): Whatever. (He teleported the Elements of Disharmony away)
- (Nefarious): Now let's watch them cause chaos! (Cackles insanely)
- (Undertow): WITH WHAT-
- (Nefarious): DON'T ASK A QUESTION THAT CAN BE EASILY ANSWERED!!! (Continues cackling)
- The Fake Six appeared just on top of some bushes and crashed into it!
- Fake Six: "OOF?!"
- Applejerk: "..... That felt nice."
- Gray Dash: "Yeah I'm just gonna assume you mean the oppisite of what your saying."
- Meanie: "..... Okay, so we're here. Now what?"
- Darklight: "Let me think, dum-dums. (Sees that they are actselly not too far from Canterlot)..... Girls, we're near the capital! Do you know what that means?"
- Greedly: "Riches?"
- Cruelshy: "Snooty snobs?"
- Meanie: "Boreville?"
- Applejerk: "Pumpkins?"
- Gray Dash: "Yo mama? (Smugass grin)"
- Darklight: "NO ON ALL FRONTS?! It means we have a shot to take down Equestria's capital at the core! Perfect way to cause chaos! Now, here's the plan. We go in there, confront Celestia, and ask her to do a few simple demands, from giving Twilight an independent nation, and absolving certain issues like-"
- Gray Dash: "Yo, Dorklight, (Darklight snarled), Ya do realsied that she can CLEARLY see that we're not the actual ones, right? I mean, we're grey as s*** and we don't have those magical tramp stamps."
- Darklight: "I- (Realizes the fallacy of her plan)......Oh...... DAMMIT?!"
- Applejerk: "I think it was a great plan. (Gets nervious)......"
- Darklight: ".... Not, helping, AT ALL?! Okay, NEW plan! We fine the second biggest weakspot of this planet?!"
- Voices were heard as the Six ducked their heads in!
- Two random tourest ponies were chatting up a storm!
- Tourest 1: "I'm telling you, I'm just gonna LOVE the Canterlot."
- Tourest 2: "I bet so myself, but nothing can ever top our visit to the Crystal Empire! The shorce of all love in Equestria!"
- Tourest 1: "Oh yeah, and since love is like magic enhancer, if that were to fall under the control of someone who really wanted to, it can cripple or control all of Equestria's fate."
- Tourest 2: "Oh totally. It would suck if we were talking about such a glaring weakness like that out in the open like thisto some undesireables that could be listening."
- Tourest 1: "Well good thing that Equestria is a peaceful nation, huh buddy?"
- The Two Tourests laughed as they left.
- The Six peaked out their heads.....
- Darklight: "...... New plan, ladies..... We get, (Starts rubbing her hooves togather), The Crystal Empire. (Grinch Smile)"
Canterlot Lobby
- A strict and elegant tour guide was seen around a couple of tourests ponies, along with A tannish-green green-haired pony with a sea turtle cutie markwith two unseen parents walking down the area.
- Tour Guide: "And over here you can see the-"
- The pony was seen daydreaming as the Tour Guide was heard to him as if she was saying nothing but blahs.
Fantasy Beach.
- This played.
- Sandbar was seen snorkeling underwater in a reef until a beautiful seapony tickled him as he gurgle-laughs and she tore off his snorkel and kissed him as he surfaced for air.
- Pony: (Gasps) Shore, you silly guppy.
- Seapony (Shore): Aw come on, Sandy, you know I love messing with you. (Sighs) If only I had the magic to make you a seapony. Then we could be together forever.
- Pony: Well, I am only a sea animal caretaker and rescue agent. I did meet you when seeing and rescuing sea turtles during a boat trip with my parents. I earned my cutie mark thanks to you.
- Shore: Ohh, I didn't do it intentionally, Sandbar.
- Pony (Sandbar): No you just did it because you were in love with me. I basically murdered and/or drowned your cootie phase.
- Shore: Well you did start loving the sea when you were dunked here near my front door by accident. I ended up unintentionally inspiring you to become what you are now when you noticed me loving you. It was the cutest meeting ever.
- Sandbar: Well, I am quite charming.
- Shore: Oh, stop it!
- Sandbar: How about you stop being cute?
- Shore: (Giggles) You really want me to? You seem to like my company.
- Sandbar: OH, WITH A BUBBLY PASSION!!! I love you, Shore Joy!
- Shore: And I you, you cute little lovefish! (The two dunked and kissed)!
- A shark dressed as a tour guide showed up!
- Shark: "(Tour Guide's voice) YOUNG COLT?! May I politely ask you to STOP KISSING THAT BUST?!"
- Sandbar was seen holding a bust of a regel pony, as Sandbar freaked out and clumsly ended up losing it, breaking the bust!
- Tour Guide: "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID, YOU CLUMSY OAF?! That was a Bustalina original! They don't make them like this anymore! You'relucky magic resloves these issues like nothing, but I expect MIMUMAL DAY DREAMING ALL THE SAME?! You'rein Canterlot Palace afterall?!"
- Sandbar: "Sorry, Miss Vicegrip. Won't happen again."
- Vicegrip: "GOOD! Now, let's try to tour someplace with less, fragility. (Vicegrip forced Sandbar back into the crowd, as the Fake 6 were seen hiding in the shadows.....
- Darklight: "...... Ladies...... We found our sucker."
- Applejerk: "..... The bitchy tourguide?"
- Darklight: "..... (Sarcasticly) Yes, the bitchy tourguide."
- Gray Dash: "Yeah, great plan, except, oh I don't know, that I DOUBT SHE KNOWS THE CHRISTAIL EMPIR- (Darklight made a dark magic hand slap Gray Dash) OW?!"
- Darklight: "I meant the brat with the turtle cutie mark, you idiots?!"
- Greedly: "How come he gets to have a turtle cutie mark, let alone A cutie mark?! I want one too?!"
- Cruelshy: "Well BOO-HOO you!"
- Meanie:"Quit being a crybaby, will ya?!"
- Darklight: "FOCUS, IDIOTS?! Thatsea turtle lover is OUR ticket to the Christail Empire?! He's clumsy, so it means he's stupid!"
- Meanie: "Well aren't we alittle bias to clumsy people, little miss faverite?!"
- Darklight: "Oh like he's some kind of Einstain Progity with clumsiness like breaking a bust!"
- Gray Dash: "Hey, there CAN actselly be clumsy smart people, Dorklight."
- Darklight: (Through clenched teeth) I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! Let's just wait for him to be alone!
- Gray: Whatever you say, your lowness!
The Tour's location.
- Sandbar's Mother: Sandbar, care to explain why you went off into your own little world like that?
- Sandbar: Sorry, mom, it's just...
- Sandbar's Mother: You were thinking about Shore Joy again, weren't you?
- Sandbar: Yes I was, yes I was. I can't help it. I love her. Her coral-colored hair, her beautiful piercing blue eyes, and... And she helped me discover my calling and my cutie mark.
- Sandbar's Father: "Look, son, we get it, you miss her, but, well, with the new friendship school about to be open soon, this will be our life now. And Shore's parents are, obviously not yet ready for a big change like getting into this friendship school, espeically when you basicly have to move to Ponyville just to have a easier time to be near it. It is LITTERALLY a historic event. Cause usually those EEA guys are very picky about schools. We have to respect that they're worried that Shore wouldn't have what it takes to meet a certain criteria."
- Sandbar: "I get that, but.... It doesn't make it any less diffucult."
- Sandbar's mother: "..... Look, if it helps, Shore's Parents are bound to reconsider eventually. It may not be sometime soon, but, a friendship school's bound to prove positive enough to attract in more students."
- Sandbar: I know, and I signed up to help seaponies and ponies since Princess Twilight's attempt to steal Queen Novo's pearl sparked trust issues. It would've saved my chance to admit my feelings since my attempt this Hearts and Hooves Day was a total bubble burst.
- Sandbar's Father: I'm sorry we had to leave the Horseshoe Bay, son, but we had to. We don't have magic and can't just teleport there. Plus seaponies rarely venture out to land. There's riverways here, but Shore's parents have been uppity about this choice and worry for her.
- Sandbar: You did the same to me the exact time I fell overboard during that boat trip, met Shore, and had a fun time with her. The sea is beautiful and I became a sea animal caretaker and rescue agent thanks to her. I just... Wasn't expecting that signing up for this school meant moving away from her.
- Sandbar's Father: "Also not helping that the school is landlocked and built for convinence by being made near Ponyville. I imagine that isn't also really working for you."
- Sandbar's Mother: "Honey!"
- Sandbar's Father: "Sorry dear, ya know me, I always had that hoof-in-mouth tendingcy."
- Vicegrip: "AHEAM?! May I interupt your conversation to remind you three that lunch is coming up in 5 minutes?"
- Sandbar's Father: "Oh, uh, thanks for that, because we're straving. (Vicegrip went on to lead the group). (Quietly) Yeesh, no wonder she's called Vicegrip."
- Sandbar's Mother: "(Quietly) Shush!"
- Sandbar:... Well, I'd like some time alone. I need to process this decision.
- Sandbar's Father: Well your gonna have to wait till after the tour for that, son.
- Sandbar: I get it. Sheesh.
- The Negitive Six were secretly watching this in the shadows.
- Applejerk: I don't care what is going on.
- Darklight: Quiet!
- Meanie: I'd love to laugh at the misery we'll put him in. This is going to be more fun than slapping smiles on faces.
- Darklight: Girls, remember the plan!
- Gray Dash: "Will you chillax, we haven't forgoten an itch!"
- Applejerk: I sure hope this goes without an itch.
- Cruelshy: Okay, do you ever stop lying?
- Applejerk:... Yes.
- Cruelshy: Hmmph. Ass.
- Darklight: Alright, I've got a plan. We just pretend to be the Mane Six but had our true selves and cutie marks stolen by Mayhem.
- Gray Dash: Aw, come on, don't you feel like an idiot? There's no way he's going to believe that.
- Darklight: Oh really? Then,Applejerk?You feel in the mood to do a little conning?
- Applejerk: Con is NOT my middle name.
- Greedily: Okay, at this point, youspeak as ifit's Opposite Day.
- Meanie: I HATE Opposite Day. Everything is randomly reversed. Ironic since we're reversed clones of the Mane Six.
- Darklight: Well as soon as we get to the Crystal Empire, EVERYTHING will be as reversed as us, baby. Then I'll be able to take all the magic in Equestria.
- Applejerk: Badplan.
- Darklight: "Glad you agree Applejerk, if mainly because you mean the oppisite of what you actselly say."
- Gray Dash: So you want to steal all the magic in the world?
- Darklight: I'm reverse Twilight. She wants to learn and understand magic, I want to do the opposite. With the Crystal Empire, we can make the world so reversed it'll be easier to steal it.
- Meanie: So that's going to help them learn the hard lessons that made us?
- Darklight: Pretty much, yes. Whether we win or lose, we can start all over again.
- Greedly: "And we'll do it ALL for Daddy Nefarious. (A familier black pony was seen hiding in the shadows.)"
- Familier figure: "......What luck that I get to encounter some fellow apostate ponies in the capital of Equestria of all things. (Laughs as the lighting briefly reveiled her as the depowered Wicked Heart)."
- Suddenly, the episode came to a screeching halt!
- Deadpool came up!
- Deadpool: "Wait wait wait, didn't you already used this character like, an episode ago?"
- Scroopfan: "Well, I felt that I should give Wicked abit more of a continuing enfluence beyond just Draconequui Wonderland instead of just not using her again until her next big appearence."
- Deadpool: "Yeah, but, still, that's a bit too soon to bring a recently defeated villain back."
- Scroopfan: "Look, it's a purely minor role, she'll be gone as quietly as she showed up, okay? Besides, she's kinda intended to be the reason for the Negative Six's betrayal as suppose to them just doing it randomly out of nowehere, because, well, she's a choas pony, they're choas ponies, so, what better way to have that betrayal justifived, am I right?"
- Deadpool: "..... Not a bad plan actselly. But you'resure MSM's gonna be cool with it?"
- Scroopfan: "Again, she's mostly a minor role here, so she won't be a blunt interuption."
- MSM: He has a point.
- Scroopfan: "Now let us continue the episode, Deadpool."
- Deadpool: "Okay okay, chill. (Leaves and the episode resumes)."
Twilight's Castle
- The Mane 6 were seen chillaxing and reflecting around the map.
- Applejack: "We sure done had an interesting week post-Draconquui Wonderland. From Twilight complicating having half of Equestria go independent that a visit to Celestia fixed, Rainbow Dash's, awkword revelations."
- Rainbow Dash: "I know you were trying to help me with, that, but you still could've left Rarity out of it! Now the Wonderbolts won't look at me the same way."
- Starlight: "Hey, if they were willing to pardon that stunt you pulled one time, I think a wing fetish isn't much of a stretch for them to get over."
- Rainbow Dash: "Still doesn't make me feel less stupid to expect the element of honesty to keep secrets. You would probuly be the worse spy to secret agent ever."
- Applejack: "I'd take offence, but considering how well Bon Bon kept that a secret from Equestria until the Bug Animals forced her exposure, I kinda have to agree."
- Pinkie: "AND Let's not forget that I managed to cure Count Gryffindor's Tumor!"
- Rarity: "Albeit out of dumb luck that you managed to be so enjoyable, even someone who was originally intolerent of joyand/or stupidity, ended up getting cured of it. Cause otherwise, Pinkie, we didn't wanted you to end up upsetting him. But alcourse, egg on our face, cause you were just what was needed!"
- Pinkie: "What can I say? Laughter IS the best medicine."
- Rarity: "But it is nothing compaired to how I resloved issues with Vogue. Admitingly, I assumed she was after some extremely late revenge for the Suri Polomare lawsuit, but it turned out that she was legitamently trying to help me secure a shop in the christail empire. Admitingly, it could've ended even more embarrising. Fortunately, she was forgiving enough to consider helping me secure a shop there without giving up the ones I already had. She warned it may take time though, but, in all fairness, it did took time for me to accquire shops in Canterlot and Manehatten respectably, so, I can handle another timetable for a shop, I'm a paient mare."
- Pinkie: "I'm glad that Suri's mom turned out to be nice too. Cause who knows what could've happen if she WAS after late revenge?"
- Rainbow Dash: "Tch, well, worse case scenario, Rarity would've used one of those black wishes."
- Rarity: "Ha, ha, Rainbow Dash. But do keep in mind that I may be improving my magic under Mystic's tutelage, that doesn't mean he taught me everything, espeically not something so, unpleasent as Black Wishes. Those things tend to be overkill, espeically if you were to wish someone or their kin dead."
- Fluttershy: "Well, I'm still feeling badabout Jargon's son and his friend. Awful as they were, they didn't deserved what those Parasite Oaks did to them."
- Rainbow Dash: "You mean the Rape Trees?"
- Twilight: "That is a crude over-classification, Rainbow! The Parasite Oaks only have their brances to penitraight..... Sensitive areas, in the anal and reproductive regeins, is because the parasite oaks want to dig up the highest consintraightion of leftover nutrients, fertliser, and, other things, to be able to grow because their photosynthesis depends on such, unplesent ways. Those two were lucky they survived, albeit, with mental and physical scars that, could never heal. I'd feel bad for them, but it was their ownstupid fault being near the row of everfree trees that happened to be Parasite Oaks. Both King Aspen AND Zecora have to help those two down!"
- Fluttershy: "I know they were awful ponies, but, they still didn't deserved it."
- Applejack: "Perhaps not, but at least it will be a powerful lesson those two varments will NEVER forget."
- Rainbow Dash: "Well, I think we can agree that compaired to Jargon's son and his dips*** friend, Joule and S***storm got off of easier by extention. More so Joule, because you did an awesome job at talking the guy out of being crazy, as usual."
- Twilight: "Happy to obliged, Rainbow. Though I still have to admit disappointment that the Wonderolts wanted to weaponised the notorious Double Rainboom to basically Hiroshima bomb Joule's Twittermites out of existence! Even more disappointed at Firey that he was trying to frame you as a rogue."
- Rainbow Dash: "Well thank goodness he had incompident goons that failed to keep Spitfire from exposing his butt. I'm glad Spitfire inhered her dad's quilities and not her doughe uncle."
- Rarity: "It was also lucky that Celestia didn't desided to disban the Wonderbolts after that display, let alone over the idea of trying to weaponise a crazy brony myth."
- Rainbow Dash: Admit it, if things turned out differently, we would've been in some serious s***.
- Golden Oak: Indeed. But girls? The Map is telling me it's about to expand it's reach to other lands.
- Twilight: I figured. That's why I'm about to open myself a friendship school to make more agents of friendship.
- Pinkie:Isn't this conflicting with how this will be introduced canonly?
- Rarity: "Thing is, thanks to the massively-leaked footage, we tecnecally already know what Season 8 shall bring. I admit it will be weird to pretend that this is new infomation once again, but, that's what happens when leaks show up."
- Pinkie: So it's kinda like unfair visions from the future, then?
- Spike: You could say that.
- Twilight: Well however the school opens, it'll help improve friendship missions.
- Applejack: I can agree with that.
- Pinkie: "By the way, I have been meaning to ask, where's Starswirl and the pillers?"
- Twilight: "I think he said something about being concerned about the Tree of Harmony."
- Rainbow Dash: "Well, if that's the case, shouldn't we be concerned too?"
- Twilight: "Well he didn't exactly said WHAT he was worried about, so, it's hard to say if this is serious or not."
- Spike: Besides, we got students signing up early. Celestia said she's surprising us with 5 new ones, too. Tours are said to be ranged. One of them had a pony kissing the bust of a regal pony because of what his parents described as homesickness because of leaving a seapony love interest.
- Fluttershy: Aww, love torn apart by bad circumstance?
- Twilight: Unfortunately, yes. But a compromise should be coming soon enough. I hope that poor pony copes however we ponies do so, mainly through song.
- Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on, how predictable is that?
- Sandbar: (Looking out in the horizon with the wind blowing as he sung this)
- ???: Not many of us are prepared for anything. (The Elements of Disharmony came) Especially if it means you have to leave a crush.
- Sandbar: "Wait, Princess Twilight and the Main 6? What..... What happened to you guys?"
- Applejerk: "Mayhem happened. The chaos from the Wicked Heart mess inthe theme park allowed him to be free. This time, he desided to be more subtile then he was last time and just went out of hisway take away our element, AND our cutie marks just to be a jerk."
- Sandbar: "Mayhem's back?! Aw man, not him! I still can't get over the time he gave me and my family baracuda faces! We had to shove fish bowls in our heads because we also had the gill part of the fish face!"
- Sandbar: "(Bewildered) Pinkie Pie? Did you just laugh at my expense..... And curse?! Pinkie Pie never swears."
- Applejerk: "Mayhem also made us a might delirious, so, we kinda don't know how to behave at the moment. We can't afford to show ourselves to the princesses, let alone anyone or anypony else. We need to restore ourselves. We need you to tell us how to get to the Crystal Empire."
- Sandbar: "..... Buuuuuuuuuut, don't you guys already know that?"
- Applejerk: "Mayhem...... Also took our memories of it, because..... He's a jerk! (Acts nervous)."
- Sandbar: ".... But how did you still know the name if he took your memory?"
- Applejerk: "Duh.... The Cutie Map showed us?"
- Sandbar: "..... Yeah, sounds fair."
- Darklight: "Now, be a good mino- Duh, I mean, subject, and, do ever so much remind us about the Crystal Empire."
- Sandbar: "Oh sure, I- Wait..... Don't you usually have Spike and Starlight for that?"
- Applejerk: "Mayhem kidnapped them."
- Sandbar:... You know, maybe it's because he screwed your minds around too much, but you're acting REALLY suspicious.
- Cruelshy: What made you say that?
- Sandbar: Well for one, you sound like you were defeated too easily.
- Gray Dash: Oh, what do you know about the battleof good and evil? You're just like those brainless Lodgers who take missions like a game. Things are never that straightforword, kid!
- Sandbar:... Okay, you're so inconsistent, I can't tell if you're being truthful or not, so I'll take your word for it.
- Applejerk: You're a very smart pony, Mister...
- Sandbar: Sandbar.
- Sandbar: "Actselly, it's more likea long, narrow sandbank, especially at the mouth of a river. Inoceanography,geomorphology, andearth sciences, ashoalis a natural submerged ridge, bank, or bar that consists of, or is covered by, sand or other unconsolidated material, and rises from the bed of a body of water to near the surface. Often it refers to those submerged ridges, banks, or bars that rise near enough to the surface of a body of water as to constitute a danger to navigation-"
- Gray Dash: "Hey we didn't came here for a naterol geografthic lecture, kid?!"
- Sandbar: Well, point is, I got the name because of where I lived. Believe it or not, I got my cutie mark underwater where I could hardly breath. I fell overboard during atrip, met a cute seapony named Shore Joy, she showed me a fun time, I rescued a sea turtle and her children, and I discovered I liked underwater life. That's how I got my cutie mark. And I have Shore to thank for that.... I slowly started drowning in love with her. I spent every day with her ever since and became an animal rescue agent.... But since you tried to steal Queen Novo's pearl, it affected our relationship and I signed up to your friendship school to patch up our PR.... I just didn't consider that doing that meant moving to Ponyville... Away from her.
- Cruelshy: (Going half-monochrome after sobbing in sorrow before going back abruptly)........ Welp,that's tough.
- Darklight: So, can you help us?
- Sandbar: I'll do it for Shore.
- Darklight: "(Darkly) Perfect, (Shakes head) BLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL, I mean...... You'redoing Equestria a great service."
- An Iphone vibrater was heard, coming from Darklight's neckbrace.
- Darklight: "Duh, uh, I have to answer this, BYE! (Flew off somewhere far enough!)......"
- Sandbar:... Wanna wait for her at the swimming hole?
- Greedily: Got nothing much better to do.
Far Enough Hiding Spot
- Darklight sat down in the hiding spot as the neckbrace conjured up a hologram of Nefarious.
- Darklight: "Okay, you better have a good reason calling me in the middle of work, "Dad"!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Well, Bellwether completed the newly revised plan!"
- Darklight: "Well make it quick, me and the girls managed to gain the trust of some hapless aquaphile loser to help us find the Christail Empire!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Perfect! But, in the meantime, why not do old dadsy an intermediate favor?"
- Darklight: "Ugh, fine, what do you want? And it better not be a call to ask us to get you McDonalds or Burger King, or, whatever counts as the equilents in Equestria!"
- Nefarious: Don't worry, this is a SUPER-SERIOUS call!Lawrence just discovered something unique. I had an extra plan inside my Attack Equestria plan. It's for a superweapon called the Hippobliterator.
- Darklight: "Ya know, if I was stupid, I'd mistaken that as a weapon that obliterates Hippos."
- Nefarious: Well trust me, it's not. It's a device that turns ponies into... Uh... Reversed versions of themselves. Impure as they come.
- Darklight: What was with the 'uh'?
- Nefarious: Uh, it's nothing, really, don't worry about it.
- Darklight: Oh, I think it is. Not telling us only implies you're hiding something from us.
