1. Summer's Desire - Freaking AMAZING!!! - India Forums
13 mei 2013 · WOW!! Just WOW!!!! This is the BEST Asian Show I have watched. All the K-shows romances I was so crazy about dulls in comparison to this.
WOW!! Just WOW!!!! This is the BEST Asian Show I have watched. All the K-shows romances I was so crazy about dulls in comparison to this. It is

2. Summer's Desire (2018) Reviews - MyDramaList
The story itself is a fairly basic domineering alpha male who gets jealous because of a new guy that joins the female lead's family - as a starter at least.
A story revolving around the complicated entanglements between the three main characters and the heart-wrenching romance that ensues. When Luo Xi steps...

3. Summer's Desire Chinese Drama Review (2018) | TheUnhinged
9 jun 2023 · No shade on Peter Ho, I think this was a case of scripting rather than acting. Personally I found this version of Ou Chen a lot more believable ...
Ok so I only watched this because I watched the original Taiwanese versions so many times...

4. Summer's Desire Episode 1 | - WordPress.com
4 jun 2010 · Summer's Desire is a love story so intense, dark and complicated that it defines and redefines the laws of love, hate and obsession.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS I just finished watching the first episode of Summer’s Desire last night. And it became an instant drama imprint for me. It’s funny that I can’t sleep, thinking about it. I toss …

5. Dramas I love: Summer's desire pictures: alexandral - LiveJournal
12 jul 2010 · In fact, I think "Summer's Desire" is something that is written to satisfy my every wish and whim. Rich ice-hearted men with horrific childhoods ...
Although I was largely preoccupied with all things football during the last month, this didn't stop me from obsessing with very high intensity over Taiwanese drama "Summer's desire". In fact, because of this drama I re-discovered my love for Twdramas in general. I think my favourite things about…

6. TwDrama Review: Summer's Desire (2010) - Shine a Light Rose
19 apr 2013 · A shameless soap opera chock full of birth secrets, back stories, long flashbacks, hideous characters, dangerously dramatic scenes, and a whole lot of romance.
A blog about Korean dramas, Japanese dramas, and KPOP
7. Huang Can Can's Summer's Desire Continues to be Utterly Sweet
11 jul 2016 · Hands up in the air for this remake of the highly angsty and twisted romance in the novel Summer's Desire (泡沫之夏) written by Ming Xiao Xi.
I give up. Hands up in the air for this remake of the highly angsty and twisted romance in the novel Summer’s Desire (泡沫之夏) written by Ming Xiao Xi. Barbie Hsu, Peter Ho, and Huang Xiao Ming …

8. — So I'm gonna preface this review by stating that I...
19 mrt 2016 · Xia Mo may not have started working for the talent agency to become famous but when the chance is presented to her, she leaps for it.
So I’m gonna preface this review by stating that I watched this drama when it came out like in 2010 or 11 and I’ve basically re-watched it once a year since then. This drama isn’t for everyone but it...

9. Part II of Jang Geun Seok and Moon Geun Young in Summer's Desire
21 jan 2011 · Summer's Desire is a love triangle between a girl with massive defensive barriers around her, her broody smoldering adoptive brother, and a rich ...
I do like other actors other than Moon Geun Young and Jang Geun Seok, I swear! Even though it doesn’t seem like it right now, but my My Princess recaps and soon-to-come-spazzing about Dream High should dispel any misconceptions about any inability on my part to let Mae Ri and Mu Gyul go and move on to other dramas and … Continue reading →

10. Summer's Desire 泡沫之夏 | Dream World*~
13 nov 2010 · Yin Xia Mo (Barbie Xu) was loved by two men. Luo Xi (Huang Xiao Ming) was an orphan who garnered fame and fortune with his infallible charisma.
-Fangirling post- A very very very very happy post. It’s rare I’m this happy so I just have to at least blog it- I am so excited to write this post that I don’t even know where to start! Curr…