- Darklight: Okay, 'DAAAAAAAAAAAAD'!!! We'll do that. (They hung up)... Hippobliterator. What an odd name. Ugh, whatever,If it'll help me and the nitwit patrol toget what we want, I'll roll with it.
- ???: Cease and desist at once.
- Wicked: (Shows herself)It was me. I am Wicked Darken Black Heart.
- Darlight:... Sounds like the name of a rejected Care Bears villain....
- Wicked: "So I had the misfortune of being told.Anywho, you must know that this Hippobliterator isn't meant to help you. It doesn't turn ponies impure. It turns ponies into androids."
- Darklight: "..... Ya know,, given that my "father" is some kind of wacky cranky evil robotic spaztastic mad sciencetist, I actselly don't question that."
- Wicked: He clearly created you for his own evil goals. He's using you. You're just another one of his anti-organic plans.
- Darklight:... So he created organic lifeforms... Despite hating organic lifeforms? (Coughs) Hypocrite! (Coughs)
- Wicked: Clearly you missed the fact that he's planning to turn all ofEquestria into ANDROIDS!!! Despite being untechnical, the term now coins artificial sentient beings. Organic beings with mechanical internals. He only uses biology for it's uses. He has been specified to be planning to turn everyone on his side into robots should he win, which he won't.
- Darklight:... That makes sense.
- Wicked: (Angrily) NO DUH, PRINCESS OBVIOUS!!!! (Darklight was surprised by this)... My apologies. I'm a chaotic entity and former pony. I was told my mood swings are random. (Dubbed as TFS Rip Van Winkle) ZE GAAME!!!
- Darklight: Thewha-
- Wicked: YOU LOSE, LOL, I'M SO RANDOM!!!!
- Darklight: So you told us-
- Wicked: (Insanely with Golem tone) YOU MUST NOT LET NEFARIOUS USE YOU AS SCAPEGOATS!!! NO, YOU MUST NOT!!! (Cackles insanely)
- Darklight:... Okay, now you're creeping me out.
- Wicked: Point being, if you don't like being used, just dump his sorry robotic ass. You already have a purpose as foils to the Mane Six, don't you?
- Darklight: Yeeeeees?
- Wicked: Then what is it going to be? Being slaving plow horses, or wild horses? (Darklightpondered)... You clearly need time. I'll just leave you to it. (She teleports away)
- Darklight:.... Better tell the others.
- Applejerk: (As they were at the swimming hole)... And so that d***wipe kept sendin' us on endless goose chases and we couldn't be any ANGRIER!!!! (Releases fart bubbles sighing in relief)
- Gray Dash: Oh, God, AJ, that's disgusting!!
- Applejerk: What? The water was cold. (Farts again)
- Gray Dash: It's spring. The water should be warm. (Applejerk farts harder)
- Applejerk: Must've been something I ate. (Farts)... Maybe bad intestinal gas?...
- Gray Dash:... You're sick, you know that?
- Sandbar: If Applejackbeing gross and youbeingawkwardwith your messed up minds is done andover, do you have a plan to fix this problem?
- Applejerk: We always do. (Farts) ALWAYS!
- Greedily: Don't listen to that pig. We don't know how to fix this just yet.
- Sandbar: You came all this way for my help... And you say you don't have a plan?
- Meanie: Give us a break, we've been through a ton of s*** as it is, we didn't have time to think.
- Sandbar:... I just can't take all of you seriously when you act like this.
- Meanie: "Blame Mayhem, whiner!"
- Cruelshy: Why didyou think we asked for help, idiot?
- Sandbar: Ugh! It's just, why'd you come to me of all ponies?
- Meanie: Again, BLAME, MAYHEM?!
- Sandbar: (Sighs) You're right, dumb question.
- Meanie: (Scoffs) Don't you feel like an idiot? (Applejerk farts bubbles again) WILL YOU STOP DOING THAT, YOU SICKO?!?
- Applejerk: I didn't do nothing.
- Darklight: (Teleports in) Girls? We need to ta- UGGH!!! OH BY THE PITS OF TARTARUS, WHAT IS THAT STENCH?!?
- Applejerk: Wasn't me. (Looks around nervously)
- Darklight:... (Sighs).... Just come with me, you morons. And you, Sandbar. Stay. Here. This is a private Main 6 matter of meeting. (Magicly drags the other five off with a Sandbar confused.).....
- Sandbar: "..... Wow, Mayhem must've done a serious number on them for THAT to be an end result."
- Gray Dash: Androids? Really? That's what old chrome dome wants?
- Greedly: "Tch, so he wants us to turn ponies into robots? Knew I should've charged him extra."
- Meanie: "He's not paying us for shit, ya crazed capitalist!"
- Darklight: Alchourse he's not paying us anything, you dolts!He's clearly using us as one of his countless 'nefarious' schemes.
- Gray Dash: Oh is that right?Big mistake. Nobody tells us what to do. Especially not our creator. We don't exist for his silly robot dreams. I say we ditch him.
- Darklight: Not yet. We don't want to let on too early. We need to see what we can get and steal from him. We're clearly beyond his dumb schemes.
- Cruelshy: I like the way you're thinking, Darklight.
- Meanie: Heck yeah, I can't wait to see him cry like a little baby bitch. Waaawaaaawaaaaaaa!!
- Greedily: I'm up for grabs with that plan. Power his caliber should be ours.
- Gray Dash: So how does this help our Crystal Empire plans?
- Darklight: Well should we fail, we can magically transform that Hippobliterator into something that actually does reverse the entire world like a portable weaponized Crystal Heart. We can improve ourselves with every loss.
- Applejerk: Oh gee, it's not like we have our own Elements of Harmony or something.
- Greedily: Oh, great, her lying just evolved into irony and/or sarcasium.
- Darklight: It's not like the Elements of Disharmony will be enough anyway. We need to be more OP than that if we're going to knock some sense into our DNA donors.
- Gray Dash: "What about the kid?"
- Darklight: "What about him?"
- Gray Dash: "Hey keep in mind that we roped him into thinking that Mayhem's back, and yet suddenly we would be packing one of the Doc's toys?"
- Darklight: "....... That is a good point. He may be dumb, but he's clearly capable of SOME primitive form of thinking. We're gonna need to convince him that the device is meant to be some sort of defence against Mayhem."
- Meanie: "He would CLEARLY see that the thing is alien since Equestria kinda isn't that very advanced!"
- Darklight: "We'll tell him it's from the Lodgers!"
- Cruelshy: "But what if that chrome-domed madman was stupid enough to plaster his face all over it?"
- Darklight: "We'll cover such logos up with something!"
- Cruelshy: What about-
- Darklight: Look, we got this covered. Whatever poses a problem, we'll be all over it like stink on Applejerk.
- Applejerk: HEY, I DON'T STINK THAT BAD!!
- Darklight: Whatever. Point is, we'll do what we can to declare our independence from that gearhead!
- Meanie: "You bet'ya! He ain't even our actual dad! He's just a kooky alien who made us from a machine!"
- Cruelshy: We don't even need parents since we have the intelligence to take care of ourselves. F*** Nefarious.
- Darklight: Well what're we waiting for? Let's con that little aquaphilic dum-dum!
- Greedily: No, but it should be a miracle it turns out that way. Let's go meet up with Sandbar.
Swimming Hole
- Sandbar: (Was underwater adoring the fish until Meanie pulled him out) Dwha?!
- Meanie: Good news, Sandy, we have a plan now.
- Sandbar: "Oh great to know."
- Darklight: "We intend on building an anti-choas mahince that'll be used againstMayhem."
- Sandbar: "Oh sure, but..... Equestria isn't a super-advanced world, so, how do we make them?"
- Applejerk: "Though ahead of that, kiddo! We made contact with the Lodgers and they'll make one for us."
- Sandbar: "Oh sure, but, all the same, why not just ask the Lodgers to capture Mayhem instead?"
- Applejerk: "We did, actselly. The shield is just to keep Equestria from going balls to the walls crazy again."
- Sandbar: Wow, you girls are starting to act more proactive since we met. Soon I can meet your true selves.
- Darklight: You most certainly will... (Quietly) But not in the way you would've wish.
- SpongeBob: (The Lodgers' van arrived at Twilight's Castle)... Nice to know this new school will help Twilight and her friends expand their efficiency in friendship missions.
- Shenzi: Heck yeah. With the expanded world and with this 'Storm Clan' we keep hearing about being a possible problem in the future, we'reglad the Map expanded itself.
- Icky: "Granted, this would mean that we have to get involved with more craziness down the road. They're gonna need it after a crazy week of compinplating independence, wing fetishes, curing a rage tumor, misunderstanding the mother of Suri, dealing with the d***weeds that took advantage of Flutter's kindness only for the very forest they want to burn down getting some justice for them, rape tree style, and another case of the Wonderbolts being f***-ups via trying to weaponised an infamous brony concept to stop a bunch of electric bugs! Howthose mares are not getting more mental breakdowns dealing with crazy situations on a daily basis, I'll never know!"
- Iago: "Oh that's nothing to the week we had during all that. Remember that Dr. Animontronic guy and his robotic nature's revenge?"
- Boss Wolf: "I'm still recovering from being the Mad Barber's hostage."
- Gazelle: "And don't get me started on how that week started with Jallmadoor causing a prison riot while I was visiting the Lightflies on getting Strife mostly out. Interestingly, he's stillsort've summonable."
- Shifu: "And lest we forget our encounter with the red bamboo centapede army that nearly took over china."
- Duke: "I was still weirded out by that Dark Bard mess."
- Lord Shen: "And the less is said about that French Canadian Mafia called "The Moosers Family", the better. They have a strange combined tone of evilness but also being very polite."
- Icky: "They were canadians, what did you expect?"
- Lord Shen: "I was too used to villains never being gentle with us, but then, the Moosers..... They were such an unexpected oddity."
- Gazelle: "Well, we at least have a good chance to get SOME form of break."
- When the group were just near the door way, they saw Stygian arriving in exhaustion.....
- Stygian: "(Huffs), Please, hold the door open for me! (Wheezes)..... I'm too bent out of shape to even just teleport in!"
- Icky: "Hey, isn't that assentually Pillers of Equestria equilent to Spike and/or Starlight?"
- Stygian: "I have a name, (wheezes), you know!"
- Icky: "I know, I just like giving nicknames because I see them as what they are."
- Trixie: "Well you look like you just took some exsirsize."
- Stygian: Just... Shut up... And help me!!
- Icky: Christ, fine!
- Stygian: Starswirl said the Tree of Harmony was in danger. We didn't exactly see anything wrong with it, but we might need some help seeing what's up.
- Merlin: Hmm. Maybe we should check it out. Teleportus! (They teleported)
Tree of Harmony
- Starswirl: (They were magically examining the tree)... Vitals seem okay.
- Meadowbrook: Indeed. But... All that seems different is that it's harmonic energy was briefly siphoned. Probably just a small thaumavore or something.
- Starswirl: Siphoned? That doesn't sound like something normal to it. It naturally repels magic-eaters. It must've been wounded.
- Flash Magnus: Star? I think I found the wound. (They saw the cracks left by Nefarious' robot woodpecker)... It looks as though it must've been a thaumavorous alicante.
- Starswirl: Don't be so sure. They don't like the sour taste of the tree's sap. It's supposed to taste like earwax. This is something different.
- Meadowbrook: You mean someone used it's power for something worse than nourishment?
- Starswirl: Not exactly sure, but it seems like a good possibility.
- Stygian: (They teleported in)... Guys! I didn't get to the girls, but I did find people just as good.
- Icky: So, Beardo, what's up with the Tree?
- Starswirl: "That's the problem. It's still being decided. But it is unfortunately leaning torwords bad news, because a thaumavorious creature has managed to siphoned some of the tree's magic without being turned off by the tree's naterol defence, TERRORABLE-TASTING tree sap!"
- Gazelle takes a good look at it.
- Gazelle: "...... It looks consistent to something a VERY strong woodpecker would do."
- Flash Magnus: "(Shudders). Well, if it siphoned the magic, then it, also had to be tolerent to the tree's sap, cause it usually tastes like earwax!"
- Icky: ".... Okay, are we dealing with a giant magical woodpecker with a tolerence to earwax?"
- Rockhoof: "That's the thing. Birds usually have a bad habit of leaving their calling cards, per exsample, some stray old feathers, or even..... Deafication."
- Iago: "Ya mean if it took a s*** somewhere?"
- Meadowbrook: "The other problem is that there ain't a lot of Magic-Sap Woodpecker spieces that can tolerate the Tree of Harmony's sap."
- Shifu: ".... Perhaps, is it possable that the Woodpecker isn't even a living thing at all?"
- Po: "You mean like a robot, like the ones Dr. Animontronic had? Aw gees, could he be behind this?!"
- Icky: "Pretty sure we wrecked all that wackjob's toys."
- Iago: "And that said wackjob is already locked up tight in Super Villain Jail!"
- Soothsayer: "But are we certain someone hasn'tgone out of theirway to restore one of them?"
- Crane: "Well if so, who would be brazen enough to completely restore a broken bot in a short amount of time to siphon some of the Tree's magic?"
- Lord Shen: "Well it can be safely assume it's hardly for a good reason! Everyone, we are going to round up some of our Villainious Genius rouster and interigate them on if they had revived any of Animontronic's creations! In the meantime, Starswirl, see to it that you and the Main Six keep cautious of any unusual defeluptments."
- Somnambula: "Kinda what we're already doing."
- Lord Shen: "But first off, can you see about doing something about that crack?"
- Starswirl: "Oh don't worry, the Tree of Harmony has self-healing properties, it ain't the first times magic-sappers have tried to harm it."
- Patrick: "What about the ugly black spots on the pretty gems?"
- Starswirl: "BLACK SPOTS?! (The group looked to see that small but barely noticeable black spots are seen)."
- Icky: "..... Wow, I would've figured that something that's impourent to the tree and Equestria would be taken better care off than that."
- Merlin: "I don't think that's dirt! This looks like it's magic related! Perhaps a sign that the tree was siphoned, or a warning that the siphoned power has been taken to somewhere else?"
- Iago: "Well how the heck did we miss that until Patrick pointed it out?"
- Rockhoof: "They could've just,appeared. They certainly looked fine when we were here."
- Starswirl: ".... I'm afraid the black spots could mean 1 thing..... Whoever has managed to siphon the magic, has used it to create a false elements of harmony, or worse."
- Skipper: "Are you trying to say that SOMEBODY managed to create a counter-fit Elements of Harmony?"
- Mistmane: "Heavens forbid, they manage to create another tree."
- Thunderclap: "Well what crazo-pants would want with a christailian magical tree?"
- Meadowbrook: "Try not to forget what the tree's capable of, suger. This tree has helped shaped Equestria. This tree can litterally shape worlds."
- Starswirl: "And in the wrong, undesireable hands, it can also take just as much as it gives. Espeically if they create a dark tree. A Dark Tree will end up over-spreading it's enfluence beyond it's place of origin. Espeically if on a restrictive small evioment. And if the dark tree realises that it is in such an evioment, then it will control the current place if it is moble, to find a planet to germinate in and grow into a bigger tree, and spread. Then, it will proceed to repeat the process until it is capable of producing christaileen spores that will go to other worlds, and spread like madness, leading worlds to be infested with dark trees!"
- The Lougers stared blankly.....
- Icky: "..... Then how the f*** is the Tree of Harmony not like that but a darker version can do that?!"
- Rockhoof: "That's because the Tree of Harmony was planted to be a force for good. But if such a tree like it were to be created in evil hands, the results will be dishastorious, to even it's creaters."
- Trixie: "(Gulp) And, how, did you know about this?"
- Starswirl: "..... Ever wonder why I created a time travel scroll? Surely you realised that such a thing would be forbidden by the time lords otherwise."
- Boss Wolf: "..... I don't like where this is going."
- Starswirl: "And has it ever been wondered why the tree has to be in a cave and not be shown for the world to admire? Well, once upon a time, we, initionaly didn't had this wise foresight to plantthe tree somewherehidden. It was once displayed out in the open for all to see, precisely around where ponyville now resides. And it used to be VASTLY larger then this. Big enough to be seen for miles away, no less different then a simular case in the world, Mythos."
- Icky: "Well why is that not the case anymore other then paradox?"
- Starswirl: "Well, again, I created the scroll to indirectly enfluence myself to plant the seed in the cave instead of out in the open, because, the original thing ended up becoming too beloved and public. That was how I learned that it's beauty and raw power were too much for even undesireables. Such an undesireable, a millaterry general named Helmit-For-Brains, (The Lougers were about to laugh) Don't laugh! Anyway, Helmit was Flash Magnus'old self-rightious superior for the pegici millaterry he was apart of. He wanted to weaponised the Tree to be used to re-take the world we left behind during the Windego's reign. So, he took out the elements, and started to create element-based weapons based on it's weilder's best traits. The fool's corruption tainted the tree, and it became dark. The Dark Tree began to spread it's roots through the world, that it ended up becoming the greatest dishastor to Equestria and all of the world.... It was too much for even the Time Lords to bare, hence why they gave me permission to create a time scroll and told me the indirection loophole to time travel, in that as long as you didn't directly influence it, you can actselly change time without paradox. And so, I did, and both Equestria and the Tree were saved from Helmit's stupidity. Though for added measure, since I knew the Tree of Harmony would not be secret forever, I also used the scroll to make it that helmit never became prime leader of the millaterry. Unfortunately, it had the buttterfly effect that, apart from his arrigance, he existed as being the shorce of our millaterry's compidence, so.... Our millaterry forces being incompident jokes was, my doing. I desided to have the scroll restricted away ever since."
- Icky: "..... Wow! Good to know that f*****g up epicly runs in the element profession!"
- Starswirl: "I know, that is why I re-adjested the scroll to only take you in time for a few moments.... Before a certain Starlight Glimmer managed to basicly inadvertingly restored it's true funtions."
- Flash Magnus: "Told ya you should've destroyed that scroll instead!"
- Starswirl: "Confound it, Magnus, I kept the scroll in meant to be used for another not easly fightable emergency!"
- Rockhoof: "Ya know Starswirl, you always have that infamous tendingcy to create things that cause more trouble then good!"
- Monkey: "(Chuckles amused), Starswirl has a tendingcy to basicly Go Po on you guys?"
- Po: "HEY?!"
- Tigress: "Don't act like it isn't an accreate term, Po."
- Mistmane: "(Chuckles), Like you wouldn't believe. He one time worried about being un-needed so badly, he ended up going crazy and created a problem by using a want it need it spell on adusty old book and caused the old village of Vanderfill to fight over it!"
- Starswirl: "Confound it, I had asked we never speak of that mess again!"
- Shenzi: "BAH!?! So essentally, you made the same mistake as Twilight?!"
- Starswirl: "Wait, Miss Sparkle had a moment where she felt uneeded?"
- Banzai: Close, and like you wouldn't believe. One of the funniest and most classic moments of her paranoia of all time. She was scared of being overdue with her friendship lessons and was scared she'd be sent to magic kindergarten, that she did the same thing, but with an old doll of hers!
- Somnambula:... You're kidding!
- Banzai: Totally happened. Did Starswirl here start out just like Twilight? In fact... ARE you related to her?
- Starswirl: I'm not entirely sure about that. The magic of friendship and emotions hail from the head Alicorn God herself, Queen Philosophia. Some say the best wielders of the magic of friendship are her reincarnations. I find myself one of them since I created the Tree. Of course, it wasn't the first Tree of Harmony. Philosophia planted the first one which was killed by Pitch Black during the Fear War until we Pillars reincarnated it. That's why our Tree couldn't handle Discord's plunderweeds. It wasn't as strong as it was before. Not yet. Once the Tree becomes old enough, it can work even without the Elements. But... Should a Tree of Disharmony be created... It won't end well.
- Tulio: A Tree of Disharmony, you say? Maybe whoever stole this energy created Elements that can be an equal match to the Elements of Harmony.
- Rockhoof: And because disharmony is more imbalanced than harmony, it would increase the risks of creating a negative Tree of Harmony tenfold.
- Dr. Cockroach: But who'd be able to wield these Elements of Disharmony? You'd have to be like the reverse Mane Six that Discord made to do that.
- Stygian:...... Sir, you don't think-
- Starswirl: Yes I do. We must alert the girls at once.
Twilight's Castle
- Applejack: "So, let me get this straight, someone has not only managedto siphon some of the Tree of Harmony's powers, but have made a not so good tree out of it, and ergo created some bad versons of the elements?"
- Rarity: "Well, that's certainly, an unexpected discovery, about the tree."
- Pinkie: "Wait, if the Tree getting Corrupted in some way was a bad idea, then, why didn't it turn super bad when Qui and the other villains done it? And I mean besides the producers not thinking that far ahead atthe time, Icky."
- Starswirl: "Thankfully, your timelord friend Saldaron wasable to prevent it from becoming so. Otherwise, that mass amount of evil would've only served to make things worse."
- Twilight: "This, REALLY, doesn't sound good."
- Lord Shen: "Don't worry, we had the High Council to began interigating known mad-geniueses to see if any of them are respondsable for this."
- Applejack: "So it involves someone who revived a robot woodpecker from a nature loving mad sciencetist?"
- Fluttershy: "Who could be diaobolical enough to do that?"
- Mr. Krabs: "I'm betting me money that Plankton done it!"
- Skipper: "Well, I bet my no-longer-existent Peanut Butter Winkie Stash that it was Blowhole!"
- Missing Link: "Come on, this has Galaxhar written all over it!"
- Mantis: "Then does that mean Junjie's behind this?!"
- Icky: "Are we sure any of the Geniuses of the Dark Scourge Imperials aren't behind this?"
- Boss Wolf: "Well, did we ever check up with the HA to check to see that Glowrod's still locked up in Oranos?"
- Trixie: "It was Professor Eagle-Beak, wasn't it?"
- Gilda: "Ya know, speaking of the AUU, how are we to know those three Corruption Co. docs aren't back?"
- B.O.B.: "Maybe it was Team Nefarious. They have Dr. Nefarious after all."
- Lord Shen: "Oh please, that's too stupidly easy. Besides, Team Nefarious are usually incompident about these things."
- Duke: "Well, at least until Bellwether becamepals with them. And she is basically Nefarious' second notas insane but still evil brain at this point! It ain't deniable that she's starting to make Team Nefarious less like goofballs!"
- Starswirl: "Well based on what I heard about them, a tree in their pocession would be WORSE! And I imagine that a space station would be a very restrictive space. It'll spread quietly and subtily withlout those fools' notice!"
- Shifu: "Well there is only one way to confirm anything. We need to find any sign of unusual activity."
- Icky: "Well unless Nefarious, if he is involved and/or it's just some other evil nutty porfessor, was stupid enough to litterally clone the Mane 6 because it would be easier for an evil tree to accept as the barers, I don't see how that would be easy-"
- A Infobot came up, and opened up a screen to show Rachet's face.
- Ratchet: "Hey guys, just thought I let you know, a super villain Blarg named Sizemo was reported to have headed torwords Equestria's space. Has anyone heard or felt anything, odd?"
- Starswirl:... Who is this?
- Lefou: Oh, that's right, you never met. This is Nefarious' arch nemesis, Ratchet. They run the Anti-Team Nefarious Freedom Fighters, the best guys who fight against them.
- Lord Shen: Well to answer your question, we just got word that the Tree of Harmony has been siphoned of magic.
- Applejack: We think it might be to create a Tree of Disharmony to use 'gainst us. Buuuuut...
- Clank: You don't know who could wield them?
- Miguel: Fingers crossed that it's negative clones of the Mane Six.
- Ratchet:...... Have you talked to Discord about it? Odds say he'd know something about it.
- ???: DID SOMEBODY SAY DISCORD?! (He appeared)... Though, if I'm allowed to rant abit,it's quite upsetting you misfits remembered me this late. If I wasn't so evolved, I'd decide to take it personally.
- Fluttershy: HeyDiscord. And, sorry about that. We could've asked about you abit later.
- Discord: Oh I can't stay mad at you guys.So what's this about a Tree of Disharmony? Funny thing,I had that exactidea when I was still evil, but dropped it when Mayhem told me about the whole paradox thing.
- Starswirl:... How the deuce did he know about that?
- Discord: Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, Beardo. It's called chaos. Nothing's consistent. Anywho, I couldn't help but notice that you were building your own friendship school. Could really help a lot of things, really. Checked up on the early birds and found something... Interesting. I saw a pony with a sea turtle cutie mark helping what looked like the Mane Six.
- Icky: ".... Yup, Bellwether is still far from making Nefarious less ofa COMPLETE idiot!"
- Discord: To be fair, it's like what you said. The bad tree might accept the bad versons of the Main 6 better.(Scoffs), and man, are they BAD! I liked how much they acted unharmoniously.Negative Applejack, apart from the same old obvious lier rotine,seems to like farting underwater like big fat green sicko here...
- Shrek: Watch it, buddy, if you were an ogre, I'm sure you'd understand!
- Discord: Negative Pinkie is just like me in so many ways, it's like she reads my mind, Negative Rainbow Dash is a great big insulter, Negative Fluttershy... Well I have very mixed feelings about her.Negative Rarity is a Wall Street Riot, and Negative Twilight... Well she seems to be the only one who sucks lollipops.
- Stygian:... You knew about this? THEN WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!?
- Discord: Because you never asked.
- Twilight:...... I hate you so much right now.
- Discord: "Aw come on, ya know ya like this. Besides, I would've arrived sooner without introduction if I wasn't too amused by those negitive ponies!"
- Icky: "Yeesh, sounds like Nefarious and/or this mad genius did a number on them!"
- Discord: "Oh trust me, they look like what they went through was so bad, even Mayhem would look like an amatur compaired to what they must've seen! And the brillient part is, they tricked this pony into helping them by saying that the afforementioned Mayhem came back and did this to them! Oh believe me, if Mayhem had seen them, he'd WISHES he DID went that far! These clones have no cutie marks, obviously since they're clones, yeah, no rainbow-colored sherbet-flavored s***, right? They seem to be far different than what I made you girls, and also, they claim they exist to be your opposites and teach you hard lessons."
- Puss: Care to elaborate?
- Discord: Said something about not causing you to ruin yourselves by being too honest, too loyal, too generous, too kind, too funny, and too smart for your own goods. Wildest guess is that they saw your recent events like Twilight's former plansto make Equestria more proactive, Rainbow's wing fetish,(Scoffs), Rarity's incident with Suri's mama, Fluttershy's tango with Jargon's Son, Pinkie's Gryffindor encounter, and RD's near repeat of Double Rainboom, but in a different way,thus they feel that being your opposites are the only way to get you to learn.
- Pinkie:... Oddly-specific guess.
- Discord: This coming from the pony who's so random she could come to that conclusion easily.
- Stygian: So what're wegoing to do?
- Discord: Uh, duh, we stop them. What do you think we were going to do, agree with them?
- Starswirl: Would you kindly not backtalk like that, Discord, obvious as the answer to that question was?
- Discord: "Okay, sheesh. Just stating something."
- Stygian: "I was asking on how we approuch this?"
- Discord: Oh, we'll think of something. We just need to beat them at their own game. By teaching them that you six don't need them to teach you hard lessons. I told you that chaos magic is based on mental destruction. I turned you opposite the same way... Minus Fluttershy. We just need to tell them that they can have a better purpose, and badda-bing-badda-boom-boom, they'll stop being evil.
- Sandy: Then what?
- Discord:... Oh?
- Sandy: Well if you're teaching them a hard lesson, then we can't just terminate them afterward. That'd be wasteful.
- Discord: Look, after that Mirror Pool horses***, you really want to let them stay? They'd have no purpose, and-
- Spyro: Wow, Discord, that's kinda dark and Lovecraftian, even for you. Everyone deserves to have a purpose regardless of being cloned.
- Discord: Suuuuuuure, and does that include magical clones?
- Spyro: Okay, you're not helping.
- Twilight: These six still deserve a reason to exist just like the former Sin Ponies. So you're not going to be in charge of who dies and who doesn't.
- Discord: "Well, if we must. But how do you plan to attend with the doppleganger issue? Won't that lead to awkword situations, as amusing as that sounds, I mean?"
- Twilight: It's pretty simple. If we do reform them, I'll have their appearances changed up a bit and they can be students at my school. Maybe I'll make them look like our early concept appearances like when I had pink fur and white hair with purple stripes.
- Icky: Wasn't Applejack the only one who stayed the same?
- Twilight: Yeah, but I didn't say I'd make it that way, did I? Everyone, let's get moving.
Nefarious Station, Fabrication Center
- A Janitorial Nefarious Trooper was seen working and clean up the place, where un-beknowest to it, the Tree of Disharmony was slowly seen to be covering more and more of the place it's in.
- Two chillaxing Nefarious Troopers are seen.
- Nefarious Trooper 1: ".... Ya know, dude, the tree looks a lot bigger than I was expecting it to be."
- Nefarious Trooper 2: "I know, right? It ended up being too big to move anywhere else in the station."
- Nefarious Trooper 1: "Makes ya wonder, don't it? So, how was ROBOCON in Ropedia?"
- Nefarious Trooper 2: "Ehhh, could've been better. Though I gotta say, I do like the new L.E.S.L.E.Y. models. They're female companion bots."
- Nefarious Trooper 1: "(Sighs), I wish I can have a L.E.S.L.E.Y., I really do."
- Nefarious Trooper 2: "Yeah, but ya know the doc. He's very strict about minions having personal lives. Espeically when we're suppose to be robots."
- Nefarious: MINIONS!!! (They were spooked) How's progress on theeeeeeeEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHGGGHHH!!!!!!!... Okay, I know this thing was as big as our entire giant fabrication station, but, WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE IT'S SPREADING?!
- Nefarious Trooper 3:.... We're as confused ourselves, sir.
- Nefarious: Ugghh.... Someone check it's metabolic information.
- Nefarious Trooper 4: We did 5 minutes ago, sir, and you're not going to believe this. Turns out the Tree of Harmony required very little nutrients to survive. It seems to be spreading in a rate not present in the original tree, as if it's trying to take control of it.
- Nefarious Trooper 2: I don't think a tree like this belongs in a lab, sir. Let alone our impourent fabrication station, even if it's too big anywhere else.It's too much.
- Nefarious: Well, at least the good news is that this should make the Elements of Disharmony stronger. Granted, with it's previous already giantic size, we were garrentied strong powers, but this? Equestria's a shoe-in now!
- Brain Pod: (Showing up) Well here's the thing, sir. Because of we fused it with Chaos Magic, an, inheredly negitive form of magic, it, may've contributed into it's already large girth and then some.I think we might need to place it on a planet.
- Brain Pod: Sir, we must. In fact, why not just relocate it to the most inhospitable place in Equestria? We can meet the clones there and explain everything.
- Nefarious: And what is the most inhospitable place in Equestria?
- Brain Pod: According to the map the Tree strangely produced... The part of the Badlands between both Tartarus and where Electross was hiding.Thestral territory.
- Nefarious: The crank's a Thestral?
- Brain Pod: "I believe they're ponies with skeletal appearances, bat wings, two-toed hooves, and are close acquaintances to Luna, especially when she used to be Nightmare Moon. Some of the pure ones served as escorts during Nightmare Night, the only time they ever went out, while the impure ones were servants to Nightmare Moon doing her dirty work whilst she was on the moon and could only be seen after experiencing near-death. Some of them are even Grim Reapers."
- Nefarious: "..... That would still risk my plans! Because I think the Equestrians would notice a Team Nefarious spaceship coming in to drop a giant christailen tree in their badlands!"
- Brain Pod 2: "(Also Showing up) I'd complain about that, if it were like we can even move it to begin with. It appears that the tree has, cemented itself into our space station, it's, it's like it's trying to become one with it."
- Nefarious: "See? Even if we DID wanna be that stupid and place it into a planet, we can't!"
- Brain Pod: "But, isn't that, a concern of it's own merit?"
- Nefarious: "Well, so far, it hasn't done anything harmful to neither us or the station."
- Brain Pod 3: "(Shows up as well) May we suggest at least putting the Fabrication Center on quarantine, and see if we can cut off it's spreading?"
- Nefarious: "Okay fine, do that, if it'll make you brain heads less nervous!"
- Brain Pod: As you wish, sir.
- Nefarious: Now what about the Hippobliterator?
- Brain Pod 4: "(Appears as well) Progress is at decent pace. It should be soon enough ready to be teleported near the Negitive Six's location soon enough."
- Nefarious: Goody! Soon enough, all ponies will be androids.
- Grub: (Overhearing it from the reshurch bridge)Yeesh, another roboticisingeveryone plan.
- Grub 2: I know. Cuckoo! Not to mention totally unoriginal, as if like he hasn't already tried it in some shape or form!
- Nefarious: I HEARD THAT!!! (The Grubs panicked)
- Grub: "Sorry Dr. Nefarious! (The duo ran off!)"
Chapter 3: The New Secret Weapon..... Another Biobliterator?[]
- Sandbar: (He and the Elements of Disharmony were walking on the path tothe Crystal Empire)... Why couldn't we just take the train?
- Meanie: "I hate railway food."
- Sandbar was confused.
- Darklight: "..... WHAT, She MEANT, to say, is that, showing up on a train, with THESE appearences, would've drawn too much attention..... It's also because Applejack's gas would have us thrown out."
- Applejerk: "Oh buck you!"
- Cruelshy: "Oh don't act like it ain't accreate, Gasass!"
- Sandbar: "Whoa?! You girls must really be messed up if even FLUTTERSHY'S CURSING?!"
- Greedily: "You better not start doing that swear jar crap, because you are NOT getting a cent out of me! NEVAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"
- Sandbar: "Et tu, Rarity? Et tu?"
- Sandbar: ".... Actselly, I do see Rainbow Dash as the one for cursing."
- Meanie: "Okay, aquaphile! If you'regonna complain about walking to the Crystal Empire and/or dope and/or frustraight us about our condition, then get us a ride, smartass!?"
- Sandbar: "Ya didn't have to be so rough! Okay, I'll do this one trick Shore taught. I'll do, the mating call, of the Dragon Albatross! (Breaths in)."
(Sandbar started to roar like this)
- The Fake Six stared in shock, Applejerk farted out of fear.
- Applejerk: That was a duck.
- Suddenly, a Dragon-Albatross flew in!
- Sandbar: "And here's our ride! This, is Clancy! This is a Dragon Albatross that Shore semi-tamed."
- The Fake Six still looked in shock.
- Sandbar got onto the creature.
- Sandbar: "Well come on, girls! Ya coming?"
- Clancy the Dragon Albatross looked with some suspition at them and growled.
- Sandbar: "Uh, don't worry about that, he's usually weary of strangers."
- Darklight: "..... (Shoves Gray Dash overhead). Daring athletes first!"
- Gray Dash: "..... Oh you cowerdlybrainy motherf****r!? Nah-uh! LEADERS first!"
- Darklight: UH-UH, AS LEADER, I SAY YOU GO!! (The two fought)
- Sandbar:... You guys need help, BIG time.
- Cruelshy: And you need underwater poontang with your girlfriend, aquaphile.
- Sandbar: Okay, will you stop calling me that?
- Cruelshy: Just calling it as I see it. Anypony who is in love with a seapony AND is an active ocean swimmer would have an underwater fetish.
- Sandbar: Girls, are you even trying to be your true selves? It's like you don't care that you're different. In fact, are you even the real Mane Six?
- Darklight: Ohdon't act like chaos magic has SOME ounce of logic to it. The fact that we're trying to get our true selves back at all should be enough. We can't help being jerks because of Mayhem being a d***.
- Applejerk: As far as we're concerned, you're bringing out the worst in us.
- Sandbar: (Shrugs comically) Just get on Clancy, will you? You wanna ride or not?
- Darklight: "As soon as Rainbow DUNCE gets on!"
- Gray Dash: "Allright fine?! But if that thing eats me, I'm coming back as poop and shove your face into me!(Meanie scoffed at that)"
- Gray Dash gets on Clancy, as the others are ensured that it's safe as they got on to.
- Sandbar: ".... Okay Clancy, to the Christail Empire!"
- Clancy flew up into the air with the Negitive Six freaking out!
- Sandbar cheered in excitment!
- Sandbar: "With Clancy, we can get to the Christail Empire in no time!"
- Darklight: "Please tell me you ride this kind of creature before!"
- Sandbar: "It's my second time, actselly!"
- Negitive Six: "SECOND TIME?!"
- Sandbar: I'M MORE INTO SEA ANIMALS, NOT ANIMALS THAT HANG AROUND THE SEA!! Clancy is more trusting to Shore anyway. She's the one who tamed it.
- Applejerk: Tame this! (Farts)
- Sandbar: Okay, what did Mayhem do to you to make you such a pig?
- Applejerk: Farmers are into sick stuff. Granny used to do stuff like this at my age.
- Sandbar: I sincerely doubt that!
- Applejerk: "Oh how would you know? Ya never met mah family!"
- Sandbar:Ugh, you girls are so not making it easy for me to help you.
- Greedily: Mayhem in a nutshell. Just get used to it and you'll be fine, darling.
- Clancy moaned at that.
- Sandbar: "I know, I'm abit uneasy about this too, boy, but, we have to remember that choas magic brings the worse out of people. We just have to cope with it."
- Clancy flew off into the direction of the Christail Empire.
The Christail Empire.
- Candence was seen getting a pedicure, while Shining was having a massuage done by a Bulk Biceps-like pony while Flurry Heart was at a play pen with other foals.
- Cinch was seen getting her hair down in a dryer chair.
- A worried wort assitent of Cinch nerviously trotted in and gotten to Cinch, and wispered something in her ear.
- Cinch made a surprised face!
- Cinch: "...... AN ALBATROSS DRAGON?! (Other Patrons get surprised) COMING HERE?! ARE YOU SURE THE SKY REPORT WAS ACCREATE?!"
- Assitent: "I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-it has never been wrong before, mi'lady!"
- Cinch: "..... Ugh, and I was just getting my mane done too! (Takes the helmit off and gets up!) Get the generals togather in the planning room! We are going to prepare for it's arrival!"
- Shining: "Hold it off, Garzoon. (The masssauger stopped). Cinch, it's too early to assume that it has hostile intentions. Dragon Albatrosses rarely travel this far up north. There had to be a bigger reason behind it."
- Cinch: "..... Very well, I'm having the situation at deafcon yellow! Have guards be ready at the enterence for any sign of it's arrival!"
- Candence: "But keep in mind that I forbid against harming the creature. It is only an animal following insticts."
- Cinch: "Oh don't worry, the guards will mainly only play an instratment designed to disoriantate it and make it retreat. But only if proven hostile."
- Candence: "Then I want an animal exbert sent to exsamine the creature."
- Cinch: "I know the perfect speicalist. Bird Whistle."
- Shining: "A bird whistle? For a dragon hybird?"
- Cinch: "That's her name, Captain. And she's one of my finest students who speicalise in animal wispering. She was even able to sooth a Snow Serpent away from Christail Empire grounds."
- Shining: "Oh, she sounds professional."
- Cinch: "Professional's, a streach to use. She's good at what she's does, but, she's sort've like your sister and Fluttershy fused togather to form an animal loving bookworm."
- Shining: "Well, as long as she's good at what she does. I have some flying guards eschourt her to where the Albatross Dragon is coming. But I'm sure the creature has a good reason."
- Cinch: Well, ifit's doing something as harmless as transporting somepony, then I'll ease up.
- Cadence: I hope so.
- A dorky unicorn holding a pack of books was seen walking with some guards, as Clancy was seen in the distence.
- Guard 1: "You sure you don't want to take that backpack off, Miss Whistle?"
- Bird Whistle (The Unicorn): "You do know I can teleport, right? Besides, it's rare to get to see an Albatross Dragon in action!"
- Guard 2: "That would be because they're big scary dragon hybrids!"
- Bird Whistle: ""Dragon" is an inaccreate statement. The correct term we in birdlogy class like to classify them as "Bird Wyverns"."
- Guard 3: "Like Monster Hunter?"
- Bird Whistle: "That's an unintentional connection. In Equestria, bird wyverns are a name of a class of birds that retain some dragonian connections, implying that they're an unproven missing link between the evolution of dragons in Equestria and how they could've evolve from birds. I have a pet snallygaster, you know."
- Guard 4: "..... But, aren't dragons, reptiles?"
- Bird Whistle: So were raptors in the dinosaur age, and birds evolved from them. Dragons could've desended from birds could've regressed back to raptor biology but retain flight. Snallygasters prove that. It is still somewhat a hypothesis, but I believe it's true. Now let's not waste time with my ambitions and focus on this creature. (Clancy got close as Bird Whistle did the same roar as the guardshad the same reaction, along with the shortly arriving after Princess Candence, Shining Armor, Cinch barely as she was mostly used to it,as Flurry Heart farted)
- Flurry Heart: (Giggles) I MAKE BOOM-BOOM!!!
- Princess Candence: "Oh sweet Auntie Celestia, and I just changed her this morning!"
- Sandbar: (They jumped off) No need to be alarmed, your highness. I have come with the Mane Six. They need help.
- Cadence: With what?
- Sandbar:... They said it's best put on a need-to-know basis.
- Cinch: And why is that? Why is Princess Twilight so willing to be dishonest to her own brother and sister-in-law?
- Darklight: None of your business, lady!
- Cinch: Well somepony's in a bad mood today.Also,I believe it is my business. Wouldn't you agree, Shining Armor?
- Shining Armor: Yeah, Twi, I'm your BBBFF.
- Gray Dash: The f*** does that stand for? Big Booger Boyfriend F****r?
- Meanie: (Laughs) Good one!
- Shining Armor: Ugh, what's happened to you six?... Wait... Twilight, why are you wearing the Nefarious symbol on that weird neckbrace thing?
- Darklight made a shocked face as shattered glass was heard!
- Gray Dash: "(Quietly) Ya seriously didn't think everyone's gonna notice your little fastion statement?!"
- Darklight: "(Quietly) The aquaphile didn't?!"
- Sandbar: "Wait, I kinda am starting to notice that too."
- Gray Dash: "(Quietly) Oh nice one, genius, we're f****d royally now?!"
- Applejerk: "Oh, actselly, it was a gift from the Lodgers! It was a deacticated enslavement coller they done busted from one of their missions against Team Nefarious. It doesn't work anymore, so it's just a bold fastion statement now."
- Cinch unimpressly raised an eyebrow......
- Cinch: "...... Your highnesses, a word in private?"
- Cinch and the royal couple walked off abit.
- Cinch: "..... Something doesn't feel right about those six, I mean, the monotoned colors, the disrespectful attatudes, and that Team Nefarious neck garb? I have a gut feeling that something is amiss!"
- Candence: ".... Actselly, I want to go and test something real quick. (Goes back to Darklight).... Ahem. (Starts doing the dance) Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"
- Darklight: "........ The f*** was that s***? (Realises what that was) Wait, I mean.... Uh, (Does the dance too, but VERY baldly)Sunrise sunset, bedbugs wake-up! Clop the hooves and BOOTY-BOOTY-BOOTY-BOOTY ROCKIN' EVERYWHERE!!"
- Silence.....
- Gray Dash, Cruelshy andMeanie Pie broke into loud laughter as Greedly and Applejerk just facehoof in embarisment!
- Darklight: "(Angerly) QUIET YOU MORONS, I'M OUT OF PRACTICE?!"
- Sandbar: ".... I'm sorry about that Princess Candence, ya see, Mayhem came back and messed them up badly."
- Candence: "MAYHEM?!"
- Shining and Cinch: "MAYHEM?!"
- Sandbar: "Well yeah, they said that Mayhem came back and turned them into..... That."
- Candence: "Then where's Starlight and Spike?"
- Sandbar: "They said Mayhem kidnapped them."
- Cinch: "(Runs up) Then WHY hasn't Equestria gone into utter choas by now?!"
- Sandbar: "He's being more subtle now, they said."
- Shining: "Besides, we would've been warned by a messinger if Mayhem came back."
- Applejerk: "He uh, could've disabled all messingers! I mean, he is a being of choas after all!"
- Darklight: Chaos is unpredictable and inconsistent. Ga-DOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!
- Meanie: (Laughs hysterically) Did you just make yourselves idiots! (Laughs)
- Shining Armor:... Yeah, they definitely need help.
- Cinch: I still don't buy it.
- Darklight: Bitch, trying to wrap your head around chaos is like trying to understand the meaning of life. I'm a smartass egghead, and even I don't know that.
- Cinch: WHO DOES?! I just don't feel like you're the real Mane Six.
- Cruelshy: Ahhh, you're paranoid, Cinch.
- Cinch: Oh, so being cautious translates to paranoia?
- Cruelshy: Just calling it as I see it.
- Cinch: Hmmph, at least I don't call you a chicken for being an animal-loving coward. (Cruelshy was shocked at that statement as Meanie laughed)
- Cruelshy: One of these days, somepony's gonna castrate you in your sleep with your broken-off horn. (Cinch got worried)... Have fun worrying about that every night. (Chuckles)
- Sandbar: So can you help them or not?
- Cinch: "(Ahem).... Well, I do have an exbert that is working on curing chaosifived ponies. Those six would be perfect guinia pigs. Just, stay here with them young man, and keep them away from the chirstail empire! I don't want them weirding out the christail ponies!"
- Sandbar: "Sure, we can wait."
- Cinch: Good.... (Running away comically and squeak yelling) I WANNA KEEP MY OVARIES!!!
- Meanie: (Scoffs) P***y.
- Shining: "..... Wow..... Mayhem must'vereally ruin them BAD if they can scare Cinch like that!"
- The Royal Couple left as well worried.
- Sandbar: "(Sighs), What am I gonna do with you girls?"
- Gray Dash: "That sounds like a joke for the Internet to enjoy, espeically the pervy side."
- Sandbar: "WELL IT WASN'T MEANT TO, I-...... Just, never mind."
- Celestia: Negative clones of the Mane Six and a Tree of Disharmony? This is troubling.
- Ratchet: (Via Infobot) Never figured Nefarious to stoop to a plan like that. This is more like something that the Villain League would do. Team Nefarious is more into sciencey evil plans.
- Twilight: And yet they got Zigzag and Morgana.
- Clank: "Well, Zigzag is not tecnecally a real magic user as more suppose he's basicly nothing but illusions,and Morgana is discribed to be Ursurla's amature sister."
- Icky: "But let's not forget that Nefarious did tecnecally tried to mess with the tree before, during the Qui Team-up. For all we know, he could've made an old plan to mess with it again, but placed in the backburner for several years and only NOW desided to go after it."
- Iago: "Oh boy, I can only guess how many backburner plans does he have in his file cabents."
- Discord: I looked, actually. Hundreds. And many of them suck lollipops like d***s. One of them was turning robots into organic lifeforms just as a way to make them see how 'disgusting' being a living thing is. Another was turning Equestria as emotionless as robots. And then there's the plan to make robots experience death so they can join his side. And do NOT get me started on his attempts to use the worst examples of life to prove the point. That guy's "genius" is pathetically amateur, and completely laughable.
- Lord Shen: "(Quietly) Note to self, look out for those plans should they get off the backburner as well."
- Icky: "Yeesh, Nefarious is litterally a one-trick pony here..... No offence."
- Twilight: None taken, because Nefarious isn't even a pony.
- Celestia: Well this is bad. Starswirl, did you tell them about the paradox event?
- Starswirl: I did.
- Chaos: And we can imagine it's chaos wherever the Tree of Disharmony was planted. I'd be laughing hard if I knew.
- Luna: Wherever it was planted, we can't let it spread. The only way to get there is to find the clones.
- Discord: Well they were accompanied by a pony named Sandbar.
- Guard #1: Sandbar? Isn't that the guy who kissed and broke the Bustalina original?
- Twilight: He was here?
- Celestia: On a tour with Vicegrip, yes.
- Icky: Vicegrip? With a name like that, she'd sound like trouble for people,and that she'd make a DAMN good pro-
- Starlight: Are his parents still around? Have they noticed he was gone?
- Guard 1: "The parents are worried wrecks, while Vicegrip..... Is in another one of her tirades. She never lost a tourest before."
- Lefou:... Let's hope her tirade isn't as bad as her name sugge-
- Vicegrip: (She was going insane in her office in this fashion)
- Twilight:... Yeah, she used to be a royal guard before my brother hadto let her go for being pretty nuts.
- Vicegrip: YOU SAY SOMETHING?!?
- Twilight:NOTHING!!!!
- Vicegrip: Phah! That's what I thought, Celestia's faverite?!Anyway, what do you circus animals want?
- Alex: "Hey, I'll have you know that only a select few of us have actselly worked in a circus at least a select number of times!"
- Gazelle: "Okay. (Grabs Vicegrip) I learned this one from my penpal in the Asian Countries back in Zootopia."
- Vicegrip: "PUT ME DOWN THIS MIN- (Gazelle started to sooth down Vicegrip simular to Chen-Po in Mulan) (Vicegrip calms down)....."
- Gazelle: ".... Feel better?"
- Vicegrip: "....... Yes...... But still, please put me down."
- Icky:... I don't buy it, Chen Po was the one who did that.
- Gazelle: Who?
- Icky: Ugh, whatever! Do you know where Sandbar's parents are?
- Vicegrip: Look, they're in their apartment. Just use small words, because they can be really hurried up when worrying about things like this.
- Starlight: Who doesn'twhen kids go missing?
Sandbars Parents' Room
- Sandbar's Dad: "(Looking through the closet) Sport, sport?!"
- Sandbar's Mom: Well, it wouldn't, if we didn't ASK A UNICORN LIKE VICEGRIP ABOUT IT!!! Hope is nothing in this situation.
- Sandbar's Dad: I DON'T TRUST VICEGRIP, ANYWAY!! She was the impifiny of a rude pony!
- Sandbar's Mom: Yes, but she's not a liar, it's called profession and common courtesy, it won't kill anypony!
- Sandbar's Mom: OH, HERE WE GO AGAIN WITH THAT SOCIALIST GARBAGE!!! YOU'VE BEEN LIKE THAT SINCE THAT STUPID BET THAT YOU GOT YOURSELF IN TROUBLE ABOUT!!! It's socialist attitudes like THAT which creates imbalance in this world. You blame Novo for causing Sandbar to sign up to this school because the near-theft was driving ponies and seaponies apart. You snap at people who you don't like unreasonably!! WE ALMOST DIVORCED BECAUSE YOU MADE OUR MARRIAGE ALL ABOUT YOU!!! IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU, ISN'T IT?!?
- Sandbar's Mom: Oh, listen to you, RELISHINGthe idea of getting socialist revenge, for something so petty. You're always angry at every arrest, lost bet, anything you deem horrible. IT'S PROBABLY TALK LIKE THAT WHICH GOT OUR SON TO SIGN UP TO THIS SCHOOL!!! YOU'RE SOUNDING SORACIST RIGHT NOW!!!
- Celestia: Okay, may I ask what this arguing is all about?!
- The two stopped and looked at Celestia and smiled!
- Sandbar's Dad: "PRINCESS CELESTIA! HI?!...... How much of that did you all hear?"
- Icky: "We heard alot.We just followed the sound of bitter arguing. Clear cut as that."
- Sandbar's Mom: "..... I'm so sorry, our marrage is at a bit of a bad rut. And Sandbar going missing isn't, erm, helping."
- Sandbar's Dad: "Well neither is you defending Vicegrip!"
- Sandbar's Mom: "Not in front of royalty!"
- Lord Shen: "OKAY, BOTH OF YOU, ENOUGH! This arguing accomplishes nothing! We are here to help you two find your son! But in order for this aide to be pinpoint accreate, we need you two to co-operate with eachother!"
- Sandbar's Dad: ".... Yes sir."
- Sandbar's Mom: "Our apolgies."
- Sandbar's Dad: "So, uh, what can we do for you guys?"
- Gazelle: "Well, it's about your son. We think he got mixed up with some imposters of the main seis."
- Sandbar's Dad: " An Imposter Main 6?! This can't get worse?!"
- Patrick: "Would it be worse if we said that Team Nefarious might be involved?"
- Sandbar's parents fainted!
- Squidward: "...... IS TACT AN ALIEN CONCEPT TO YOU?!"
- Icky brought in a bucket of water and splash the two awake!
- Icky: "Look, we promise we'll get your son to safety. We just need to ask a few things with you."
- Sandbar's Mom: Well, shoot.
- Patrick: With-
- Banzai: Shut up! We'd like to ask why he's here. You said he moved away?
- Sandbar's Dad: We all did. He signed up for Twilight's friendship school to help heal bad relations since Twilight's attempt to steal their pearl caused his seapony crush's family to be hesitant about it. Especially considering she helped earn him his cutie mark.
- (Sandbar's Mom): It all started on a boat trip.
- (Sandbar's Dad): "We went there to watch The Levaithon Whale Migration."
- The Three were watching just that as Very Large Humpback-like Whales were seen breaching across the ocean in majustic majusty.
- (Fluttershy): "Levathon Whales? Oh, you three were so lucky! They are beautiful creatures! They're rarely seen."
- (Sandbar's Mom): Yes, and one of our finest times as a family. Aaaaand not just for us because an accident turned into a miracle. (A Leviathan Whale accidentally caused waves to rock Sandbar off the boat and into the water)
- Sandbar's Mom: So romantic.
- Sandbar's Dad: Happy-Super-Early-Anniversary, Hon-Bun.
- Sandbar's Mom: Oh, you lover. Come on, let's get wet if you know what I mean. (The two laughed and makeout-ran off)
- (Applejack): Really? You didn't notice your son was missing?
- (Sandbar's Dad): We slept with each other for the whole thing. To be honest, we felt embarrassed when Sandy returned with a new friend. Anyway, Sandbar had been through a lot. (Sandbar spun out of control sinking until he landed gently on the sea floor scaring away fish, letting out a flurry of bubbles upon realizing what happened)
- Sandbar: MMPH!! (He swam to the surface gasping heavily for air) MOM!! DAD!! SOMEPONY?!?... Aw, great! Juuuuust GREAT!! I'm lost at sea. Some whale watching trip this turned out to be. (A bright light was seen in the water)... Wha? (He stuck his head in as the light swam away) Wait, what was that?... Ugh! (Takes deep breath and dove after the light swimming after it across the reefs while stopping briefly admiring the sea life)..... (He tugged in air deprivation and remembered what he was doing and swam after the light) MMMM!!! MMMMMMMMMMHHMMMMM!!! (The light lead to a reef garden that surprised him)... Hmm?... (He swam across the garden)...... (He soon tugged harder in air deprivation as his face started getting red) HMMPH!! MMMPPHH!!! (He swam up for a gulp of air as he was seen by a familiar seapony)... A garden?... Does someone live here? Only one way to find out. (Takes deep breath and dove back underwater as he searched the garden while being watched by the seapony that was Shore Joy)
- Shore Joy:... A pony colt? What is he doing here alone?... Only one way to find out. (She swam close to him as he was spooked and let out a massive cloud of bubbles that blinded Shore) Whoa, easy there, I'm not a shark. Even if I were, I wouldn't eat ponies. Too frail of a meal... Well according to other Reefan sharks anyway. How did you get here?
- Sandbar: (Muffles incoherently)
- Shore Joy: Okay, seriously, pal, I can't understand you.
- Sandbar: (Gurgling) I fell off my parents' boat while-
- Shore Joy: OH FOR MARICOLOUS' SAKE, DON'T WASTE YOUR BREATH DOING THAT, JUST GO TO THE SURFACE!!! (They surfaced and he gasped for air)... What's going on?
- Sandbar: "I got stranded when me and my parents were Levathon Whale watching."
- Shore Joy: "You saw the Levathon Whales too? Awesome! Even for us Sea Ponies, they're a rare sight! But, why aren't you with your parents?"
- Sandbar: "Likely it's because of something stupid. (The two were seen making out hard) I swear, sometimes I feel they just drank this water to be so blind that their own kid just went overboard. Thank the Alicorn GODS I'm not alone. Can you help me?"
- Shore Joy: Well this is my parents' garden. We'll have to meet them. I'm actually amazed you can hold your breath as long as you did. Other ponies at the beach not too far from here couldn't last even a minute. You literally lasted a minute. Your lungs must be on fire.
- Sandbar: I'm in water, so, how could I?
- Shore Joy: (Giggles) Yeah, no kidding. Wanna go see my parents?
- Sandbar: Wait, see the- (Gurgles briefly as Shore Joy dragged him underwater as they entered a cave)
- Shore's Mom: Shore?
- Shore Joy: Mom, look who I met!
- Shore's Dad: "Goodness Gravy, Shore, we talked about dragging airbreathers in here without supplying them an air bubble!"
- Shore's Mom: Just look at the poor thing!...... He oddly doesn't seem to mind.
- Shore Joy: Well, I still haven't learned that spell yet, but fortunately, he's got some iron lungs on him. Isn't that right, buddy- (She slaps him on the back as he let out all his bubbles in response and started suffocating critically as this music randomly played on a radio played by a pet fish as the two cast a bubble helmet and the music winded down comically)
- Sandbar: (Gasps heavily and pants)
- Shore:... Sorry.
- Shore's Dad: Dammit, Blubbles, I told you to stay away from the radio! (The pet fish swam away)
- Sandbar: Miss, Shore, was it? Have you EVEN interacted with ONE air breather? You said you hang out at that beach.
- Shore: Yeah, but I'm not very social and don't do so well when watching swimmers from below. It feels a little too... Uncomfortable.
- Sandbar: "Oh, well, I'm not too good around people too."
- Shore's Dad: "So, tell us, how did you end up all the way out here?"
- Sandbar: "Well, me and my parents were Levathon Whale watching, and I must've ended up seperated from them cause ofa wave."
- Shore's Mom: "Levathon Whales? Oh you and your parents are so lucky!"
- Shore's Dad: "Well yeah. Even to us, they're a rare sight."
- Sandbar: So your daughter told me.
- Shore's Mom: Where are your parents now?
- Sandbar: I don't know. They disappeared when I fell overboard. The sea is so big I can't even find my way home.
- Shore: Oh, you poor thing. You can stay with us.
- Shore's Dad: Actually, he can't. That bubble helmet doesn't last forever. You'll have to hang out on the beach.
- Sandbar: By myself?
- Shore: Nah. I know a coltsitter. I can drop by and check on you should you wanna go for a swim.
- Sandbar: A coltsitter?
- Shore's Mom: She knows a young aspidochelone named Islepool. Only 999 years old and yet still so young.... Seriously, they live to be up to a million.
- Shore's Mom: Yep. Being 999 to an aspidochelone is like being 12 or 14 to us.
- Sandbar:... Just... What is an aspidowhatever?
- Sandbar: HOLY CELESTIA!!!! (A giant island-backed sea turtle was seen basking on land)... AND THIS GUY'S STILL A KID?!? HE'S THE SIZE OF A HILL!!!
- Shore: (From the shoreline) Oh, yeah, Islepool's nice. He provides for the life on his back in exchange for the food they provide. One of Equestria's greatest evolutionary breakthroughs.
- Sandbar:....... You talk funny.
- Shore: (Blushes)
- Sandbar: "Well, hopefully, my parents are bound to notice me gone soon."
- Sandbar's Mom: (They were heard off-camera having sex) YES, GIMME YOUR ********* ****** *************** **** *****************, YOU DIRTY LOVER STALLION!!!!
- (Squidward): "DID NOT NEEDED TO KNOW THAT?!"
- (Sandbar's Dad): "Sorry, being seperated from our son made us so disorganised, we kept saying on the nose details like that!"
- Sandbar: I hope.
- Islepool: Hello again, Shore. I see you made a friend.... And given I sense increased heart rate, I'd say more than that.
- Sandbar: "Holy crud, that thing talks?!"
- Islepool: "I assumed you thought I would be unsentient? Don't worry, I get that a lot."
- Shore: Uh-duh-yeah, this is Sandbar. He went overboard when Leviathan Whale watching with his parents. He's a nice friend. He needs a place to stay until we can find his parents.
- Islepool: (Chuckles) I can do that. I do stuff like this all the time.
- Shore: Thanks. Take care of yourself, Sandbar. I'll see you later. (She dove)
- (Sandbar's Mom): So yeah, he did well all by himself with only total non-pony strangers. He actually started loving the sea life.
- Islepool: Make yourself comfortable, Sandy. My island back has a good childproof home for any lost child. It's a hobby, really. I bring ponies or beings of any ages to places in the ocean where they can chillax with a little swim. It's got all the essentials. Snorkel, air tank, scuba suit, swimming toys, anything to accommodate anyone.
- Sandbar: Sounds lonely to watch over someone like that.
- Islepool: Not really. It's fun to show the beauty of the ocean. Admit it, you're starting to open up to the ocean. I'd say you'll be earning your cutie mark in something like this. Just take a scuba suit and give it a try.
- Sandbar:... You have a scuba suit for somepony my age?
- Islepool: I question that myself, but yes. Fillies look so adorable in the suit.
- Sandbar: Are you sure it's safe? What if there's sharks down there?
- Islepool: Sharks don't appear here that often. They don't like our warm water. Plus they don't eat ponies. Your race's bone-to-mass ratio don't provide enough high-fat meat for sharks. They need a lot of energy to power their large, muscular bodies. Plus they don't exactly like the taste. Reefan sharks claim you ponies are 'too gamey'. Others have said your multicolored appearance discourage in a similar way to aposematic animals like poison dart frogs or poisonous fish.
- Sandbar: (Laughs) Really? Uh, what does aposematic mean?
- Islepool: An animal's ability to warn of toxicity through bright coloration. Fish often do it.
- Sandbar: Ohhhh... (Laughs) And sharks really think that about us?
- Islepool: Not all, but it discourages pups to stay away from them once they mature. Again, we don't taste that good or provide nutrition to them. So the water's fine. We just arrived in the biggest coral reef I know ponies love. Give it a shot, kiddo.
- Sandbar: Okay! (He goes inside the hut and comes out in the suit)
- Islepool: Oooooohhh, you look so adorable in that suit, too!
- Sandbar: "Thanks."
- Islepool: Now go down there and enjoy yourself. Just don't go too far from me.
- Sandbar: I will! WHEEEEEE- (He jumped in and continued the whee gurgling all the way to the bottom landing on his bottom and took a breath through his air tank gurgle-laughing until finally going silent to explore)
- Islepool: (Laughs) Crazy kid.
- (Sandbar's Mom): Sandbar said he loved his entire hour underwater. But a minute later, he discovered baby sea turtles stuck in a kelp bush. He ran of air, but he didn't care. He had to do what he could to save them. (Ditching his upward-floating snorkel, he went in to save them, freeing them only to get himself caught in the kelp as he suffocated helplessly until the mother sea turtle came in and rescued him as he surfaced safely, refilling his air tank and grabbing his snorkel)
- Sandbar: You... You saved me. Thank you. (The baby sea turtles hugged him as he laughed and a flash appeared on his flank underneath his suit and he took it off to see his sea turtle cutie mark)... MY CUTIE MARK!!! I actually got my cutie mark!! (He hugged the sea turtles as Shore was seen watching and smiled)
- (Sandbar's Dad): We were proud of him. Well, when he found us, that is. (The two were heard having an orgasm off-camera sighing in relaxation)...
- Sandbar's Mom: WOW, Honey! You are so good with girls.
- Sandbar's Dad: You know it, babe. Uhhh... Where's Sandbar?
- Sandbar: (He arrived dripping wet and excited) MOMMYDADDYMOMMYDADDYMOMMYDADDYMOMMYDADDY!!!! (He hugs them) LOOK WHAT I JUST GOT!!!!
- Sandbar's Dad:... My gosh! You actually got your cutie mark? How?
- Shore: (Jumping onto the boat waddling like a seal) He fell overboard. He's been gone for a while. You guys seriously didn't notice?
- Sandbar's Dad:... Wow, I am feeling like a very mediocre parent right now.
- Sandbar's Mom: Me, too. WHAT DID WE MISS?! (Everyone laughed)
- Sandbar's Mom: And that's how he found his life's goal, met Shore, and eventually fell in love with her. He didn't get to tell her this Hearts and Hooves Day. She still doesn't know about his feelings, either.
- SpongeBob: (Much of the heroes were sobbing in joy) Wow... *Sniff* That was beautiful.
- Squidward: "Though maybe when telling the story again, be sure to leave out the sex parts."
- Sandbar's Dad: "Oh don't get us wrong, we usually know better then that!"
- Sandbar's Mom: "Well, now about that stuff about a Clone Mane Six. If he ended up bring tricked to do something bad, please don't be mad. He could've legitimently thought he was helping the actual Mane Six."
- Twilight: We're talking chaos magic. Sometimes it's successful, sometimes it's a failure. Chaos is unpredictable and so is chaos magic. No form and no consistent identity. Don't worry. We'll find your son and put a stop to these clones' plan. But now back to questions. Where would you say we should get started?
- Sandbar's Dad: Well, the kid likes natural swimming. Odds are he'd go to the nearest natural water source to talk about beginning their plans.
- Applejack: I think I know where that is. The swimming hole me and my family go. Specifically the one Granny Smith told us about her high-diving life. The pool does have available life like fish and stuff for somepony like Sandbar to admire.
- Fluttershy: I do that whenever I'm there. Before being a seapony, the freshwater meant I couldn't transform. Now I can stay underwater for as long as I want without a need for air. Seems like the first thing a fellow animal lover would suggest, especially one who likes underwater life.
- Twilight: Seems right.
- Discord: Let's hope there's clues to track them down. AND let's hope the clones aren't smart enough to cover ALL their tracks. Thanks for the advice, Mr. and Mrs. Sandbar. Lodgers and Company out! (They teleported away)
- Sandbar's Dad:... Odd they didn't ask about our bigotry. Then again, it wasn't exactly their business.
- Sandbar's Mom: Well at least they blew off our steam. I'm sorry.
- Sandbar's Dad: Me, too.... Now, speaking of blowing...
Swimming Hole
- The group arrived with the swimming hole alone.
- Lord Shen: "Well it's obvious they are no longer here. But let's see if we can track down evidence that they were here."
- Fluttershy: I've been learning how to talk to fish, so I'll ask them. (She went underwater)
- Discord: Well, that should be enough.
- Soothsayer: But we should still search the place just in case.
- Rainbow Dash: Well let's hope Fluts doesn't have too much fun like she always does during undersea missions.
- Thunderclap: Let's hope that storm over there is patient enough to wait through our investigation. (A large storm cloud was seen in the distance)
- Iago:... F***!
- Thundera: I can keep it quelled. I can't exactly get rid of it because it doesn't feel right to disrupt nature, especially when it's artificially controlled by ponies who'd be angry I did it.
- Twilight: They wouldn't be happy you're pushing the storm behind schedule even for the greater good.
- Rainbow Dash: The Weather Factory's manager is an infamous jackass.
- Marty: I'd imagine given your sabotage for Tank.
- Rainbow Dash: They don't exactly know. They're too busy to notice. Why do you think I haven't been legally punished? But it pains me to say that it's best we keep it that way until it's time.
- Shenzi: If this guy's as assy as you say, then I guess I can slightly agree. Break. (They split)
- Fluttershy: (In seapony form, she sits comfortably in a corner interacting with fish) Hmm? Well sorry for the Reverse Applejack's gross behavior. But what about Sandbar? How was he? (The fish bubbled in communication) Really? He spent a minute underwater interacting with you? Well, did they say where they were going? (Fish bubbled) The Crystal Empire?... What would they need to go there for? (Fish bubbled)... Well, I would've been worried about the answer anyway.
- Fluttershy resurfaced.
- Fluttershy: "Everyone, the fish said that the Reverse Ponies asked Sandbar to take them to the Christail Empire."
- Lord Shen: "The bloodly Christail Empire? What for?"
- Icky: "I think it's safely assume it involves the Christail Heart."
- Trixie: "Ugh, I shudder about what would happen if those embodiments of Sparkle and Friends' worse quilites get their hooves on that thing."
- Kowalski: Best guess is that they want to make the whole world negative.
- Gilda: The f*** would they have to gain from that?
- Kowalski: I don't bleeping know!
- Twilight: Well, knowing a reverse Twilight, I'd say just like my passion for magic, she has a lust for it. Not in a sexy kind of way... Much... But, a greed for it. She must think that turning everything negative will make it easy for her to steal all the magic in the world, that way she can feed her own greed, AND have us learn our 'hard lesson'.
- Rarity: Well you sure figured that out so quickly.
- Sandy: Eh, we other geniuses could guess that pretty durn quickly.
- Susan: So we're going to the Crystal Empire?
- Twilight: So we're going to the Crystal Empire.
Crystal Empire
- The Fake Six sat around bored as Sandbar kept watch.
- Meanie: "...... I'M BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED?! (It echos through-out the Frozen North)... Entertain me!"
- Sandbar: "Well I'm sorry, but you six are in no condition to interact with the citizens of the empire. But we can do something fun together."
- Darklight: "Ugh, fine! If it'll pass the time."
- Sandbar: "(Brings out a craved stick) This is a truth and dare stick. Back where I was from, Shore and I played this game with her friends."
- Gray Dash: "A stick? What do you take us for, dogs?"
- Sandbar: "Actually, the name of the game is that your suppose to pass it around, as the giver asks for truth or dare."
- Darklight: "So basically, truth or dare, but with the filler motions of a useless piece of wood being tossed around?"
- Applejerk: "That sounds fun! (Nervious look)."
- Meanie: "Ugh..... Better then nothing I suppose."
- Sandbar: "Okay..... (Gives to Greedily)...... Truth or dare?"
- Greedily: "Well a dare could involve money, so, I choose truth."
- Sandbar: "Hmm..... Do you REALLY love Spike?"
- Greedily: "Who? (Darklight whispered in her ear)..... Oh right. Well, purely as an associate, because I doubt I would get away with having a relationship with a minor without being called a pedophile. Also, I doubt a relationship between a pony and a dragon can work."
- Sandbar: "Firm but fair."
- Greedily gave the stick to Applejerk.
- Greedily: "Truth, or dare."
- Applejerk: "Dare. And for a rare moment, I actually meant that. (Glows for a bit) But purely because we all know that I suck at truths! (Returns to normal)."
- Greedily: "Okay, I dare you, to try and fart around the world in a certain period of time!"
- Other Four: WHAT THE F*** YOU SAY?!
- Applejerk: "Oh it's that a challenge? Yer on?! FARTS AWAY- (Blasted off with flatulence as everyone coughed)!"
- Mayor Mare: "(Sees this)..... Apple..... Jack?"
- Suri Polomare: "(Saw this while holding wine and then looks at the wine and starts pouring it out) I think this wine's TOO aged!"
- Celaeno and the parrot pirates stared shock as they saw Applejerk flying through across the skies!
- Ember was bewildered at this along with the other dragons.
- Verko: "(Sees this)........ (Looks at his wineglass)........ I think it's time I go cold turkey on this s***."
- Thorax: "(Surprised at the sight he saw)...... I..... Did not know ponies can do that."
- The Wonderbolts dropped their jaws at that......
- Soaren: "..... Is a flying farting Grey Applejack something to report to HQ?"
- Misty: No it is not.
- Applejerk came all the way back to the Christail Empire.
- Gray Dash: "....... So much for being subtle. Way to stink up the world, bitch."
- Greedily/Applejerk: SHUT UP!!
- Applejerk gives the stick to Cruelshy.
- Applejerk: "Okay, truth or dare."
- Cruelshy: "Dare."
- Applejerk: "Well in that case, I bet you can't do what you threatened to do to that Cinch Bitch pony!"
- Sandbar: "Wait wait wait, that's an undoable dare, that would require entering the city!"
- Cruelshy: ".... Dammit! (Gives the stick to Meanie Pie) Okay, truth, or dare."
- Meanie: "Dare."
- Cruelshy: "I dare you, to lick that stick..... Slowly!"
- Meanie: 'What?! And risk splinters in my tongue?! You crazy horse?!"
- Cruelshy: It's the rules, so DO IT!!!
- Meanie: (Growls and does it as she got splinters on her tongue as everyone laughed) DA FEK RRE YUH LUFFUN AT?!?
- Cruelshy: F*** you, that's who! (Meanie got angry and attacked them with comical fashion)
- Meanie: (Darklight had her robe shoved in her mouth, Applejerk was twisted like a pretzel with her face in her own butt, Cruelshy had a bird shoved in her mouth, Gray Dash was covered in red paint, and Greedily had a piggybank shoved in her mouth) They started it!
- Sandbar: Ugh, no wonder you need my help. You six have been turned so negative, you can't save the day on your own. Can't you girls EVER get along for once?
- Darklight: (Spits out the book) Well, we're still together, does that count?
- Meanie: "(Passes over the stick to Gray Dash). Truth or dare."
- Gray Dash: "I'm too daring for truth."
- Meanie: "Okay, I dare you, to go fast enough to slap the ass of everyone on the planet, baring us!"
- Gray Dash: "Pffffffffft! Piece of cake!"
- Sandbar: "Wait wait, that would involve- (Gray Dash already zoomed off)..... Leaving."
- Darklight: "You didn't expected her to listen, did you?"
- Sandbar: "..... Is she REALLY gonna go and slap all the people of the world's butts?"
- Meanie: "Aw don't sweat it, it'll take her forever to-"
- Gray Dash: (Arrives back) Done!
- Everyone: (Camera on the world) PERVERT!!!
- Sandbar:... What is wrong with you girls!? (Meanie was about to answer) Don't answer that!... Alright, no more truth or dare. Let's play something else.
- Meanie: Like what?
- Sandbar: I don't know, you have magic, you can entertain yourselves. Why don't you use a simulation spell or something?
- Darklight:... Not a bad idea.
- Sandbar realised what he said.....
- Sandbar: "..... I'm gonna end up regreting this, am I?"
- Meanie: Regretting what? We're just going to get ourselves in a simulated environment is all.
- Sandbar: "Well considering how crazy you guys are currently, I can't exactly say that anything you would make in a simulated environment would be, good."
- Darklight: You don't wanna go, that's fine, but we can't lose you. You know we need you to get us out of this mess.
- Meanie: Besides, what's so bad about a simulation spell? You're in your own dreamland. You're dreaming but you're still awake. It's awesome.
- Gray Dash: This is literally the first time we're experiencing this. How would you know what it feels like?
- Meanie: My meta powers are incredibly chaotic. Who knows? Maybe I DID use it even with no horn. Don't ask somepony as random as me logical questions if you don't want your brain to melt into a gross slag.
- Sandbar: (Sighs) So you promise nopony will be hurt?
- Darklight: It's called simulation, aquaphile. Nothing in it is real. Toodles. (They disappeared within a simulation)
- Sandbar:... (Sighs) I swear, Mayhem, I'll get you for this torture.
Fake Six's Simulation
- They had a montage of sick fun until Darklight's neckbrace started to activate.
- Darklight: "...... Dang it, it's dad again!"
- Gray Dash: "I think it could be about the Hippo Obliterator or whatever."
- Darklight: Hippobliterator, and yes, it could be. (Answers it as Nefarious appeared as a hologram) Hello, DAAAAAAAAAAAD!!
- Nefarious: I want progress reports. Where are you?
- Meanie: In a simulation waiting for you in the Crystal Empire, and YOU JUST INTERRUPTED OUR PASS-THE-TIME FUN, DAAAAD!!!
- Nefarious: Well get your butts out of the magic pool and listen up. It might be nice to tell you that the Tree of Disharmony is... Infesting our space station.
- Darklight: Oh, really? What, did you feed it too much just to make it stronger?
- Gray Dash: Maybe SOMEONE doesn't know about biology because he hates biology.
- Cruelshy: God DAMN!!
- Nefarious: "No, the tree wasn't fed anything. In fact, because it's like, some kind of plant-shape artifact, I assumed it doesn't need to eat or drink. it's litterallyjust, growing on it's own."
- Darklight: "Growing, on, it's own?"
- Nefarious: "Look, my best brains are already on trying to find answers, don't worry too much. Anyway, the Hippobliterator is already on it's way near a currently isolated beach. (It was shown to be the same Beach Sandbar had went to) It'll be the perfect sight to start business."
- Darklight: "..... Alchourse, dad, (Eye Twitches), We'll get RIIIIIGHT on it!"
- Nefarious: "Good girls, you grow up so fast, and not just because you were created as adult clones. Nefarious out. (Hologram faded away)"
- Gray Dash: "Well great! Now we have to go all the way to a random beach!"
- Darklight: "..... Wait..... Beach?..... I wonder....... I think I have one more use for our friend, Sandbar."
- Meanie: Drown him?
- Darklight: Ehhhhh, not yet. We have this giant androidifier blown out of the sky and into the waters of this beach.
- Darklight: We have a way to figure that out, GAY Dash!
- Cruelshy: GODDAMN!!! (Meanie laughed at her)
- Gray Dash:... I swear to Gods, Dorklight, this better go smoothly if you want to keep your ovaries on you.
- Darklight: Exactly my point, GAY Dash. (Everyone laughed hysterically) But seriously, let's get to work. If we wanna be rid of that domehead, we have to be ready sooner than later.
- Meanie: I definitely don't want him around for being a party s*****r.
- Darklight: Alright, girls, we're outta here. (They transported back to the real world)
- Sandbar: (Looking at a comical photo of him and Shore underwater as he was lovesick sighing joyfully)... Oh, why did I have to leave you, Shore? If only there was a way to see you again.
- Darklight: (They arrived) Good news, chump! You're seeing Shorey again.
- Sandbar: "(Joyfully) REALLY?! (Realises who he's talking to)..... I mean, don't get me wrong, I would like to, but.... I'm worried about how she would react to you guys."
- Darklight: "Oh don't worry, we'll be COMPLETELY out of the way.... We, just want to see the beach she was from."
- Sandbar: "..... Be honest, what's the bigger reason!"
- Applejerk: "Okay, we'll stop beating the bush! The Lougers said that beach is where the anti-chaos generator's gonna land!"
- Sandbar: "Well why didn't ya just say so?"
- Meanie: Because we love messing with people... For now, of course.
- Darklight: Let's head out to the beach.
- Sandbar: Well, you'll love it. Rhinemare Beach is one of the best resorts in Horseshoe Bay. Said to be a former siren land that had amongst the nicest but worse sirens since the Dazzlings. Rhinemares. Pretty as sin. It's also former pirate territory. There were rich amounts of diamonds there until it was exhausted. Now it's a harmonic beautiful resort. The seas were where I met Shore, her aspidochelone friend Islepool, and earned my cutie mark.
- Meanie: Eeeeeeexcelleeeeeeeent!!!
- Sandbar:... Why'd you say that with a sinister overtone?
- Meanie: Chaos like to rape your mind, Sandy.
- Sandbar: Well, I'm sure you should know that the reef is now a city for seaponies. Mayor Treasure Trove is a very nice leader. He is rich since finding the biggest treasury in the sea, and runs the place with his own life.
- Meanie: (Chuckling) Even better!
- Sandbar:... You girls are SO creepy.
- Applejerk: You don't even know the half of it.
- Darklight: "Now, let's get back on the giant dragon bird."
- Sandbar: "Wait, but Candence wanted us to wait for her."
- Meanie: "No time. We'll come back and bake her an apology cake or something. Now come on."
- The group got on Clancy and flew off!
- Merlin: (They teleported to the Crystal Empire)...
- Silence....
- A Tumbleweed: "(Singing to himself)Rolln' rollin' rollin', rollin' rollin' rollin', rollin' rollin' rollin', rollin rollin rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin', RAW-HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDE!"
- Spike: "...... Oh great. Now it's like Discord where they got bored of me."
- ???: "Spike?"
- A Christail Pony peaked over!
- Christail Pony: "Are you here to save us from the Albatross Dragon?"
- Christail Pony: "EEEK?! WHERE?! (Hides back in!)"
- Icky: "..... Anyone wanna bet the clones managed to commindeer yet another freaky hybrid of bird and mythical reptiles?"
- Lord Shen: "Seems so. We need to see Princess Candence."
- Cadence: (She teleported in) OH, GUYS, THERE YOU ARE!! I heard that Mayhem's back and has...... Tainted... The Mane Six?... Who are standing next to you.... Okay, pardon my bluntness, but.... How, did you managed to fix the Main 6 quickly? I mean, I know you guys are good, but-
- Boss Wolf: Yeah, you were lied to. The Main 6 you sawwere evil clones made by Nefarious.
- Twilight: And if you knew, why didn't you say anything?
- Cadence: Because I wanted to be sure I was right.
- Haroud: Well, you may want to bring us to them.
- Cadence: Very well.
Sandbar's Room
- Duke: (They teleported there) ALRIGHT, YOU BIG- F***!!! (They were gone)... They're gone!
- Banzai: We can friggin see that!
- Pang Bing: Well luckily they couldn't have gotten far.
- Applejack: It ain't exactly gonna help our current situation if we don't know where to go next.
- Skipper: THEN GET MOVING!! (They searched)
- Cadence: (She sees the photo of Sandbar and Shore)... Hmm... What does this mean to you guys?
- Fidget:... Is that Shore Joy? Wow. She doesn't look that bad. I can see why Sandbar wants to bang her.
- Squidward: So what, are they going to her?
- Sandy: Ain't exactly sure yet. It could be a dud.
- Twilight: I'll look for anymore connections. (She uses her magic to scan the area)
- Cadence: So, why would Nefarious create negative clones? Wouldn't this be more like something that the Villain League would do?
- Icky: "It was actselly a backburner plan he made back when Qui was still a bitch that he forgot about as time went on to only NOW start it."
- Shifu: "Besides, the Leage doesn't like to be predictable, and evil clones are perhaps amongst the most predictable plans ever."
- Candence: "Fair point. Though, why clones? I thought he hated organics."
- Icky: "I bet that, causehe does hate biology, was why the planwas backburnered. He probuly only gotten to it because of his lack of activity in 2017 and wanted to start off 2018 with at least A evil plan. And in a meta sense because of leaked footage of an episode about Chrysalis doing it." (A neuralyzer flash was seen)
- Lord Shen: "Well thankfully it was clear why the plan was backburned to begin with. We got wise the moment it happened."
- Boss Wolf: Hell yeah, and it smells like we're getting close.
- Po: Really?
- Boss Wolf: Hey, Twilight's the one playing detective here, not me. Ask her.
- Twilight: Trying to concentrate here.
- Boss Wolf: Well care to fill us in and not be dishonest like in MMMystery?
- Twilight: Not gonna listen to that ugly criticism again, so you just whined yourself out of it.
- Cadence: TWILIGHT! What did I say about that smartaleck attitude?
- Twilight: (Sighs) Fine! I just HATE being reminded of my criticized moments. Well our DNA was apparent here. But it's tainted with chaos magic, so it's all fuzzy. Crafty brats are good at covering their tracks.
- Starlight: Well at least you'll get a challenge, and the best one of challenging yourself.
- Twilight: Oh, sure, stroke my ambition like you did when you kissed me during that MIM slip-up.
- Starlight:... (Through teeth) WE AGREED NEVER TO SPEAK OF THAT!!
- Twilight: Ugh, sorry, it's just so frustrating that these magic traces are leading me around in circles. We won't get anything at this rate. You know what? Buck it. We're going to that beach.... Uh, which beach exa- AW COME ON!!!!
- Pinkie: "Maybe Horseshoe Beach?"
- Twilight: Pinkie, Horseshoe Beach spans the entire bay. Any part of it could be what we're looking for.
- Cadence: It could be Rhinemare Beach. That's where the most viable seapony population can be found. That SHOULD include Miss Shore Joy.
- Twilight: Oh, Rhinemare Beach. Me and my parents went there once. I remember being scared of the water back then.
- Icky: "Ya clearly didn't had the same problem in all the times you went underwater, canon or SAF."
- Twilight: "I obviously gotten over it. Duh! I was a kid back then. Anyway, Rhinemare is a perfect place to start. I hope we can get there in time before those clones start causing trouble."
- Lord Shen: "Or keep them from causing more."
- Cadence: Oh, Twilight, before we go, how's the friendship school?
- Twilight: Construction is still in progress. Mayor Mare's watching it while I'm busy. Sure hope Neighsay is going to take it easy.
- Cadence: Be warned he used to be friends with Shineflare. In fact, when Shineflare only went as far as to dispise mythic races, Neighsay is a step beyond and doesn't even trust Pure Hippogriffs and Good Changelings!
- Twilight: I'm not worried. He'll surely understand that spreading friendship means coming to peace with other races. He should surely know that. I gave the EEA all I have planned and they approved.
- Cadence: It's likely because they may have misinperterated your intentions, Twilight. He could've thought you meant the school to better protect Equestria FROM the outside world, not spread friendship to them. I am only trying to protect you from inevitable disappointment.It's not wise to be overconfident in his tolerance, or lack there of, Twilight.
- Icky: Let's just worry about that later. We have some clones to stop. (They teleported away)
- Candence: ".... (Sighs), Why do I have that feeling that I want to wish I was wrong about this?"
Rhinemare Beach
- This music played.
- The Fake Six walked down the beach as Sandbar was ahead.
- Sandbar: "(Sighs), So many memories."
- Darklight was unimpressed.
- Darklight: "I do not get what is so impressive about this part of the coastline. (Meanie Pie was holding a crab and slowly moving it torwords Darklight's butt) Nothing to do here but swim and get sand in- (The Crab Pinched both cheeks) MY ASS?! (Runs around freaking out with the crab holding on)!"
- The Rest of the Fake Six laughed!
- Sandbar saw the display and facehooved.
- Sandbar: ".... I, am just glad, Shore isn't here to see those mares right now."
- Meanie: (Sniffs) DON'T YOU DARE, KARMA FAIRIES!!! I CAN TRACK YOU DOWN AND GO DEADPOOL ON YOUR BUTTHOLES!!! (The Karma Fairies in their office scattered comically) YEAH, YOU BETTER FLY AWAY!!!
- Sandbar: "...... Wow, thanks. You saved me from looking like a fool in front of Shore."
- Meanie: "(Was actselly touched by that and was almost restored to normal, but quickly snapped out of it) Ughh, don't over analise that, kid. I meanly did it because those Karma fairies would've musled in my fun."
- Darklight realised that it's time for a private chat and gotten the mares togather, finally smacking the crab off into the sea!
- Darklight: (Huddling with the Fake Six) Alright, girls! This is what we've been preparing for our entire lives. Albeit, all 23 hours and 43 minutes of it. We're going to ditch Nefarious and destroy his Hippobliterator. Then we'll sneak back into the Crystal Empire,getto the Crystal Heart and turn it negative. You know the rest.
- Gray Dash: And how do you plan to do that?
- Darklight: Simple. You hear of a megaspell?
- Gray Dash: "Is that like a superspell on steriods?"
- Darklight: And an outlawed one, too. It increases magic power exponentially. From what I heard, a pony once tried to useit to try and match Alicorn power for ponies of Equestria until the risk of magical fallout stopped him. Also, Twilight herself said it created a universe of Fallout games-eqsedhell.
- Cruelshy: And you're using this potentially dangerous spell to destroy the Hippobliterator?
- Darklight: I worked out much of the bugs. As long as we're careful, we can keep this world from becoming another Fallout Equestria.
- Cruelshy: "You sure we can get away with that with Sandy around being a big baby about it?"
- Darklight: "Luckly, since it looks like he's starting to grow on us, I think it's time we finally dump the brat before he makes us forget our purpose. First, we need to distract him. And I already have such an idea...."
- Darklight broke from the huddle and got to Sandbar.
- Darklight: "Sandbar, you had been SO good to us dispite everything, so, how's about you take some time off to go see Shore. We can handle the Sheild Generator from here."
- Sandbar: "Okay girls. Just don't mess up to badly, okay! (Goes right into the water as Darklight smiled)...."
- Darklight: "(Chuckles quietly), What a sweet, but gulliable moron of a kid."
- Meanie: Makes this even funnier. Let that aquaphile fetishize in peace.
- Darklight: Okay, Meanie, we'll talk about your degree of obscene insults later. Let's go. (They teleported to a high cliff)... Now let's begin with the, for lack of a better term, ritual.
- Greedily: Process?
- Darklight: Thank you, Greedily. Now let's begin the process.
Horseshoe Bay
- Seapony Mayor: (A creative reef-like civilization was seen as he was sitting in the highest island atoll hall)... Ugh, paperwork! How can paper even existUNDERWATER?!? I mean, ASIDE from magic! Ugh!! Blast Novo for changing things since her stupid decision in October! Racial tension has never been so imbalanced in centuries!
- A Seahorse swam up to him.
- Seahorse: "On the pluside, Mayor. At least 2018 is a chance to make amends for it."
- Seapony Mayor: "It doesn't change the fact that we have to consider the year like that at all! I'm starting to think that maybe Corono had a point, rest her soul if she's dead. Maybe Hippogriffs were better off in their..... Older customs. Even though some parts of it makes me shudder. (Shudders). Novo really must've made me feel peeved if I'm actselly complimenting the Pure Hippogriffs not so pure former traditions!"
- Seahorse: "Well, with talk of a School of Friendship on the rise, maybe that would be the chance we can have. We could send a Seapony there."
- Seapony Mayor: "Well maybe as soon as I can find a seapony willing to leave the ocean, I can hop right to that! But Novo also prohibited sea magic from being used for things like that since Twilight's stunt. She said she needs time to cope with this since it gravely upset seaponies and hippogriffs alike."
- Seahorse: I'm sure something will come up, Mayor Trove. Just you wait. Soon someone will come right through that entry and say-
- Badass Seapony: (Bursts in the door) MISTER MAYOR!!! It's an emergency!!
- Mayor Trove: WATERSPOUT?!?
- Seahorse: "..... That wasn't, what I as going to say. Wait to interupt what I was going to say."
- Waterspout: "Oh, sorry if I interupted anything..... But I still have something to inform you!"
- Mayor Trove: Well, what is it?
- Mayor Trove: "...... Watersprout, before we continue this conversation, can you, can you please assure me that your not succombing to aquamadness?Because that sounded like you said "Giant Space Orb"."
- Waterspout: Well don't take my word for it, see for yourself. (They surfaced and saw a giant device similar to the Biobliterator, only Equestria-colored and having rainbow-colored energy and laser lenses)...
- Mayor Trove:... Well, whale s***. There goes the planet. Waterspout,call for a mandatory caution until we can find out more. I'll see if I can contact Novo about this. (They split)
Rhinemare Beach
- Twilight: (They teleported back) Ahhh... Sweet Rhinemare Beach. Not too different than when I was here last time.
- Icky: Huh? What's with the siren statues?
- Twilight: Rhinemare Beach used to be a siren land.Alsoused to be the home of the worst sirens since the Dazzlings. The Rhinemaidens. But never mind the backstory on that! Notice that increase in magic energy nearby.
- Icky: "Would it be by chancecoming from THAT Death Star Wanna-Be Monstrosity!?"
- The Hippobliterator was seen!
- Crane: "It looks like, a flamboyent version of Nefarious' Biobliterator."
- Pinkie: "I think that would make it the Hippobliterator!"
- Rarity: "Then why isn't it already turning anything into a robotic monstorsity?"
- Twilight: ".... I'm worried that our clones might have different plans. Come on!"
- The group ran torwords the station's direction!
- Sandbar: (He reached the small island) Whew! There it is. That means I should be underneath Shore's hometown. Well, better get my lungs- (A shadow came over his head) What the snot? (Saw the Hippobliterator) WHAT THE?! THAT'S SUPPOSE TO BE THE LOUGER'S GENERATOR?! (Sees some traces of Nefarious symbolisum) Cause that is some very Team Nefarious like insigimas for anything the Lougers made! What is going on?! (Runs torwords it as well)
Chapter 4: Targeting Equestria/The Elements Betray Nefarious[]
The Cliff Nearthe Hippobliterator
- Darklight: (As she and her friends charged the megaspell for their Elements of Disharmony)... Excellent work, girls! Our chaos magic should be powerful enough to debunk the anti-magic field now. But whatever you do, don't lose focus for any reason.
- Twilight: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!
- Darklight: Aw fudge nuts!The smart idiot!
- Rainbow Dash: What are you girls doing with a banned spell?
- Darklight: Well it's certainly not for the 4th of July, dips***s!(Nefarious appeared on the Hippobliterator's screen)
- Darklight: "Sorry, dad! Change of plans! Me and the girls are striking out on our own!"
- Nefarious started to cry, surprising everyone.
- Nefarious: "I am conflicted about whether I should be proud that my little girls are already on their way of being serious villains, or upset that it had to happen whileit's alsoan inconvincence tome!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "Fair point. YOU GIRLS ARE SO GROUNDED WHEN I GET DOWN THER- (Darklight bucked the screen, breaking it)"
- Darklight: "..... Dads. What can you really do, right?"
- Applejack: "As much we appresiate goin' against Nefarious and planning to wreck one of his toys, the megaspell alone proves it ain't necessarily out of good intentions!"
- Darklight: "Tch. Talk about ungrateful. At least be glad we're getting rid of this over-glorifived hunk of metal for you!"
- Icky: "It's LITTERALLY the same s*** that created the Fallout Equestrian Fan Universe! There's better ways to wreck Nefarious' s*** without taking half the planet down with it!"
- Darklight: What do you take us for, terrorist idiots? We're not going to use it that way. We just need the magical capacity to blow this thing up. So... You may want to... Clear the area, because you've got 60 seconds. (She starts it)
- Twilight: Darklight, don't! You're smarter than this-
- Darklight: Time's up. (The spell flared and the Elements of Disharmony got into a shield)
- Pinkie: "But they're grown-upmares, not baby chickens!"
- Icky:......
- Pinkie: What?
- Meanie: Buh-bye! (The Hippoblierator exploded and everyone survived cartoonishly as the Elements of Disharmony floated down within the shield and landed as the shield popped like a bubble)... (She cackled wildly at the humiliated heroes' expense) HAHAHA!! HOW DOES IT FEEL, HUH?!
- The Beach was seen in utter, chaotic ruin.
- Sandbar was looking on in shock.....
- Sandbar: "...... Miss Twilight..... What have you done?"
- Gray Dash: "(Darklight was about to speak) I have this moron covered! (Zooms up to Sandbar) Kid, I'll level with ya. Look at those clowns, (Points to the real Main 6 and the others), now back to us. Now back at them, now back at us. We are not them, we just screwed you and your girlfriend over. You helped the wrong mares. And now we know about where we can find the Christail Heart. AND, we basicly don't need ya anymore, dork!"
- Sandbar: "But, but I don't understand! What about Mayhem's return?!"
- Gray Dash: "Wanna know a big secret, kiddo?..... WE LIED, DIPS***?! Mayhem didn't come back, steal our cutie marks with a restored cutie mark vault, oh, we forgot to mention thatby the way, OR dilate our colors!! And that thing we blow up wasn't an anti-chaos shield! We're not the actual Mane 6! We're basicly them, but better..... Annnnd born from a testtube, but not impourent."
- Sandbar: "(Started to cry) But, but, then, how are you mares here?"
- Meanie: "Well there's this cranky robot dude that's like our dad of sorts who took the DNA of those losers and made us possable, and created an Evil Tree of Harmony-"
- Darklight: "DISharmony, to be more accreate, Meanie."
- Meanie: "Oh don't go politically correct on be, bitch! Anyway, he created it to basicly give us the Elements of DISharmony! We're here to basically wreck your s***?!"
- Sandbar: "How, how could you all?! You used me?"
- Applejerk: "No we didn't! (Looks around nervously)....."
- Gray Dash: "Uh, yes we did! Mind Applejerk, she's the resident liar addict, just imagine her like Superman's Bizaaro. She means the oppisite of what she's saying. So yeah. We played you, like how a red neck plays the banjo! You bought our cons, hook, line, and sucker!"
- Meanie: (Laughs hysterically) DON'T YOU FEEL STUPID RIGHT NOW?! YOU DIDN'T SEE THIS BY NOW?! (She laughs as Sandbar shed a tear)
- Cruelshy: "What's a matter, Sandy Barhead? You gonna cry for your momma?"
- Sandbar was wimpering!
- Gray Dash: "(Snickers), Oh gosh, he's gonna exploud into tears!"
- Sandbar started to cry loudly as he ran away!
- Fluttershy: "(Crying) How can you be our clones, and yet, be so cruel?!"
- Cruelshy: "Awww, what's the matter, Cluttershy? You gonna cry? BOO-HOO-HOO!!"
- Gray Dash: "Oh yeah? What're you gonna do about it, ya mary sue of a dra- (Cynder turned into Avatar Cynder) GA-WHAT THE F***?!"
- Lefou: Be grateful they couldn't do the first thing an evil clone/duplicate would do and frame you guys for crimes you didn't commit. Because that crud's been done to death.
- Twilight: NOT HELPING!!!!
- Sandbar was seen crying a mile from here at the shore, as tears fell into the water.
- Gazelle looks to see Sandbar.....
- Gazelle: "...... What do we do about the young colt?"
- Icky: "Ya mean the Terrorable 6's unwitting errand boy?"
- Iago: "Well what can we do with him? We can't really punish him for not knowing any better, but we can't leave him there either."
- Twilight:... Hey kid!(Sandbar noticed them) Go save your girlfriend. Tell her we're sorry and we'll make those six pay for this!... I believe in you. (They teleported away as Sandbar got a determined face and dove underwater swimming for Shore's home)
Seapony City
- It suddenly now looked like Reef City from Shark Tale, but with a chaotic twist.
- Scrawny Seapony (Coralstone): "It, gotten a make over that's both almost complimenting, yet dishastorious."
- Waterspout: "Well, maybe it isn't dangerious.(It exploded)... On the other hand."
- ???: Mmph! (Sandbar appeared behind them with puffed cheeks) Mmmph!
- Mayor Trove: Mister Sandbar? I thought you moved away.
- Sandbar: (Muffles incoherently)
- Mayor Trove: Okay, kid, don't embarrass yourself. Just get to the surface and we'll talk. (They surfaced, Sandbar gasping for air)
- Sandbar: Mayor Treasure Trove, if I can explain, I need to let you know I can help you. I was tricked into following evil clones of the Equestrian Princess of Friendship and her friends and they destroyed this superweapon.
- Mayor Trove: "Evil clones?!"
- Waterspout: "All things considered with crazy things always happening in a Equestria, I can't nessersarly question it, but, all the same..... Evil clones? Really?"
- Sandbar: I'll explain later, it's complicated, and the real Main 6 and the Lougers said they'll take care of them! Right now, I need to help Shore's home! I can help you, but I need to know, is Shore okay?
- Mayor Trove: Well I believe so, but can you hold your breath long enough to save her? We don't have transformation spells without Novo's permission since... Certain events involving said princess.
- Sandbar: I don't care, I need to save her, whatever it takes, oxygen or not. Just get forward with preserving as much as you can. I'll meet back with you soon. (Inhales deeply and dives)
- Waterspout:... That boy is quite the hero.
- Coralstone: You're telling me.
- Sandbar: (Keeping his breath, he swam deep towards Shore's reef garden, and after admiring the scenery, he tugged in air deprivation and remembered the mission, searching for Shore)
- Shore was heard screaming!
- Sandbar swam to it and saw that Shore was being attacked by a chaos infected octopus!
- Sandbar: (Gurgling) SHOOOORE!!!
- Shore: Sandbar?! YOU'RE BACK!! (Sandbar swam over and the octopus just grabbed him and strangled the air bubbles out of him as he drowns) NOOO!!!.... (She got angry and burst in magic) SANDYYY!!!! (The magic blinded and harmed the octopus as it screeched in horror and swam away)... (She grabbed the unconscious Sandbar and took him to the surface, reviving him with CPR)
- Sandbar: (Coughing the water out)... Shore!
- Shore: You... You came back to save me!
- Sandbar: Yes, and I need your help. The device that was destroyed by chaos magic was- (Shore kissed him on the lips as he sunk in love)...
- Shore: I WANTED YOU TO KNOW I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU SINCE WE MET!! I didn't want you to leave.
- Sandbar:... Funny thing, I was going to tell you the same thing..... But Shore, this.... This mess was kinda my fault, a gang of fake Main 6 ponies tricked me into doing something stupid and now..... You'regonna hate me for this.
- Shore: "Sands, why would you ever think that? Nopony's perfect."
- Sandbar: "But, your home and garden areruined, because I mistakenly listened to those mares."
- Shore: Well did they sound legitimate to you? Did they use easy-to-believe lies?
- Sandbar: Yes, but-
- Shore: Then why should I judge you? I know you. You're sweet, supportive, and you're really cute when you're nervous around me. Plus, it took serious guts to stand up to a chaotic octopus even though it could drown you in an instant.
- Sandbar: (Laughs) Well you're cute when nervous around me. Should've quite known you were in love with me just like I was.
- Shore: Well, sometimes when you're in love you just...
- Shore/Sandbar: Do adorable things. Hey, stop doing that, it's so weird. Sorry... Wanna date soon after? I'd love to.... (They cracked amused faces and laughed)... Could you get any cuter?.... (The two kissed)
- Mayor Trove: If you two lovefishes are finished, we have a job to do.
- Sandbar: Yes, we were getting to that, sir.
- The two got up and went back into the water!
Crystal Empire
- Darklight: (The Fake Six teleported there chuckling and looking out the stand of the Crystal Empire as music played)... This is it, girls! It's time for things to get weird. (They sung this)
Heroes Location
- Lord Shen: Calm yourself, prehistoric one-
- Icky: NO, SHUT UP!!!
- Twilight: Look, Icky, we promise Sandbar we'd make them pay for that stunt.
- Starlight: Props for ditching Nefarious, though.
- Applejack: So what're they doin' now?
- Icky: "Well let's remember that they were at the christail empire.... I have a very good bet where those six would go next."
Crystal Heart Containment Room
- Darklight: (After messing the Christail Empire, they approached the Crystal Heart) Here it is, ladies! The Crystal Heart. Once we touch it, it'll be just as negative as us.
- Greedily: Yes! Yes!! YEEESSS!!!! SO SHINY!!!
- Darklight: And now..... It's alll ours.
- Twilight: HEY! (The heroes arrived) What's up, girls?
- Darklight: Aw not these guys again!
- Twilight: Unhoof the Crystal Heart!
- Darklight: (Scoffs) You think you can beat me? I know more magic and know better about the world than you ever will.
- Discord:... Prove it!
- Twilight: DISC- (Darklight displayed a graphic combination of chaos, dark, and light magic as she blasts them out)..... Ord.
- Shrek:... Oww!!
- Darklight: Girls, get the Crystal Heart to the center of town. I'll handle them.
- Gray Dash: What about the guards?
- Darklight: What ABOUT the guards?
- Gray Dash:... Again, touché. Come on, girls! (They left)
- Twilight:... You don't have to do- (She was blasted further)... If that is how you want to do things, then it's on you if you fall down hard!(They fought as this music played)
- Darklight: (Twilight laid beaten with the other heroes) Nice try, asshole! You're no match for my Triad Power, trademarked Darklight and the Elements of Disharmony.
- Discord: (Coughing) Laaame!!
- Twilight: Please, we can resolve out issues, we don't need to resort to over-the-top- (Darklight turned her into a bunny as she chattered wildly until Merlin changed her back) -And get those tainted thoughts out of your head...... I felt like some of that went amiss.
- Darklight: (Scoffs) Well too bad. With the Elements of Disharmony, me and my girls are unstoppable.
- Rainbow Dash: ANDwhy would you tell us your weakness like that?
- Darklight: Because by the time you find the Tree of Disharmony, you'll be too late.
- Darklight: That's my cue. Go ahead and try stopping the Tree, but it'll be a waste of time. Hasta la vista, babies! Waa-waa-waaah! (Teleports away)
- Twilight: ".... She needs to be stopped!"
- Applejack: You sure you know how to beat her? If you hadn't noticed, we had our flanks handed to us.
- Twilight: Don't have to use magic and skill. Starlight helped me learn to use a non-violent solution to beat somepony my equal. Good luck, guys. (The Mane Six teleported away)
- Icky: "..... So, should we like, go after Nefarious, or, or what?"
- Tigress: "Actselly, I think Starswirl took the Pillers to deal with that themselves. He said he knows of a teleportation spell that can reach even something in the cosmos.I asked if he wanted help, but, he insisted that the power of the Tree's is their respondsability."
- SpongeBob: Then... What do we do?
- Discord:... Wanna help outSandbar?
- Fidget: Okay.
- Cynder: Got nothing else to do here, so he'd need all the help he can get.
- Merlin: Agreed. Teleportus! (They teleported away)
Chapter 5: Redeeming the Evil Clones/Destroying the Tree of Disharmony[]
Crystal Empire
- Darklight: (Touches the Crystal Heart as it turned monochrome) Yeah, baby! We totally reversed the Crystal Heart.
- Meanie: Never doubted ya for a second.
- Gray Dash: Now we'll make the world just as reversed as us, dudettes!! THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!!!
- Applejerk: HELL YEAH!!! (She bucked the Heart and triggered it into spreading across the world turning it monochrome)
- Mayor Mare: (During the Friendship School's grand opening) As I commemorate this new school- (The reverse wave rushed past them and everyone stopped worshipping Twilight) TWILIGHT'S A USURPER, I SUPPORTED HER FOR MONEY!!! THIS TOWN'S MINE AND THIS SCHOOL'S MINE!!!
- Capper: (He and Verko were at each other then switched sides when the reverser wave passed by)
- Novo: (They were having a party until the reverser wave passed by and they started acting like fish and jerks)
Crystal Empire
- Darklight: YEEEAAHH, S*** IT NEFARIOUS!!! I'M GONNA BE FREE TO STEAL ALL THE MAGIC IN THE WORLD!!! EVERYPONY PUT YOUR HOOVES IN THE AIR AND DO A VICTORY DANCE!!! (They did the Nasty Patty Cancan until the Mane Six arrived with magic aura protection) You again?! Didn't you learn last time that you can't beat us?
- Twilight: Yes. And just like with Starlight, I found a better solution. THIS! (She blasted all except Darklight with a spell that cause them to start crying)
- Darklight: THE TARTARUS?!
- Twilight: That was a memory spell that contains memories pleasant enough to be painful to them and hopefully you. I'm simply doing you a favor by curing them.
- Darklight: You think I want that horse s***?
- Twilight: I KNOW you want that horse s***, dummy, because I know I don't want that kind of pain. We're reversed after all. Here's another thing I know. You want to not see them in this agony? Then turn off the Crystal Heart and willingly let us enter your minds and mentally cure you.
- Darklight: Oh, come on, I know you're a p***y with smarts, stress issues and questionable autism, but this has got to be the all-time weakest bluff you've ever- (She blasted them again and caused them more mental pain and making them cry harder) CELESTIA'S HORN EXTENDER, WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!?
- Applejack: She's doubling the spell and putting them in more pain.
- Darklight: WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!?
- Twilight: I could ask you the same thing. I know you lack my self-control, my compassion, my love for the world, MY SOCIAL ATTACHMENTS! They must be in that head of yours somewhere.
- Twilight: You think I'm dumb just because I needed friendship lessons? It's called antisocialism. I used to have it. People like that require that sort of tutelage. You should too, because given you only want to be minor villains after blowing off Nefarious, I know there's some repressed positivity in you. Watch. (She blasted them again as they cried hysterically)
- Darklight: OKAY, CUT IT OUT, YOU'RE NOT IMPRESSING ANYPONY!!! (Tends to her friends) Girls, please don't cry! Darklight's here.
- Meanie: (Crying) So many ponies laughing at me!!
- Darklight: Meanie, nopony's laughing at you. (The Mane Six laughed) DON'T LAUGH AT HER, YOU JERKS!!!
- Twilight: Come on, you gotta have a sense of humor about these things. Oh, that's right, you can't. You're literally incapable of seeing the bigger picture. It's probably just funny because you've done nothing but complain about my intelligence and methods, but let's face it, if I gave you the wheel, we'd be doomed in 5 minutes.
- Cruelshy: (Sobbing)
- Twilight: You poor dumb mental animals.
- Cruelshy: (Sobbing) Please make it stop!
- Darklight: GRRRRRGH!!! (She reversed the Crystal Heart)
- Capper: (As the re-reverse wave rushed past)... Why am I leading YOUR forces?
- Novo: (As the re-reverse wave rushed past)... Why does the place look like a filthy aquarium?
- Skystar: "I, think we were turned unsentient, and/or jerks."
Crystal Empire
- Darklight: FINE?! YOU WIN?! YOU BEATEN US!? JUST DO IT! JUST DO IT YOU PIECE OF- (The Mane Six entered their respective reversed clones' minds)
Darklight's Subconscious
- Darklight was seen by herself.....
- Darklight: "...... NOW WHAT?!"
- Twilight: (She appears like AG Twilight)... Holy Equestria! I'm an Alicorn God?! Cool!!
- Darklight: Ugh, of course, you're in my mind. You want to know why I'm doing this?
- Twilight: To teach me to take it easy defending Equestria?
- Darklight: No, to teach you to take it easy on-... Uh.... Yeah!
- Twilight: I've read your memories. I now know what Nefarious did to corrupt you. And I'm going to show you how I dealt with the same situation recently.
- Darklight: Recently? You mean that s*** about you causing a civil war trying to make Equestria more proactive happened already?
- Twilight: There was no civil war, but I did wanted to make an independent Equestrian-based nation. And I will show it to you.It is the only way to cure you from this chaotic mindset.
- Darklight: "Okay, enlighten me, Sprinkles."
- Twilight: Well, the whole thing starts out similar... But I got the two people who got me to learn the concerns that I founded the school for. Tempest and Novo. Didn't hurt to share it with Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor. (They start the start of the simulation)
- Celestia: So you want to... Improve the proactivity of Equestria?
- Novo: And why're we here for this?
- Tempest: She said we got her to realize how harsh other lands are as different reflections of her. I'm her if she was incapable of going this far. You're her if she was an isolationist who only thought for her own race.
- Novo:... Makes sense.
- Twilight: Yes. Since the map expanded during our mission to stop the Storm King, it got me thinking... What if the rest of the world is going to continue screwing us over?
- Novo: "Sparkle, just because Kludgetown and..... Through my bad doings, Mount Aris, weren't exactly great first impressions that doesn't mean you should go assuming that the world an unsavery place. That kind of thinking got you know who (Points to Tempest) into serving Storm King to begin with."
- Tempest: "Twilight, even as much as I admire this revelation, it can't be through creating a new nation. Surely you were told that it would create alot of confusion. Didn't you once told me that Equestria was fine as it was?"
- Twilight: "Well I-..... I don't know, it, it was a crazy idea borned from stress on what would happen if the E.E.A. doesn't approve of the school."
- Celestia: "Oh, now I see what's going on here. You'reworried that your school might not meet their standerds. Well, trying to get a certain part of Equestria to declare independence..... Might not nessersarly help. You see, they once attempted to orderthe Yakotaur's "Re-Education Center" to shut down."
- Twilight: "But it was in the Yaklands. Why would they try to do that?"
- Celestia: "Let's just say, alot of complicated political mumbo jumbo that Tempest and Novo aren't here to learn about that buildt up for awhile now since the fear wars. But trust me, even if this declaration of independence went though, you, would kinda still be at their mercy because of their internationally given powers to do so. But alchourse, your bigger concerns stem beyond still having an E.E.A. headache. Surely your friends talked about the risks of a suddenly devided Equestria would bring and the confusion it gives to ponies and allies alike."
- Twilight: "They're also right that you wouldn't go for it. I'm sorry for wasting your time. (Tries to leave)."
- Celestia teleported to Twilight's position.
- Celestia: "Twilight, you shouldn't feel shame for asking this. I do reckindise that you meant this to be good. I am only giving you friendly advice that.... Well, it's just a very big leap to go through. You need to keep in mind that running a nation, or in this case, halfof a now devided one, isn't exactly straightforword. Ponies and our allies see no point to a devided nation, andwould certainly question it at best, call fowl at worse. Such a thing is too radical a change that some might not accept, or favor too much for the wrong reasons."
- Twilight: "(Sighs), And I understand that. (Brings up the would've been declaration of independence) Guess it's like Tempest said. We're litterally gonna be nothing but a nation of party happy fools who waste our magic. (Burns the declaration with magic)..... We are never meant to be taken seriosuly...."
- Tempest: "..... Actselly Sparkle....... If Equestria was never taken seriously before..... Defeating the Storm King was a step in the right direction. It gives hope to isolated nations that we can fix the woes the Storm Clan wrought."
- Shining Armor: She's right, Twi. Sure the world's going to be a cruel place. But it shouldn't be taken in vain. If anything, all that cruelty is what helps ponies like us grow.
- Novo: I can't argue that. Twilight, I'm terribly sorry that I made your journey a waste of time. You had every right to try and steal my pearl. I was not being as supportive as I shoulda been. Skystar told me about your fight after I banished you. She was watching you.... And quite frankly, I admit to being guilty for driving our ancestral race to supposed doom. Keep in mind this don't mean you're welcome back to Seaquestria just yet. Unless it's for a friendship mission, I still need time to cope with that mistake.
- Luna: So please, don't let what the Storm King did turn you into something you're not. It's not the friendship way and it's what the Storm King himself would want.
- Cadence: You're a good pony, Twilight. You're not perfect, but nobody should be. It all depends on how we learn from our mistakes.
- Tempest: So, in conclusion, Equestria really is fine as it is.
- Twilight: (Sobbing)...... Thank you.
- Darklight: (The simulation ended as Darklight was taken back)... So... You do know that being too cautious is dangerous?
- Twilight: Of course I do. Equestria may not be perfect, but neither am I. We're the Alicorn Gods mortalized. We're the potential of them bound by mortal limitations. It's what makes life worth living. We are more mature than bad people like the Storm King make us out to be.... And you're just as good as me. You just need to take that first step.... And I'll help you.
- Darklight: (Sobbing in joy, she regains her color and hugs her)... I'm so sorry.
- Twilight: I am too. But it's not too late. You may be a clone, but I want to give you a chance. You can come to my school and start all over again. But you need to change your name AND appearance.
- Darklight: Alright... How about... Daylight Glint?
- Twilight: Not bad. And I already have an appearance for you. Hold still. (She changes her coloration until she looked like her at her early concept with pink fur, and white hair with purple stripes and showed her to a mirror)... Keep in mind, you must earn your cutie mark. This is to tell us both apart.
- Daylight:... I'm grateful you're giving me another chance. You're perhaps a little too forgiving.
- Twilight: I'm the Princess of Friendship. It's kinda my job. Come back with me to the real world. You have a lot to make right.
Applejerk's Subconscious
- Applejerk was seen.....
- Applejerk: "..... I am completely fine with this."
- Applejack: (As AG Applejack) Well that's definitely a lie.... Wait... Am I an Alicorn?... That's something.
- Applejerk: Well you certainly look stunning.
- Applejack: Was that sarcasm? I'm impressed you evolved to mockish lying. Fine, if you ain't gonna speak the truth, then don't speak. I have already read your memories. You face a very basic lesson: Being too honest. It's true that being honest means you can't lie. But I agree in full that lying is often the kindest thing you can do. It's just since that incident that almost got my family in the hospital, I'm a little... Scared lying can cause worse. In the case of Rainbow's wing fetish, I can understand why we'd do what we did. Rainbow needed help with it if she didn't want to embarrass herself. But there were indeed other ways. But I recently faced the same scenario. There were differences that actually ended happily. Feast your eyes on how I handled it. (They entered a scenario)
- Rainbow Dash: (With Applejack) Ugh, AJ, why'd you have to bother me to come over?
- Applejack: Rainbow, I've given this a lot of thought. You're going to have to tell our friends about your fetish.
- Rainbow Dash: And why would I do that?
- Applejack: We both know I ain't so easily capable keeping of secrets. Plus, I fear you'll embarrass yourself with this fetish. Every time you stare at one's wings, you can't help but be aroused disturbingly. You'll have to tell the truth yourself before I can. We're your friends, so we can help you.
- Rainbow Dash: "But what if they freak out at what a perv I am and-"
- Applejack: "I kinda had to give them some context of what was wrong with you..... And yes, even Rarity, but don't worry, I made sure she kept her gossip happy mouth shut."
- Rainbow Dash: "..... WHAT THE F***, APPLEJACK?!"
- Applejack covered Rainbow's mouth.
- Applejack: "Keep in mind that I only gave them SOME context, not the full dang story. The rest is up to you. You seriously can't keep this quiet forever. What if you end up googly eyed the wings of someone very impourent and they took offence to that? Like say, if ya'll were givin' dove eyes to a very sensitive new recruit that has a personal connection with Spitfire. That kind of thing could cost you yer job if nopony knew about it prior."
- Rainbow Dash:... Eh, good point. How much did you tell them?
- Applejack: I only told them to meet us at the Map Room for an intervention of something I promised to you and needed help with. You need to learn to control your sensitivities to wings. I don't want to let my honesty break this promise. So like with Fluttershy's time in fashion, it's all on you. You have to let it all out so we can help you.
- Rainbow Dash:... I'll try. (They entered)
- Pinkie: THERE THEY ARE!!! (Activates party cannons) INTERVENTION PARTY!!!!!
- Twilight: It's not an intervention party, Pinkie. It's just an intervention to talk about this secret of Rainbow's and help her with it. That means you too, Rarity. I don't want to take away your voice since the last time that mouth got you in trouble.
- Rarity: We're girls! Gossiping is like one of our instincts. But I am a pony of my word. I will keep this as secret as I can. Now, what's the secret?
- Rainbow Dash:.... (She has comical trouble letting it out)... Fluttershy? Can you open your wings as wide as you can and maybe wiggle the feathers a little?
- Fluttershy:... I... Okay. (She does that as Rainbow was aroused by it happening and shivered in arousal, and Fluttershy quickly closed her wings and blushed hard in embarrassment)... What was that?
- Rarity:... OMG, SHE'S GOT A WING FETISH!!!
- All Except Rainbow and Rarity: RARITY, SHUSH!
- Rainbow Dash: Yeah.... I love wings. I can't help but feel charmed by them. There's a magic to them. You all know I love flying. So in the manner of the physical beauty of the concept, wings are my love for flying in something physical. Wings are just so... Cute, and I often times find myself in private moments sucking my own feathers like a foot fetishist to toes. So go ahead and laugh or gossip....
- Fluttershy:... We're both the same gender, so why are you-
- Rainbow Dash: Just to clarify, I'm not gay. It's just to me, wings are, as what I learned from reading Twilight's dictionary once,androgynous. I like any wing. Mostly the ones of pegasi of course, but I find beauty in wings of other creatures. The ones of related races like griffins or hippogriffs are among the most equal to ponies, and seapony wing fins are a close second. Ones like dragon wings or that of animals don't catch my eye that much, though. And you do not wanna know how arouse I get to Alicorn Wings.So yeah, I'm a pansexual wing fetishist. So you can laugh twice as hard I guess....
- Pinkie: "...... Aw come on Dashie, as Icky would say, we don't kink shame."
- Rainbow Dash: "Huh? But, don't you find what I'm attracted to, weird?"
- Twilight: "Aren't alot of fetishes weird in their own right? Heck, there's people that can be attracted, to feet! FEET!"
- Rainbow Dash: Yeah, like I said, some people like to suck toes. Heck, MSM himself admits being a foot fetishist.
- MSM: (Blabbers comically) I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL ANYBODY!!!
- Rainbow Dash: Hey, just proving a point.
- Twilight:... Well, yeah, case in point. And like wings, they're beyond not sexually active, and to an outsider's persective, that's even weirder then wing idoling. Now, yes, that does need to be restrainted so you don't end up in a VERY awkword situation, espeically with the Wonderbolts who are a team of Pegasi, which by the way you'll have to be honest with them too because at least some of them have likely seen you acting odd at some point. What if you ended up doing that to a very insecure recruit with some connections to Spitfire or another Higher up and it puts you in a bad spot with them."
- Rainbow Dash: "I know, I know, I need to control myself! I don't want people thinking I'm some kinda weird perv!"
- Applejack: Then go ahead and tell everyone you trust with this. It'll blow off the steam and all the awkwardness will go away.
- Rainbow Dash:... I... I'm impressed, Applejack. You actually considered your honesty would get in the way.
- Applejack: Well, if there's anything Strawberry Sunrise taught me, it's be honest in the honest way.
- Rarity: I'm proud of you, Applejack. (Everyone hugged her and Rainbow Dash as Applejerk smiled and turned semi-monochrome)
- Applejerk:... That was such a sweet compromise. And I meant that this time. (Hugs Applejack)
- Applejack: You see? Lying can be bad, if you use it irresponsibly. Lies can help you keep secrets. But if you can't bring yourself to lie, then you must make a compromise as soon as possible. Lying isn't anything to be ashamed of as long as it doesn't go too far. I won't know when I have to lie again, but I'll sure as hell learn. I'm willin' to give you a chance at life. You can come to Twilight's School. You can learn friendship from there. Whaddiya say?
- Applejerk: (Touched, she returned to normal color) YEEEE-HAH!! You sure know how to spruce up one's hopes.
- Applejack: I'm the Element, and technical Princess, of Honesty. When it comes to situation like this, ya' just need to cut loose. Now, Twilight says we need to change up your appearance and identity. You got a better name than 'Applejerk'?
- Applejerk:... I'll be Applesauce.
- Applejack: PERFECT!! Now to change up your appearance. Now how's this horn work- (She used her inexperienced magic uncontrollably) DAAH!! DAMMIT!! AHH, SHOOT!! AWW, I PLUM DOGGONE DAD GUM SCREWED THE POOCH ON THIS MAGIC!!! Why couldn't we've all been raised in Canterlot and become Alicorns?... Yyyyyeah, this might take a while.
- Applesauce: Oy!
Meanie's Subconscious
- Meanie was seen.
- Meanie: "..... AW NOT THIS CRAP AGAIN?!"
- Pinkie: (Appeared as AG Pinkie) WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! (Used magic enthusiastically) SURPRISE!!!
- Meanie: PONY JESUS!!!
- Pinkie: There's no Pony Jesus, silly. Only Celestia. And it's me, the pony whose Dna is your Dna.
- Meanie: It's pronounced DNA. And that surprise was NOT funny! There's nothing funny about you.
- Pinkie: "And what gives you that impression?"
- Pinkie: "Ohhhh, is that what Nefarious made you think? Ya see, there's a funny story behind that. For starters, the count's alive and well, if not better off when me showing up caused his tumor to be cured from being overstimulated."
- Meanie: "..... Wait, what?"
- Pinkie: "I'd explain more, but you know what they say, a picture's worth a thoundson words! And moving pictures are worth that times 2!"
- Meanie: What do you mean?
- Pinkie: See, I handled the situation much better than what you saw. Watch and learn. (They watched the scenario)
- Pretty much the same prior scenario happen as the Count was losing his cool in a less grousome fastion, but instead of him raging out or him entering a rage inused coma, the sound of shattering glass was heard as the count instead got a stupifived face, as the background shattered.......
- Meanie: "Uh, what's going on?"
- AG Pinkie: "Well in ponyville they say, (Brings out an X-Ray which reveils Gryffindor's condition) That Ifilled up his life with joy so much, his tumor couldn't handle the joy and just went boom! (The Tumor explouded)..... Don't ask how that didn't kill him, even Twilight doesn't know."
- Count Gryffindor: "....... What..... What's this?..... I'm, clearly near someone I should absolutely louthe, but, yet, I'm not going beserk."
- Applejack: "...... I think Pinkie must've been so funny and cheerful, that the tumor raged itself out of existence, pretty much, curing you."
- Twilight: "Took the words right out of my mouth."
- Count Gryffindor: "...... I'm cured! I'M CURED?!"
- Music started to play as Gryffindor began to notice and feel joy for the first time ever!
- Meanie:..... The f***?
- Pinkie: See, when I heard about Gryffindor's tumor, I had to think of a way to get rid of it. Soo... I did the surprise differently. I surprised him so good, I actually got to a pressure point that killed his tumor. I have done things like that before. Works on any grump like him. So... (Pinkie was praised by griffins and ponies)... So you see, I take jokes more seriously than you think. I know who can take one and who can't. So I do jokes that target their weaknesses and most of them hit bullseyes.
- Meanie:... So you're not as comically reckless as I thought?
- Pinkie: Noooooooo, what kind of monster do you take me for? I've been doing this since I was a kid. I know people like I'm psychic. If you're going to do jokes, do them in an acceptable manner. That's my specialty.
- Meanie: (She smiles wildly and regained her color, spin-hugging her) THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!
- Pinkie: So, how about we enroll you to Twilight's School and give you a new identity?
- Meanie: Hell, uh, heck yes! I have the perfect name. Call me Giggle Glee Candy.
- Giggle: Fizzlewhat Berrynow?! (Laughs) THAT'S THE SILLIEST NAME I EVER HEARD!!! (Cry-laughs)
- Pinkie:... I don't think it's that bad.
- Giggle: It's just a joke. We all gotta laugh at ourselves once in a while.
- Pinkie: (Giggles) You're not wrong. (The two giggle as Pinkie used her temporary magic to change Giggle's appearance into a similar coloration to Surprise as she noticed it)... Just to tell you apart. I had a crazy experience with Pinkie clones. Let's bring smiles on ponies' faces! (The two giggled)
Greedily's Subconscious
- Greedly was seen.
- Greedly: "..... If I'm going to do the mystic thing again, at least pay me first! I don't do freebes ever!"
- Rarity: (As AG Rarity) Well too bad, you pitiful excuse for a lady. You're not getting anything in here apart froma cure from this mental nonsense.
- Greedily: Ch'yeah, no dough, no go. (Literal dough was splattered on top of her)...... You're not funny, you know.
- Rarity: You need this, Greedily. This negative attitude is not healthy. You must know that after I read your memories, I knew I had to get you out of a precarious situation. You just got a bad impression from a false scenario. I handled the same thing perfectly.
- Greedily: Oh you did?
- Rarity: Yeah I did! Watch! (They saw the scenario)
- Vogue: "Miss Rarity, I'm sorry if I made you assumed I had ill-intent for an event that's years passed now, but.... I did wanted to help you have a new store in the Chrsitail Empire."
- Rarity: "Well asking me to get rid of all my other shops, including Ponyville's, just gave a wrong message!"
- Vogue: "It was only how business works. I mean it,that Cinch doesn't give property for generious prices. It's go big, or go home."
- Rarity: "..... Ya know, Vogue. Maybe I have over-analised. You were actselly trying to help, but perhapsI took your past too seriously."
- Vogue: "You'renot the first, you know. But I promise you, I left that behind me. And I still think you deserve a shop in the christail empire. But now we have a dilemma of budget since you didn't went through on selling away your stores."
- Rarity: "..... Ya know, tecnecally, I don't really need to get rid my other stores just to have one in the Christail Empire. Couldn't I just, earn all that money?"
- Vogue: "But, it would take nearly a lifetime to get that far!"
- Rarity: "Well, I didn't exactly got the Canterlot and Manehatten stores overnight either. Good things come to those who wait. Besides, with the right planning and good marketing stragities, we can meet Cinch's price in good timing and while we're still young."
- Vogue: "..... Very well,Miss Rarity. We'll do it your way. I respect a paient mare with plans. (She and Rarity shake hooves.)"
- Rarity: See? Something like this could be fixed in a nice little bow. Being generous meant doing more than empower the other, but inspire the same into them by any means necessary. Since Suri's fraud, I have been taking generosity more seriously. But a good generous pony must think and find loopholes. I have been getting real good at that. You didn't need to go in this direction. But you can start over at Twilight's School.
- Greedily:... (All her stolen stuff popped out comically and were magically returned as her color was restored as she hugged her)... Thank you.... Where do I start?
- Rarity: Well that name of yours has got to go. Plus we need to find a way to tell each other apart.
- Greedily: I can wear clothes. (Takes out a freaky dress as Rarity got a comically crazy expression)
- Rarity: Oh, HELL no!! (Slaps the dress away) Do not EVER wear a dress like that, EVEEERRRR!!!...... Besides, we have a better solution. Allow me. (She brings her to a makeup room and got to comical work while singing)... VOILÀ!!! (Greedily's new early concept Rarity appearance was seen as she looked in the mirror)... So, you got a new name in mind?
- Greedily:... I was thinking... Antique Jewels.
- Rarity: (Gasps) YOU GOT QUITE A MIND, MYLADY! (Kisses her hoof) MAGNIFIQUE!!! You're going to be going places.
- Antique: Can you drop the melodrama for a second? Where do I start with this?
- Rarity: Oh, we shall think of something.
Cruelshy's Subconscious
- Cruelshy was seen....
- Cruelshy: "Come out come out wherever you are! You got the business end of my buck to deal with!"
- Fluttershy: Calm yourself. (She appeared as AG Fluttershy) We are both inside your mind. Twilight had each of us enter our clone's minds so that we can attempt to mentally cure you.
- Cruelshy: The f*** is any of THAT supposed to mean?!
- Fluttershy: Language, please.
- Cruelshy: SUCK MY C-
- Fluttershy: (Using a godly Stare to frighten her) QUIET!!!... You don't want to be kind because you see it as a weakness that can be manipulated. Well I say there is nothing wrong with giving kindness to anything. You just need to know when to ask questions and read a creature's body language. That's what made my situation with Jargon's Son different than what you saw.
- Cruelshy: Oh, REEEEEEEELLY?! Prove it.
- Fluttershy: That's the idea. (Casts a simulation spell that ended up with the wrong view of her bathing in a pond humming as she stopped it embarrassed) Heh. Wrong simulation. (She tried it again with multiple scenes of her life) Ugh, this magic is hard to use. Why couldn't the laws of artificial alicorns be different and we were made alicorns like Twilight?
- Cruelshy: Pathetic.
- Fluttershy: Do I need to use the Stare agai- (Cruelshy's Stare caused her to go through chaotic hallucinations for 10 seconds)...... WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!
- Cruelshy: To remind you to buzz off and get to the point.
- Fluttershy: (Sighs) I was trying. Just give me a second to concentrate and I'll get to it.
- Cruelshy: Okay, f*** it. (She touches her head as they entered the scenario)... Like I said, pathetic.
- Fluttershy: (Sighs) Let's just see how things turned out differently please.
- Fluttershy: JJ, I'm not letting you destroy the Everfree Forest!
- Jargon's Son (JJ): Oh, I'm REAL scared. What's the pretty pushover tree-hugger going to do about it?
- Fluttershy: Look, JJ, I know where you're coming from. I'm sorry your mother died in the Everfree Forest, but you can't destroy the entire forest as revenge. You have to understand that your mother being a logging company bartoness and her trying to go after Everfree, was never gonna end well.
- JJ:This forest is a hypocritical curse of life. It protects life, BY TAKING IT AWAY!!! Why'd you think my father worked for Well-To-Do? It was justice.
- Fluttershy: This is NOT justice. It's revenge. There's a difference. Justice is doing something right for someone else, and revenge is doing something wrong for someone. Destroying the forest makes you no better than it. You, need to stop, before you'll end up regreting it for the rest of your life.
- JJ: "Make me?! (Some trees were seen moving behind him and his freind, as only the friend noticed this)!"
- JJ's Friend: "Uh, uh, dude? Dude?"
- Fluttershy: "Uh, JJ, you, might not wanna stand there."
- JJ: "Why not? Because you don't want me near your previous killer forest because it's where YOUR STUPID ANIMALS LIVE?!"
- Fluttershy: "Well, that, and it's because you'renear a clutch of Parasite Oaks. Or, more bluntly..... Rape Trees."
- JJ: "You'rejust trying to scare- (His friend was heard screaming)..... Me? (Looks up as he gasped, as the shadow of his screaming friend being hentaied by branches was seen!)...... OH, FUCK?! (Tries to run, but another set of grosume and hook-thorn covered branches grabbed the screaming Staillianlike a bitch cowerd as he is off-screen suffering the same fate, as Vision Fluttershy, AG Fluttershy and even Cruelshy all winced at this, though Cruelshy still gave a wicked satisfived smirk.) HELP ME?! PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE?!"
- Fluttershy: "Okay, I'll seek out King Aspen and/or Zecora, but you two have to promise you will NOT threaten the forest ever again!"
- Fluttershy: "And your friend has to apologies for faking me out!"
- Fluttershy: "Okay, but one last thing, don't struggle or scream, it'll only arouse the Parasite Oaks to dig into you more."
- JJ: "WE CAN'T F*****G HELP IT?! WE'RE ABOUT TO BE RAAAA- (Screams along with his friend as off screen, the Parasite Oaks already got into work!)"
- Fluttershy yelped and already ran off to find aide from King Aspen and/or Zecora!
- Cruelshy: "..... I have to ask, why still help those bozos even after they scammed you? Why not let the Rape Trees have their fun?"
- Fluttershy:......
- Cruelshy: What?
- Fluttershy: What part of Element of Kindness don't you understand? I'd never let somepony die. Not even those as awful as them. They did nothing to deserve this.
- Cruelshy: Sure, deny them due karma.
- Fluttershy: They already got it. We did rescue them, but... Much of them were too violated by the time we got there. The trees already got their fill. They were okay, but their minds were...... Not.
- JJ:.... I have felt things... That I can never unfeel! (His eyes twitch)...
- King Aspen: "..... Yes, I seen this effect commenly with Parasite Oak victims. They became immensely trumatised that they were violated by trees to the point that they lost themselves. Yet another exsample of the forest's ability to defend itself..... And that these two were stupid enough to stand near a clutch of Parasite Oaks. Kinda fitting they'll be heading to the Black Stailian Asylum, because they're gonna need more then their purity fixed."
- Zecora: "And a quick trip to a medical hospital as well."
- Death Coffin: "..... Fluttershy, I am amazed on how you were willing to give kindness to those two, everything considered. A lesser pony would've allowed the Parasite Oaks to remain, undisterbed. You have indeed proven your right to be the element of Kindness."
- Fluttershy: And I'm proud of it.
- Cruelshy:... So... You expected this to happen?
- Fluttershy: Indeed. It's a talent since my social skills with animals have evolved to ponies thanks to things like my assertiveness training. I can tell when someone isn't up to any good by any kind of language. My kindness is growing just like me. I learned how to not be too kind thanks to the Breezies, and I take that lesson in stride. You should too.... So what do you say?...
- Cruelshy: (Sobbing, she got her color back and hugged her as the magic of Fluttershy's AG form gave Cruelshy a new appearance)... Oh my!
- Fluttershy: I... I guess we can send you to Twilight's School so you can start a new life over.... All you need now is a new name.
- Cruelshy:...... What do you think about...... Fairweather Skip?
- Fluttershy:... I love it. I'm so proud of you. (The two hugged)
Gray's Subconscious
- Gray Dash just sat there.....
- Gray Dash: "..... I already know what's gonna happen. You'regonna try and disprove what Nefarious showed me. Well, since I'm the element of defience, I'M GONNA DEFY THAT?!"
- (Rainbow Dash): "I'll compliment ya for being aware of what's gonna happen. Ya totally disproved the throey of me being stupid."
- Gray Dash: "Well,sure neither of us are rocket sciencetists, but come on, we're not idiots. Though, I kinda have to say, only one of us is the least dumb one here."
- Rainbow Dash: (Appears as AG Rainbow Dash soaring across the area)... Well I knew you were too smart for the simulative tactic. That's why I have a better solution.... You'll experience how I fixed the same scenario in a different way. See, I didn't just decide to go along with the Double Rainboom thing. In fact, I brought in a summit in regards to it.
- Gray Dash: I already told you, it won't work.
- Rainbow Dash: I'M GETTING THERE, ASSHOLE!!! We instead had a less reckless advantage than the Double Rainboom, or even a megaspell. See for yourself.
- Gray Dash: Wait, what- (Rainbow Dash teleported away right on top of a nearby mountain)...
- Rainbow Dash: DAMN THIS LACK OF MAGIC EXPERIENCE!!!! (She teleported away)
- Gray Dash: THE F***?!? (She took past Rainbow Dash's place)... THE DOUBLE F***?!?
- Gray Dash realised that she was in the form of the real Rainbow Dash and that she was with Twilight and friends in Joule's lair.
- Joule: "(Laughs), So, have you finally came to surrender and admit that my plans are genius?!"
- Twilight: "Actselly...... 50/50. We're not here to give up. But we are here to talk about your plan."
- Joule: "If you'regoing to pull that animal ethicist shit on me, don't forget that Twittermites had been deemed pests by our socities at large! It isn't like we were treating these marvelious creatures any better then they have the potaintional to be! You have any idea how useful to equestria these living batteries are?!"
- Twilight: "In a way..... Yes, I do."
- Joule: "Bah! Typical goody goody not seeing my genius in- Wait what?!"
- Twilight: "I do get what you were trying to do with the Twittermite Queen you won over into this barely. But what if your plans were rejected, not justbecause of ehthic concerns involving an animal of which we alwaysmust respect, even on a creature withpest status, but because how easy it is for anyone to capture them. Twittermites may come from Equestria, but they're not unitge to it. If Equestria had started to make your bot soldiers, other nations, espeically ones of hostile intent, or even forces from beyond the world of Equestria, will get the same idea you had and use it for their own purposes. Your plan, had a very easy risk of being abused and tainted by undesirables, very easily."
- Joule looked like he had a revelation......
- Joule: "...... By Equestria..... I...... How could I not have seen it? I, I, I could've made things worse!? Your highness, why didn't you told me?! (The Twittermite Queen screeched!)"
- Fluttershy: "She's saying she did, you just didn't listened."
- Joule: "...... By the alicorn GODS, I was being stupid?!"
- Gray Dash: "So stupid that Spitfire wanted to force me to Double Rainboom you out of existence."
- Main 5/Gray Dash: "YES!"
- The Twittermite Queen screeched in agreement.
- Joule: "...... By the alicorns, I'm...... I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone, I.... I just wanted a brillient idea-...... An overly-fantastical pipedream..... To be accepted. Why is it that great ideas get ruined by the idiots of the world?! (Sat down and started to cry!)."
- Twilight: "..... Joule, I've been there myself. I once conjured up an, "Overly-fantastical Pipedream" myself. I wanted to get half of Equestria to enter a declaration of independence, but-"
- Joule: "(Sniffles). Let me guess. The plan was too much for Equestria because it might end up doing more bad then good, then my plans for harnessing Twittermite engery?"
- Twilight: "Pretty much. I was told that the confusion and the risk of rebelion and enturnalised corruption, let alone a pony civil war, was too.... Risky. But I learned to make use of the lemons life gave to me and made lemonaide. And you should too."
- Joule: "(Sniffles). I'm really sorry for this. I'm going to make up for everything. I'm turning myself in, and getting all the Twittermites to leave. Your highness?"
- The Twittermite Queen didn't hesitated and called for all of the infestations to leave enmass, surprising the paniced crowds as they all return to the hive.
- Gray Dash: "....... It, worked?...... But, what about Shi- (Instently wound up in Wonderbolt HQ and saw that Shitstorm and some hired goons were already seen beaten and contained)......"
- Spitfire: "...... Crash, I heard about the Twittermites just randomly leaving anti-climaticly and Joule suddenly surrendering himself..... That was you, wasn't it? Ya got your princess friendto talk him down?"
- Gray Dash: "(Quietly) Oh I wish I was Applejerk right now. (Openly) Yes Ma'am...... I know it was against your orders, but-"
- Spitfire: "Save it, rookie. Ya don't need to apologies about being right. I'm the one who needs to say sorry around here. About trying to coherse you into a plan that I promise will never be considered again, and that my uncle basicly tried to frame you as a rogue and tried to basicly kidnap me, Soaren and Fleetfoot."
- Fleetfoot: "Well, tough luck for him that his minions were incompident dummies."
- Soaren: "You were right about your friend Twilight being able to get Joule to back down, Dash. We'll go ahead and take the rap for trying to use a crazy and stupid plan."
- Gray Dash: "........ But, why? Rain- I mean, I'm pretty much the rookie. Why put your jobs on the line for my sake?"
- Shitzstorm: "I ask myself the same question!"
- Spitfire: "I'm pretty much old enough to date dudes now, uncs, I think I'm allowed to cuss!(To Gray Dash) Don't forget that Wonderbolts look out for each other, rookie. It wouldn't be honorable of us to be like Uncle and push you in front ofthe busto save our own hides."
- Soaren: "That, and your ability to keep your job because you'reafraid that Spitfire's controversey would badly effect you."
- Spitfire: "Well bad news, Uncs. I'm biting the bullet and will happly face suspendtionfor some time, and you are SO out of the job!"
- Shitzstorm: "Do you realise that Breathflame would not cope with this?!"
- Spitfire: "Oh trust me, that stupid plan's no secret to him..... But he might be more shocked of what you were willing to do."
- Shitzstorm: "..... Can, we please not drag your father into this?"
- Shitzstorm: I swear to Gods, if you turn against your own uncle-
- Spitfire: You'll do what?... I hope it was worth it.
- Gray Dash:... It was seriously that easy?
- Rainbow Dash: I was honestly as surprised as you were that it was. My loyalty is much too good for accepting anything questionable. I acknowledged that loyalty is more than doing what others say. It's doing what's best for those whom you're loyal to. Nefarious only showed you a scenario where I didn't see it that way, just to control you. I don't need a polar opposite to be awesome, because I already am. Winning is not more important than my loyalty, not even doing it for my loyalties at any cost. So drop the defiant illusion.
- Gray Dash:... (She smiled and regained her color) You know, you're more awesome than I thought... For a wing fetishist.
- Rainbow Dash: Don't push it. Now you need to change yourself up. Get rid of the name and identical appearance.
- Gray Dash:... You're letting me live?
- Rainbow Dash: You may be a clone of me, but you're still a person. You've got some serious potential in you. Now let me give you a little makeover. (She did as she only magically changed her coat color to pink)... Damn, I wanted to turn your hair into a blue swirl. But I guess it doesn't matter. How about you give me a new name?
- Gray Dash:... How's Moonbow Jounce sound?
- Rainbow Dash: Name yourself after a rainbow produced by moonlight. SWEET!!! I dig it all the way to the core. You're going to make a good student at Twilight's School. It'll be like we're teaching ourselves friendship in a much cooler scale. Welcome to your new life, sport. (She and Moonbow hooved each other)
- Twilight: (They exited the clones' minds as they converted into their new forms)...... You feel better now?
- Daylight: More than we have before. Say, where were those alien misfits you were with?
- Applejack: "Likely they went to help out an old friend of yours ya'll left at the beach. Speaking of which..... I reckon you all owe him a due apology."
- The Clone Six look down in regret of this.
- Giggle: Let's make it right.
- Daylight: And I know just the thing.
Seapony City
- Sandbar was seen doing the best he can to clean up, but a choasifived crab kept crawling around, hiccuping more choas.
- Sandbar: (Muffle-groans in aggravation)
- Shore: Calm your lungs, Sandy. We'll get this fixed. Expect Coralstone to come by with a bubble helmet spell soon. Ugh, I swear, I hate sucking at magic.
- Sandbar: "(Muffle-moans)."
- Suddenly, the hiccuping crab was caught by a net as the Louger Van in the shape of a sumarine was seen.
- Skipper's voice: "Need some help, or are we let to the clean-up party?"
- Sandbar: (Gurgling) YOU GUYS!!!
- Skipper:... Dude, really? That's gross. Don't waste your air like that. Merlin?
- Merlin: (He casts the aquatic spell on him)
- Sandbar:... (Takes deep breath)... Cool!!
- Shore: Huh? Thanks, guys.
- Archimedes: Now the kid can't embarrass himself when trying to keep his breath. What is that, some kind of fetish?
- Shore: Are we here to have a conversation like this?
- Skipper: Oh, right. We were gonna help you with cleaning up this reef.
- Coralstone: (With a helmet-sized bubble in his fins) Got a bubble helmet for you- (Sees Sandbar breathing)...... AW, COME ON!!! It took me hours to get this set!..... But thanks for the help though, to prove grateful.
- Shore: "We need your help to round up the infected animals to de-choasify them."
- A litteral hammer head shark was seen wrecking things!
- Shore: "As, clearly deminstraighted."
- Hyper-Intelligent Dolphin Leader: "(Shows up with waves of hyper-intelligent dolphins)This strange magic has given us sentience, my people! Togather, we shall colonise the world in the name of the future sight, of Dolphantos!"
- Shore: "Also as clearly deminstraighted."
- An underwater house was seen with crab legs and claws and was seen scurring around....
- Shore: "..... Okay, you clearly see whywe need to fix this."
- Skipper: Well no whale s***.
- Sandbar: So, what do we do?
- Merlin: Well chaos magic is too powerful to be undone by a simple spell.
- Discord: Uh, what am I, chop liver? I can fix this in a jiffy. (He snaps only for it to get worse as the reefs, kelp, and even the bubbles became alive)... WHAAAAAAAAA?!?
- Merlin: I think the chaos magic used here is tied to the Tree of Disharmony just like it's Elements.
- Discord: Now you tell us.
- ???: Not to worry. (The Mane Six arrived with the Clone Six)
- Daylight: Because we've been cured of our disharmony and can help.
- Creeper: Holy Spirits, you actually did it.
- Sandbar looked less then thrilled, not mad or fearful, just hurt at them and turned away.....
- Shore: "(She pouted and folded her front hooves) I take it YOU six were the clones?"
- Applesauce: "Look, y'all have every right to be upset at us, and we're sorry for it. We wanna make amends fer it, and do right by y'all....."
- Shore: "(Kept her stern look)...... (Melts into a smile) Well my aunt once said, actions speak louder then words."
- Sandbar still looked unsure.....
- Daylight: "(Comes up to Sandbar)..... Sandbar, I want to apologies for what I had said back there. Along with..... Using you to push initionally Nefarious' plan, at least until a black pony told me that he wasn't worth it."
- Twilight: "(Quietly) Wicked Heart."
- Daylight: "But now I realise he's even more unworth it, and that I owe Equestria a great deal of repentance. And I diffenently owe you the moments of your life wasted being annoyed, disgusted, doped and/or frustraighted by us. So..... Friends? (Gives a worried unsure smile)......"
- Sandbar: "(Still had that hurt face..... But it turned into a small smile.....) As uncle once said, Hakuna Matata. (Goes into the van thanks to Daylight and hugs her as the other clone Main 6 hugged as well, Shore joining in after awkward waddles)"
- Mayor Trove: "(Comes up) As much as I am touched by this, can you please save it after you clean up the waters? (The chaos was still going on)....."
- Daylight: ".... Perhaps, we can resume this after we clean everything up."
Nefarious' Station
- A deafcon red sound played as it was seen that the Tree of Disharmony had already began to spread throughout the station.
- In a panic room, all of the Team Nefarious members were present.
- Garble: "Remember Saldaron's Paradox on that?!"
- Garble: "That's because those piller ponies, MADE IT LIKE THAT?! It was something about how this kind of tree being good if it's planters are good, but if they're bad, well..... THIS S***?!"
- Bellwether: "Okay, if we survive this, I'm going have to organise those backburner plans and remove ANYTHING that has to do with that crystallized vertical log!! Espeically if it involves taking some of that thing's power?!"
- Zigzag: "I'm confused. The qurrentine clearly couldn't stop it. Why is it that we're safe in the Panic Room?"
- Lawerence: "I fear, it is not us it wants... It wants the station. Us being in the panic room only keeps us out of it's way."
The Control Station
- Stretching crystalline roots were slowly but surely reaching the controls of the station.
Panic Room
- Nefarious: "Well I refused to let that disobedient jeweled plant mutant assimilate my station! I always carry an emergeny backup plan in such an event! (Pulls out a Nefarious Symbol jar of Plunderweed Seeds) If these babies can hurt the Tree of Harmony, they can DIFFENENTLY put OUR tree back into it's place!"
- Rover: "But, the Tree of Disharmony is obviously more choas-based, you sure that won't hidiously backfire?"
- Bellwether: I agree. Anything chaos-based will only make it stronger.
- Nefarious: Well it's worth a shot!
- Bellwether: I don't think so.
- Nefarious: I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING, SMELLWETHER!!! (Fires the seeds into the roots, only mutating them and mutating the tree further)... Blast!
- Bellwether: I tried to warn you. Also, DON'T, CALL, ME, SMELLWETHER?! It brings bad memories.
- Smarty-Smarts: Well, we're screwed.
The Fabrication Center, moments later.
- The Pillers arrived.
- Starswirl: "..... It is worse then I thought. It will be difficult to free the harmony magic entrapped with, (Reads a ruined sign)... 'The Fabrication Center'. We would have to burrow into the tree to rescue it."
- Plunder Weed like roots rose up.
- Flash Magnus: "..... Anyone wanna assume those Team Nefarious jerks made the problem worse by being stupid?"
- Rockhoof: "Tis a forgone conclusion."
- Mistmane: "We need to free the harmony back to Equestria's tree from this false monstrosity before it takes full control of this space castle."
- Meadowbrook: "I think the correct term, for this time period anyway, is'Space Station'."
- Starswirl: (Sighs) Being a pony out of time is so aggravating. Well, are there any volunteers?
- ???: Maybe we can help. (A visual portal opened revealing the Clone Six)
- Rockhoof:... I see Twilight succeeded in purifying your minds.
- Fairweather: Well some ounces of our old selves are still here- (A fart was heard)
- Applesauce: Excuse me.
- Fairweather:... Case in point. But we can help you. Seems the Tree of Disharmony is fueling the chaos oozing out of the Hippobliterator we destroyed and crashed into the underwater seapony city in Horseshoe Bay.
- Stygian: Oy! Then we need to take down this false tree stat, before this entire place turns into one giant seed to be planted into any unlucky world of it's choosing!
- Starswirl: So how do we stop it?
- Daylight: You can't. Not by yourselves. (The six entered through the portal) The others will deal with the chaos in the Bay. We taught them enough to counteract the unstable magic. And as for us? We're going to the heart of the problem.
- Moonbow: We know the Tree of Disharmony as the wielders of it's Elements.
- Giggle: So we can wallop this filthy tree in no time.
- The Plunder-Weed Roots began to act up crawling torwords the group!
- Antique: "I, do believe that the Tree of Disharmony understood we're a threat now."
- Daylight: Well, do you still have it's Elements?
- Fairweather: We always carried them.
- Daylight:... Not anymore. (She smashes her Element as it seemed to weaken the tree)
- Starswirl:... BRILLIANT!! Just like the Tree of Harmony, the Tree of Disharmony can't easily survive without it's Elements.
- Applesauce: You know it. Girls? (They smashed their Elements as the Tree screeched and slowly withered and attacked as Daylight cast a shield)...
- Moonbow: Well we ARE clones of the Elements of Harmony. We can technically wield them just as well. (They took out the Elements of Harmony)
- Starswirl: Well that COULD work, except you're forgetting one thing.
- Fairweather: Hmm?
- Meadowbrook: The Tree of Disharmony has grown stronger. And the more it grows, so does it's power. Even if you just destroyed it's Elements, you'd have to overcharge the Elements of Harmony to just enough power to finish the job.
- Applesauce: Lucky for y'all, we have another secret weapon courtesy of the Tree of Harmony. (They gained their own Rainbow Power)...
- Starswirl:... You girls never cease to impress.
- Flash Magnus: Well you'll need extra power from OUR Elements. (They doubled the power and gained their own Rainbow Forms as Stygian watched them fire the Rainbow Beam as it adapted even as it seized them, slowly dying along with the chaos it was causing, along with it's christialian enfluence cracking and falling off of the Nefarious Station)
Panic Room
- Team Nefarious saw the cracking christail and the roots dying!
- Scratch: "I think the tree is dying!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "DYING?! WHO COULD BE DOING THIS?!"
- Lawerence: "I'm afraid I have, more unpleasent news. (Brings up a screen of the Pillors and the Fake Main 6 fighting and winning against the Tree of Disharmony)....."
- Dr. Nefarious: "...... MY CLONES?! THEY'VE BEEN, PURIFIED?!"
- Garble: "Well what did you expect? They were clones of the Main 6, who were ponies! They bragged about their purity for a reason!"
- Dr. Nefarious: "CAN YOU NOT BE A SMARTASS RIGHT NOW, GAR- (Glitches out as "A True True Friend" starts to play)....."
- Bellwether: "...... You guys, really need to fix that glitch."
- Lawerence: "We will...... When it stops being amusing. (Giggles)."
- Bellwether: Ugh! (Slaps)
- Bellwether: Bad idea. They'll annihilate US in an instant. Besides, they saved our station. It wouldn't be smart to fight them after that.
- Zurg: Yeah, it's best to leave them alone.
- Nefarious: AND MAKE MORE ENEMIES AGAINST US?!? Not a chance!!
- Lawrence: (Sighs) Octocat used your robot toothbrush as a toilet cleaner again.
- Octocat: MEOW?!
- Nefarious: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- (He glitched as the same song continued)
- Lawrence:... See? Sometimes it has it's uses.
- Bellwether:... You got me there, Lawrence.
Fabrication Center
- The fight is still on.
- Starswirl: (The Tree got insane and adapted around the Rainbow Power with it's own Monochrome Rainbow Power) SWEET CELESTIA, THIS THING IS DEFINITELY NOT GOING WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!
- Moonbow: But how?! We destroyed it's Elements!!
- Flash Magnus: I think it's trying to heal them back. We'll have to kill it before it does.
- Moonbow: "(Sees the branches that normally holds the elements)..... What if we tried breaking the branches the jewels came from?"
- Starswirl: I considered that, but I don't think it would be easy. They could be durable and regenerate. Also, chaos magic means we don't know what will happen if we do-
- Moonbow: F*** it! (She fires her lasers at the branches and then heart, making it die faster as the injured heart was unable to heal the tree itself as it withered away, yet became a Plunderweed hybrid monster that lashed the ponies apart as it bled chaos magic and screeched loud enough to aggravate the heroes)
- Meadowbrook: From the looks of it, it's dying and getting weaker.
- Daylight: It sure does. We might have to have it bleed out. (The Tree became similar in appearance to First-Stage Biollante as it attacked)
- Giggle: (The Tree pinned her to a wall and started feeding on her remaining chaos magic)
- Fairweather: GIGGLE!!!
- Daylight: CRAP, IT MUST BE FEEDING ON HER REMNANT CHAOS MAGIC!! Not that it's a bad thing, but we don't know the extent of the effects and-
- Moonbow: UH, SHUT UP AND ATTACK!!! (They did as it freed Giggle)
- Giggle: "(Dazed) Whoaaaaaaaaaa, that was a doozy. Whatever it did it, it made me feel woozy."
- Meadowbrook: We just need to get it to bleed to death.
- Moonbow: What's it LOOK like we're trying to do- (Made this noise when being smacked by a vine)
- Daylight: (She cast magic swords that sliced off much of it's vines as it screeched bleeding chaos magic)
- Starswirl: Stay away from the chaos magic. It's dangerous.
- Giggle: (Sniffs up the chaos magic) AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA, THAT'S THE STUFF!!...
- Stygian: (Everyone was bewildered)... I think she'd be the same either way. Pinkie and Giggle by extension are technical beings of chaos.
- Giggle: (Giggles)
- Daylight: Let's keep wounding it!
- Moonbow: ON IT! (She charged in and bit the tree as it shrieked)
- Daylight: Is that seriously all you got?
- Flash Magnus: Allow me! (He wounds the Tree with just enough strikes to kill it as it died at last disintegrating in chaos magic that Giggle drank with a straw)
- Giggle: Ahhh, tasty.
- Starswirl: "..... Let's all agree that part didn't happen...... Now, with the Tree of Disharmony disposed off, the harmony magic is now freed, and will return to the true Tree of Harmony."
- Rockhoof: "Good. Now let's leave before we have to contend with the madman who created it in the first place."
- Starswirl: "Agreed. Besides, friends of the Lougers have requestedto deal with him themselves. Our work is done here."
- The Ponies teleported off.
Seapony City
- SpongeBob: (As royal seaponies were seen restoring the reefs)... Another job well done.
- Icky: "Yup. Totally in time for the season premere to start off without a serious hitch yet to be known."
- Discord: "(Quietly) Foreshadowing!"
- Sandy: "Well, there's not much we can do now. We'll be back again to see the School soon enough."
- Daylight: (They portaled in) Took care of the Tree.
- Giggle: And I drank it!!!
- Skipper:... Say what?
- Discord: You drank the remains of a chaotic tree?... Eh, you're a clone of Pinkie. I guess you'd be the same either way. (Giggle burps chaos magic and giggled)
- Sandbar: I just can't thank you all enough for helping save my girlfriend's home.
- Sam: Eh, you literally couldn't.
- Brandy: He-
- Sam: It was a joke, bitch.
- Brandy: (Growls)
- Shore:... I still can't believe we fell in love with each other and didn't know.
- Sandbar: Love is blind. You did help me earn my cutie mark.... Thank you. (Kisses her on the cheek as she blushed heavily and giggled adorably)
- Gloria: Well how do we celebrate?
- Marty: We're in a beach's sea... Sooo....
- Giggle: Yeah, silly-willy! Let's kick back.
Horseshoe Beach
- This music played.
- Mr. Whiskers: I'm not- OH MY GOSH!!! WHERE'S MY JUMPSUIT?!?
- March Hare: You seriously didn't notice you were naked?
- Mad Hatter: Yeesh, and I thought we were stupid.
- Marty: (Drinks seawater and spits it out) What a day.
- Mayor Trove: You drink seawater, then spit it out?
- Alex: Just rollwith it, we've done crazier things. Trust me.
- Applesauce: (Playing in the water with Applejack, Giggle, Pinkie, and Twilight) Just glad to be accepted and not terminated like any other defect clone. (Farts bubbles heavily and sighs)
- Twilight:... Did you just let one go in the water?
- Applesauce: Sorry. Force of habit.
- Applejack: ("Yeech. At least I do that privately. I guess bein' chaotically reversed meant she had no courtesy.")
- Shrek: Eh, better out than in, I always say.
- Rainbow Dash: Easy for you to say, you're an ogre. It's in your nature to be disgusting.
- Trixie:... Say, where's Sandbar?
- Daylight: Just spending some needed alone time with Shore. Needs it before saying goodbye to head out for school. I hope it's worth it.
- This song played as Sandbar and Shore had a romantic underwater swim into an air-pocketed sea cave before giving a long romantic underwater kiss.
- Coralstone: Ahhhh, young love. I remember my first love. I blew her brain corals out. (Laughs and snorts as the two paused)
- Sandbar:... You just had to drown the mood.
- Shore:... I'm going to miss you, you cutie.
- Sandbar: (Sighs) Me too, cutie. Me too.
The School of Friendship, few days later...
- Sandbar looked at the lake with a depressive sigh.....
- Yona, Gallus, Ocellus, Silverstream and Smodler came up to him.
- Gallus: "Yo Sandy...... Come back to the school..... Are you in for a surprise of your life....."
- Sandbar: "..... And that is what exactly?"
- Mayor Trove: "Well, it has been noticed that she has been missing Sandbar for quite some time now. So, I figured..... Why not have her be the first Seapony student?"
- Twilight: "Mayor, it's a brillient idea."
- Sandbar was lead in by his new friends.
- Sandbar: "Guys, ya didn't need to shove me too much, I- (Saw Shore with Mayor Trove and stared shocked)...... Shore?! (Runs up and hugs her)!...... I didn't think you would come here..... I never figure that your parents would-"
- Shore: "They realised that it was petty of them to over-analised Twilight's mistake and desided to not be in the way anymore. Miss Maud was nice enough to let us move-in the underground oasis with her in that water. It's, alittle primitive for dad's taste, but, we can make it work."
- Sandbar: "But won't you miss Horseshoe bay and the town?"
- Shore: "Sand, your worth being landlocked. I can always come back when I need to. Besides..... Home is where the heart is. And I'm right where I am, Sandbar."
- The two gave a final kiss.
- Deadpool: "(Suddenly breaks the title ending) Wait a minute, what about that Sizemo guy!"
- Rachet came in.
- Rachet: "Taken cared off. (Holds Sizemo in a jar)."
- Sizemo: "....... This, stinks."
- Deadpool: "...... Okay then. (Leaves)
Fin. Litterally.